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Your favorite type of weapon?

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  • #76
    Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

    Originally posted by Queboo12 View Post
    Ye but they got terrible range and your arm hurts if you use it all day by pumping it
    1st. Shotguns are for Close quarters, and if your firing 5bbs at the target at close range, ones going to hit, and its not exactly like airsoft is long range stuff eh?
    2nd. Man up

    I chose Assault rifle due to me loving them


    • #77
      Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

      Has to be my G36c good all rounder and seems to be pretty much unbreakable.


      • #78
        Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

        My G&G SA80 done me proud
        "I happen to be a death-dealing, blood-crazed warrior who wakes up every day just hoping for the chance to dismember my enemies and defile their civilizations. " - Corporal Josh Ray Person U.S Marine's 1st Recon Battallion 2nd Platoon


        • #79
          Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

          I went for sniper rifle as my TM VSR10 is brilllant.
          after that id go for assualt rifles G36c



          • #80
            Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

            As cool as I feel holding a sniper rifle... I'm not the best shot- I prefer run and gun!
            I use an m4... with the stock extended. I like the acuracy and mobility... though G36c's and MP5's are also nice for tighter areas....
            Most of my games end up as me running franticly through a forest though- and jumping over something to hide- before I get my revenge lol!
            (I never notice someone flanking me!)
            When the 404 error message gets a 404 error message, you know it's bad...


            • #81
              Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

              i vote pistols as there is nothing better than the clank of the slide of my 1911 then the shout of "HIT" from the other guy.......but if knife was on the list then that would have got my vote, the ultimate in airsoft glory is the sneaky stab with the knife
              "Of all the things i've lost, I miss my mind the most"


              • #82
                Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                got to be an MP5, fantastic for cqb, put a supressor on it and it just looks damn'ed sexy :D


                • #83
                  Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                  Originally posted by Canonfodder View Post
                  got to be an MP5, fantastic for cqb, put a supressor on it and it just looks damn'ed sexy :D
                  Agreed, good for woodland too


                  • #84
                    Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                    I voted pistols. How can you execute people with anything else?
                    I think they are the most satisfying weapon to use. Also you can't beat having one in each hand and going for that John Woo effect.
                    Don't try to run, cos I have 120 little friends, and they can all run faster than you...


                    • #85
                      Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                      I assume 'bfg' under hand grenades doesnt stand for 'Big Freindly Giant' rolf
                      "They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can't get away from us now!"


                      • #86
                        Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                        Pistols xD very small and manoeuvrable, assault rifles have to be a close second though


                        • #87
                          Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                          you boring sods who posted "assault rifle" ! :D

                          Pistols... gun running is the best... people just don't expect you to get up from behind cover and run around firing off tens of rounds in their general, badly aimed direction!

                          I have gotten so many pistol kills and I began doing that with a springer pistol/shottie! Now I duel wield gas pistols!

                          If you run sideways and fast enough, very few think too aim a lot further in front of you! then, you finish off your sprint with a "STOP. DROP. ROLL!" and "tactically roll" / fall over into the nearest bush/solid cover :D

                          That is how to play airsoft. :D


                          • #88
                            Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                            ...changed my mind.

                            Putting a BB in a silencer then using it as a blowpipe. that's the best.
                            a whole 85fps!


                            • #89
                              Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                              Pistols. Nothing better than airsofting with just a pistol.


                              • #90
                                Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                                Putting a BB in a silencer then using it as a blowpipe. that's the best.
                                a whole 85fps!
                                Done that with a prothemus TB. Got 2 kills. 92 fps of pure awesomeness.


                                About the Author


                                Kodiak TM gun nut Find out more about Kodiak