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Refund Wanted

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  • #16
    Re: Refund Wanted

    A long long time ago, way back when PayPal used to cover RIFs under buyer protection, I bought a Glock 19. Didn't leave feedback for it as it arrived as I was stepping out of my front door to go on holiday. Once I arrived at my destination I said I'd received it and thanked him (not left feedback or said that I had used it though).

    Returned home 4 weeks later for my first try and it vented every mag. Took the slide off and all the parts were fudged. The seller refused to refund me because he claimed I was "happy with it" but I had then "changed my mind a month later". He also stated that I had tampered with it, despite Glock's being designed to have their slide removed as part of their function. Either way PayPal sided with me, at least not due to the fact that he pretended to be a 12 year child on the phone (which I recorded and provided to PayPal). The sad story is he's still dealing on this forum.

    The relevance of this story? Some people do genuinely ship fudged up guns and refuse to accept responsibility, despite advertising them as working. It could be argued that my situation is similar to the OP's buyer. I'm not accusing the OP of selling a bad gun however, all I'm saying is there's 2 sides to every story.

    But I'd agree that if he did break it, a refund is not applicable. While most large companies offer warranties and what not, private sellers have no obligation to. Do what you feel is morally correct is what I'd say.


    • #17
      Re: Refund Wanted

      trade face to face for exactly this reason
      -'Sly villain! Thou does not acknowledge thine hits!'
      -'I doth so, yonder vagabond, but thouest has the control of a nunnery whore, and thine accuracy doth compare to thine codpiece, short of the mark!'


      • #18
        Re: Refund Wanted

        Face to face trading, although ideal, isn't always practical. It can add on over £100 quid in fuel to get to some people to trade, and not everyone lives in an airsofter-dense area to sell to face to face without travelling far and incurring the costs of that travel.


        About the Author


        Lewismorley28 Owner of starting business Find out more about Lewismorley28