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Your favorite type of weapon?

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  • #91
    Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

    I said Assault Rifle.

    That's because I own a Systema M4 A1 CQB-R and it is SWEEEEEET :D

    I must say though, I also love my KSC system 7 GBB M9, that puts a smile on my face when I claim another victim with it
    Transport Workers Airsoft Tactical Squad - Nottingham's Finest



    • #92
      Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

      Originally posted by sebr285 View Post
      a big ass shotgun!
      and a few pictures of mine at present, left hand rack are airguns including the real izmash ak at the bottom which is converted by the factory to co2


      • #93
        Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

        Well, it was a tough choice between pistols and a good ol' bolty... Pistols win by that much


        • #94
          Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

          TBH it depends on the situation.... I use my Rifle but occasions call for my Pistol in CQB situations and if I had a sniper rifle I'd use that too lol... depends what scenario.

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          • #95
            Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

            You should make a battle rifle category
            M14 SOCOM for the win


            • #96
              Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

              Mine Is a Submachine gun
              ( WELL MP5KA4 KURZ )


              • #97
                Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                pistols, nothing wrong with close and personnal
                Never Really Got that: BOOM ha ha Big 50


                • #98
                  Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                  Originally posted by BraveMau5 View Post
                  How about this for an assualt rifle!
                  Nice! Hello Kitty.

                  I voted assault rifle as they can look good and perform well with plenty of attachments, and can be suited for CQB, woodland and anything really.
                  Sniper rifles are limited to long distance battles and SMG's are usually limited to CQB.
                  Originally posted by psirus101
                  I once got a player 100+ metres away by just pointing my finger and shouting "PEW PEW PEW". He took his ****ing hit!


                  • #99
                    Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                    SMG's are usually limited to CQB
                    Not in airsoft

                    I use my MAC 10 as my woodland primary.


                    • Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                      Sniper rifles all the way no battery charging (if your using spring snipers like i do obviously :D) and picking someone off at 65m with one perfect shot and still watching them scratch their head wondering where that came from :P


                      • Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                        For CQB, it has to be pistols. Nothing beats the mobility and the clank every time the slide cycles. Or the suprise for the enemy when you come around a corner, pistols akimbo, lighting them up in rapid sucession.

                        For woodland, I'd have to say assault rifles, based on my using my AUG as primary more than anything else.

                        Having just got myself a boltie which has the potential for turning into my preferential gun for woodland, but as it's still stock TM L96, it's somewhat lacking in the range department at the moment. Bloody accurate for 300fps and a standard barrel / hop though. Might have to take it to ****** ***** : Urban before the upgrades though, for a little bit of ranged support for when our team needs to breach the windows.


                        • Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                          SMG. It's light, doesn't sacrifice range/accuracy as per RS, mobile, very good for clearing rooms and you get vastly superior ROF, covers all bases!

                          M4 for replayability, P90 for general badassity in every instance, VSR-10 Pro Hunter for stylish long-range execution but which to go for next! Argh!
                          Originally posted by Lt. Macka
                          big black shapes draw the eye.


                          • I take long guns everywhere! Discounting the pistols, shortest rif i have is a tad longer than a G36K.
                            I think my profile pic here is me at the mall with a 1.4m long supressed M16

                            Generic Tapatalk Signature.
                            -TM Recoil M16 Custom- -TM 1911 MEU- -Tanaka SAA- -TM HK45- -JG G36k Ris-
                            -ECHO1 SA58 OSW- -A&K Masada- -VFC FNX-45- -TM Recoil AKs-74u-


                            • Single shot assault rifle.

                              Not a DMR as to many restrictions due to the FPS ( I play urban )

                              But I use Bullpup weapons and set them to single shot.

                              I don't know why but I just do :s


                              • Re: Your favorite type of weapon?

                                A working one


                                About the Author


                                Kodiak TM gun nut Find out more about Kodiak