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Gas masks?

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  • #16
    Re: Gas masks?

    And sweaty.



    • #17
      Re: Gas masks?

      Ok cheers, I'll keep that in mind if I decide to buy one

      Aside from the eye pieces, would the rest of the gas mask take the impact of a bb, and count as full face protection?



      • #18
        Yeah easily, well the s10 can
        Loki - Rogue Recon Unit, The Rogues


        • #19
          Re: Gas masks?

          Ahh thats good to hear, I'm toying with the idea of making an SAS loadout, so that's why I asked about it. Also there is just something about gas masks that sends a shiver down my spine!

          It would be my cqb loadout... But I'm not sure at the moment though, if i did do it, I think I would put mesh lenses in, just to aid breathing, and to try and reduce sweating a little bit...

          Thanks for all the input guys


          • #20
            Yes, it's not gonna punch a hole in the mask. But you will definitely feel the hit. I wouldn't count a rubber mask as ballistic protection. If you do en up getting one, might be worth not having the filter attached in a game, or taking out the one way valve around the mouth piece, so air can flow more easily inside the mask.

            The eye lenses won't make much difference to airflow, on my gas mask at least there is a rubber seal around your nose and mouth.

            I tried to wear one once but was told not to as it proved very problematic with insurance. Even with ballistic lenses. It's not a recognised bit of safety kit, and if you were to pass out from too much exertion, or lose an eye, or even knock yourself out running into a tree, then your site has to answer the question why you weren't wearing a recognised piece of safety gear


            • #21
              Re: Gas masks?

              You will need to rip out all the valve bits in the mask, and bugger about with the canister if you don't want to pass out five mins into a game

              Originally posted by Savaged Wolf

              Snowdrop - hes quiet but always there ! like a jedi


              • #22
                Re: Gas masks?

                Ah ok, so it's probably not worth trying because of sites not allowing it. Fair enough, I just wanted to see if it was possible

                Hopefully this thread will help others if they're interrested in trying something similar.

                Thanks guys



                • #23
                  Re: Gas masks?

                  I'd be very surprised if a site said you weren't allowed to wear a Respirator. I've seen a few lads do it without any word from the site staff.
                  Couple of things though, lenses in the S10 are Perspex (At least all of mine have been) not glass so it shouldn't shatter, It may crack however & send little fragments of plastic shooting into your cornea.

                  As said above, they get very sweaty, hot, your peripheral vision is reduced & it's pretty funky to breathe through. I'd never tell you NOT to, that's what's airsoft's about - doing stuff with guns/military stuff that you find cool without the danger of being turned into pink mist. The only way you'll gain experience is to try it yourself for a while. If it doesn't work, adapt it until it does! If it never works, you'll give up & come on here in a couple of years advising some new lad not to bother :D
                  My advice, give it a go. When you start hanging out your gink, it might be worth a change. At least you'd of experienced it for yourself
                  Originally posted by The Laughing Man
                  Millzy I honestly only just noticed that your avatar blinks. I thought I was having a hallucination for a second..

                  Anyway. Boobs.


                  • #24
                    Re: Gas masks?

                    Test it before use
                    sigpicLooking for a tk twist 364mm/363mm TBB
                    Looking for dark earth magpul ladder rail covers (official or not)


                    • #25
                      Re: Gas masks?


                      I use an S10 respirator for Airsoft.
                      I have it modded to look similar to the SF10 (what SAS use, well they may use FM12 now im not sure)

                      To be honest with you. When you wear it for CQB. You are a tank. You dont care you can be ruthless and run in and shoot and get nice and close without fear.

                      The heat is unreal. I can last 5 games with one on. Thats pretty good considering the heat that builds up in them , its even worse when you wear a helmet on top.

                      You could buy an S10 cheap second hand, Then whack them on it

                      Or you can do it the proper way and firstly, get the Flat polycarbonate flat lenses and put them in yourself.. (Follow that link, a lot less hassle)

                      Try and get one with a plastic filter. They are easier to hollow out. PM me for any instructions.

                      Originally posted by Snowdrop View Post
                      You will need to rip out all the valve bits in the mask, and bugger about with the canister if you don't want to pass out five mins into a game
                      DO NOT rip the valves out. This is what helps prevent anti fogging. That why i like using the s10, i can sight down my gun and i get NO FOGGING. NONE WHATSOVER because of the valve system.

                      You do however, get the binocular Vision .
                      Last edited by darksidedsam; 11 October, 2010, 08:15. Reason: adding something on from a quote above
                      WHO PUT NOS IN OPTIMUS' FUEL CELL?!?!?!


                      • #26
                        Re: Gas masks?

                        I play all day in my sf10, you lot must be a bunch of girls!

                        The s10 is totally unsuitable for airsoft lens wise, the bb can do straight through the plastic of the eyepeice. Ive tested it and it cracks. The anti flash lens that clip over the clear eyepeices are fine though. The SF10 has flat plano lenses which are fine but NOT the standard S10.

                        PS the SAS do not use the FM12, they would use the CT12 but there is no evidence of this. For all we know they still use their SF10's.


                        • #27
                          Re: Gas masks?

                          I've used this gas mask.


                          I think it's a better bet than the S10, as the lens are much stronger than the S10 and your field of vision is much better.


                          • #28
                            Re: Gas masks?

                            I have an s10 I bought off of fleabay with balistic rated lenses. I had them tested by GZ staff before I wore it in the field, and it was all good. You can also get tinted 'flash proof' style balistic lenses for them, which look very cool. But bear in mind it will be like wearig sunglasses you cant take off.

                            The main reason not to wear one is comfort. As in it *really* isnt. I bought mine with the intent on urban at some point although I've used it a few times in woodland since then. It's very warm, very wet, and somewhat harder to breath. It's very hard to breath with a proper filter installed.

                            +1 to the above 'do not take the valve out'. It is the only thing that stops it misting up.

                            Also, as for full face protection, don't wear it without a filter. The valve itself is only a rubber construction, so a BB can actually penetrate it quite easily if it actually hits it (possible but unlikely), and it's gonna be a bit of a shock.

                            Also as above, try and get a plastic filter. None of them are designed to be opened up, so they are quite hard to strip out, but a plastic one will go along way to making it possible. The metal one I have needs a good repaint after I scratched it up getting it open to remove the material inside. On the other hand, if you leave a little bit, it's still enough to make it safe to enter a portaloo.

                            Definitely: replace the lenses, get a (plastic) filter, carry a spare pare of saftey glasses at all times in case of emergency (if you *really* need to take it off for whatever reason)
                            Definitely dont: Expect it to make you cool just because it looks cool. Also dont try running long distance. You'll die.


                            • #29
                              Re: Gas masks?

                              I've shot my S10 in the lens at 4 inches with a 460fps rifle. I bounced off the lens, both edge and center, leaving no damage at all.

                              However, I'm not enough of a masochist to wear it in a game, eff that for a laugh.


                              • #30
                                Re: Gas masks?

                                And I've shot one with 280fps shotgun and it went straight through. It's the scolloped edge that is weak.


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                                da1994 Find out more about da1994