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Airsofters not taking there hits

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  • #16
    Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

    What i find more annoying then people not taking their hits is people complaining about people not taking their hits.
    I have seen people getting overly aggressive during games shouting and sweering at kids to take their hits, Same 'adults' I have seen not taking their own hits. They seem to think having better gear then a rental makes them a better player.

    Originally posted by McKillmore View Post

    Whilst wild accusations of cheating, be it on the field or YouTube are bad for airsoft. These videos are a positive thing if used responsibly. The player cannot be identified from my video, so his reputation cannot be tarnished. Nor can the reputation of F&O as I've found their sites to be well Marshalled. What these videos can achieve is making the cheaters of this world think twice about shrugging off those hits as they could very well be caught on camera.
    All videos like this prove to me is thats whoever has a go pro can acccuse somebody of cheating but not vice eversa unless the other party also has a go pro.

    Lets all get cameras fitted and spend time proving who was hit first.

    Personnaly i have transended above the petty call your hits crsap that gets flung arorund. If they dont take it i dont care, i just keep shooting.

    @ McKillmore you probably did get him numerous times

    G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


    • #17
      Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

      Shit happens. I like to think of myself as an honest player, but I've had a couple of times where someone next to me has told my I've been hit and I havent felt it. Consistent and blatant cheating is another matter and usually gets dealt with fairly swiftly.

      And its "their" hits. ;-)


      • #18
        Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

        With Beef here. In those rare occasions where I am absolutely certain I'm hitting the guy, I won't complain any more. I've stopped even having a quiet word with the marshals lately. I've genuinely come to the conclusion that complaining loudly either on site or on social media after the fact is both worse that the problem of hit taking and contributes to making hit taking worse.

        On the first, its probably subjective as to whether moaning is worse, but I'd put 95% of all moaning to actually be incorrect: you missed. I've posted at length before about the million ways you missed (twigs, wind, the fact that everyone over-estimates their marksmanship and underestimates the range they are shooting at). But just about every discussion about hit taking turns into some BS macho "ho-ho, I just switch to full auto and dump a hicap into them" circlejerk. The general acceptance of which is a major problem: I've played at sites where the attitude is to turn airsoft into a pain-threshold test, with regular players modding their guns to run high ROF and 349 FPS and heavy BBs, while new players start to wear so many layers of clothing they can barely bend their arms.

        This leads into point two: Complaining makes actual hit taking worse. Even without the armouring-up with as many jumpers as you own, you get the "well if they are all cheating (when in fact they aren't, see point one), then why should I bother taking my hits?"

        Sounds like I'm defeatist on the issue of hit taking, but I genuinely believe that making a bigger deal about honourable play is the way forward for improving the quality of our sport, and for attracting the right sort of people in the future.


        • #19
          Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

          Here we go, Figjam has the evening off and is in a writing mood:-

          I'll just tell you a story that wasn't nice at the time, but has also formed quite a bit of my philosophy on the issue; which is that I know first hand what it's like to have the bad word put out on you, and as a philosophical sort, that has made me committed to trying hard not to call into question someone else's integrity.

          A regular once decided to go around saying that me and a good friend didn't take our hits. He wasn't direct about it, it took me quite a while to find out about it, but it came to light after he'd taken a couple of new players "under his wing". He'd clearly been pouring poison into their ears about me, so of course as new players who always assume they are amazing shots, and "shot at" automatically means "hit", and being told by someone that they respected that I was a cheater meant they immediately put two and two together to make five each time they pulled the trigger but I didn't call hit.

          Where our lad got things wrong (if he even cared) was that one of his proteges was a bit more forthright than he'd guessed and at the end of the day marched up to me and told me off. His words were "you've been a nightmare to hit all day". Properly burned me, not just because I knew for a fact I'd been going the extra mile on hit calling, even though the game had turned a bit nasty, but also because I'd thought him a decent chap. For me it was a bit of a big reveal, as there were a few guys at that site who I had a lot of respect for who were oddly cold towards me and now I knew why. I realised it had been going on for a while.

          So yeah, pretty crummy time, I had a fairly prolonged sulk, but a few good things came out of it, including after my sulk, resolving to just not be such a precious little flower about this stuff, but the major one for our purposes is that I now try really hard to give the benefit to someone who I might be hitting, and I don't go shouting about it because I know how gutting it is for someone to falsely be on the wrong end of it.


          • #20
            Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

            Picture this, me chunky monkey, woodland site & me stood behind a tree only half as wide as me, & its being peppered by the bb's of about 4 players, inevitably one them starts cheat calling, at which point a Marshall walks over & stands 6ft away, staring intently, hundreds of bb's hit the tree, not one touches me, until eventually the BG arrange eases up, I dive out returning fire, taking out at least 2 & run off, still laughing.
            Later in the safe zone their still whining, right up until the point the marshall strolls over & says "face it, you losers can't shoot for shit".

            Exasperating as it can be or seem, consider you could be wrong, & if your still adamant your right, don't cheat call etc, quietly speak to a marshal, let them sort it.
            My personal favourite when I used to marshal was to shoot the alleged cheat in the leg or arse with a sneaky pistol shot, while appearing to look the other way.
            If they take the hit, fine, but if appear to ignore it, time for them to take a break in the safe zone & contemplate their style of play.


            • #21
              Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

              Originally posted by Figjam View Post
              With Beef here. In those rare occasions where I am absolutely certain I'm hitting the guy, I won't complain any more. I've stopped even having a quiet word with the marshals lately. I've genuinely come to the conclusion that complaining loudly either on site or on social media after the fact is both worse that the problem of hit taking and contributes to making hit taking worse.

              On the first, its probably subjective as to whether moaning is worse, but I'd put 95% of all moaning to actually be incorrect: you missed. I've posted at length before about the million ways you missed (twigs, wind, the fact that everyone over-estimates their marksmanship and underestimates the range they are shooting at). But just about every discussion about hit taking turns into some BS macho "ho-ho, I just switch to full auto and dump a hicap into them" circlejerk. The general acceptance of which is a major problem: I've played at sites where the attitude is to turn airsoft into a pain-threshold test, with regular players modding their guns to run high ROF and 349 FPS and heavy BBs, while new players start to wear so many layers of clothing they can barely bend their arms.

              This leads into point two: Complaining makes actual hit taking worse. Even without the armouring-up with as many jumpers as you own, you get the "well if they are all cheating (when in fact they aren't, see point one), then why should I bother taking my hits?"

              Sounds like I'm defeatist on the issue of hit taking, but I genuinely believe that making a bigger deal about honourable play is the way forward for improving the quality of our sport, and for attracting the right sort of people in the future.

              This to me is the perfect attitude, not defeatist, but ever the optimist as you're always focusing on the best, always giving people the benefit of the doubt and the best games I have ever had included loud people singing the praises of taking hits and raising the level of sportsmanship in the field. The worst have been when cheat calling has started early as it when it starts, it doesn't stop and the day ALWAYS goes down hill, in both mood and genuine hit taking.

              I wish I could say I 100% always had this attitude but I do doff my non existent hat to you and this attitude, I only wish more people could play like it.


              • #22
                Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

                Kinda aware re-reading my posts that I write as though I'm some perfect little Airsoft-Buddha (That's a free username there any lurkers about to sign up). I can't tell you how angry I get sometimes when some pikey codsofter goes off about his "kill-death ratio" or some rubbish at lunch after he's been teflon all morning. I have definitely let myself down a few times even with the above philosophy. Still, got to have an ideal to aim at: If I can keep it down to a little bit of grumbling in private with my buddies I reckon I've done all right.


                • #23
                  Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

                  The one that annoys me is when, as a marshal, you watch someone not 5ft away, not get hit, take out someone and move on, just for the dead guy to waltz up and complain about him non hit taking....

                  or when you do pot someone not notice a hit, politely point it out just to get an earful (especially with grenade kills...)
                  -TM Recoil M16 Custom- -TM 1911 MEU- -Tanaka SAA- -TM HK45- -JG G36k Ris-
                  -ECHO1 SA58 OSW- -A&K Masada- -VFC FNX-45- -TM Recoil AKs-74u-


                  • #24
                    Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

                    This sums it up

                    AMY WINEHOUSE R.I.P

                    G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


                    • #25
                      Re: Airsofters not taking there hits

                      Something I just want to add; sometimes whilst playing, I may go round a corner, or into a building and have some player get the drop on me and have me bang to rights. I've had these players shoot at me and honestly not felt a single hit. Bear in mind I rarely use any tactical vest or such. Maybe their gun was misfiring, they completely missed or the BB's simply bounced off my pure adrenaline and I didn't feel them. Whatever the case may be, if they've made me look a muppet by getting the drop on me like that, I call hit. I find squabbling on the field over non-hit taking to be extremely vulgar and want no part of it.


                      About the Author


                      DanNest Northern President of Reaper Crew Airsoft Insta: @reapercrewairsoft @dan.stangoe Find out more about DanNest