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  • iTrader

    What is it?

    How do you get it?

    How do you give feedback to someone?

    Is it general feedback, or only trader feedback?

    If it's trader feedback, can our existing feedback threads be taken into account?

  • #2
    Re: Feedback score?

    to be honest mate

    i think it for new people to view our feedback so far and for them to vote and give approval of our sit rep on being a veriviable seller / trader ,

    the more you get the better and more people will say deal with him ,
    atleast that what i think it means ..


    • #3
      Re: Feedback score?

      So like a kind of kudos system that some other forums use?


      • #4
        Re: Feedback score?

        basically , yeah .... atleast it is what i find it to be ,

        people view ,leave a private feedback , then both will be given in the score , but when click on the button or link there might be a poll of good and bad , there to see the percent of nice traders , quicker way instead of tralling at the numerous pages in the trader section .


        • #5
          Re: Feedback score?

          and i just saw fatdogs post

          will our existing feedback be lost , or will be transformed or swapped over to the new system

          as many has numerous good feedbacks


          • #6
            Re: Feedback score?

            OK guys and girls and school children

            i have just been informed by fat dog , that our old feedback , will not be moved over to this new ebay style system .

            here is the pm reply .


            No we won't be moving it over ourselves, although we are leaving the forum there and visible for users to move any of their experiences onto the new system, or potential buyers to check out both sets of feedback.

            ....... this is not a flaming thread , it so people can try and understand about thread being closed and new system open all beit pointless .

            so as fat dog not recieving pm's as gave this error message -

            fat_dog has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

            If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove fat_dog from the recipient list and send the message again.

            so please dont try and pm him/her for a response as wont get one ...

            basically , in my eyes they have implimented a new ebay style rating system , which is good , but are NOT moving existing feedback onto it, but leaving the old thread open aswell surely this will drain more forums space and resources .

            please can one of the mods , if not even fat_dog clear this issue up as just would like an honest answer why you are not merging into one system and moving it onto nerw system ....


            • #7

              Dont like this! I want to know how helpful a trader was, speed of postage, what they sold/bought/traded in the past. Gives a better overall picture of the person rather than just a number for Positive/Neutral/Negative. You could also contact traders who dealt with the person for more info about them. Is this now ebay? Bring back rate a trader!
              Over 150 positive sales & trades on this and other forums!


              • #8
                Re: iTrader

                There is feedback at the bottom


                • #9
                  Re: Feedback score?

                  Probaly due to the time issuse of a Mod or someone sitting there adding lots of little reviews to different people, with the amount of users it would take a while. Plus you could quite easily get your old trading partners to write the new review onto your account for you, if your that worried about it.
                  Just because I don't post often doesn't mean I am not playing Airsoft


                  • #10
                    Re: iTrader

                    So basicly all our trades we have done now count for ziltch. As people will probably only look at this itrader thing. Can't mod's/admin's trawl through the threads and edit out itrader as needed. Or do we all have to re-leave feedback for people on the i-trader.


                    • #11
                      Re: iTrader

                      That sounds like a good idea, the mods can adjust the i trader rating accordingly then delete the old trader scores. That way there is no confusion with the scoring for people , either that or individuals will have to pm each person they have dealt with and ask them to leave feed back again

                      Ask about joining the UNIT


                      • #12
                        Re: Feedback score?

                        Originally posted by rockinrobin View Post
                        What is it?

                        How do you get it?

                        How do you give feedback to someone?

                        Is it general feedback, or only trader feedback?

                        If it's trader feedback, can our existing feedback threads be taken into account?
                        1. Get it for Trading on the forum

                        2. Quickest way click the number in "Feedback Score: 0 (this one) reviews" then click "Submit feedback" then fill in the form.

                        3. Trader Feedback only

                        4. Old feedback will be left (for now) unfortunately I have been informed that they are not compatible (you could ask sellers to re submit)


                        • #13
                          Re: iTrader

                          Yeah the only down side for me is it doesn't mention all the previous trades I have done But I'm not that fussed though tbh.

                          On a side note however, does anyone know why my post count has recently dropped from 1000+ to 500?
                          Old Feedback:


                          • #14
                            Re: iTrader

                            look on ther forum feed back section guys , Ive already said on there about this all


                            • #15
                              Re: iTrader

                              Originally posted by Taylorb View Post

                              On a side note however, does anyone know why my post count has recently dropped from 1000+ to 500?
                              Archives where removed


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                              Caveira Find out more about Caveira