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Now this is just ridiculous

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  • #16
    What is it with members whining about things as simple as advertising?????
    Untill you have to pay a fee to join or actually own the forum then FFS stop complaining about what the people who do actually own it do with it!!!

    As usual if you don't like it follow the supposed mass exodus over to Airsoft EX, that is if you don't get IP banned before even completing signup


    • #17
      Re: Now this is just ridiculous

      We are also not advertising in 'your space'... it is part of the forum design and quite clearly not part of the post content, despite it's location.

      First and foremost, we are a company, selling products. Live with it. We created Zero In, probably long before most users even played airsoft, as a friendly place to chat general airsoft, without the politics, bitching, griping and general bad feeling that was rife on other forums (that were, incidentally, a lot more broadly commercialised than here). A place where airsofters could come and banter 'geek talk' if you like, in a friendly environment. The sort of friendly environment we strongly encourage in real life on the field as well - at Ground Zero and the NAE. Players who have been to our sites will understand the high standards of "good sportsmanship and friendliness to other players" we encourage. That is no different here.
      The core founding principal of Zero In was, and is, a forum for general chat, without the snide comments, sarcasm, winging, whining, moaning and general virus-like ill feeling that some members perpetuate. I can only presume that these people enjoy feeling angry, or dropping the sarcastic comments, rather than smiling, chilling out and getting on with their lives in a positive manner. That's fine, but my message to those people is stop whining about it here - if you don't like our efforts then go away, and whine somewhere else. Leave the other 90% of the forum members (most of whom will do a great deal more reading than actually posting) to read worthy content that they can enjoy reading, rather than all the negativity. If you insist on being like that then take it elsewhere, because I believe I speak for the majority of forum users who don't post it, but think it, leave the rest of us to enjoy the forum that is here.

      Zero In is a free forum - a sideline forum of our retail business. What do you expect? If you ask me none of our adverts are intrusive, obnoxious or in your face. They are in-keeping with the design of the forum, and can be easily ignored if you so choose. What is the problem? Why all the negativity? If you took a step back perhaps you would realise that we do take feedback on board, and try and give you the best we can give. We've improved many aspects of the way the forum runs, and our business, to give you the best service possible, all round. We're always open to feedback and where warranted will take it on board. That doesn't mean it has to be done in a sarcastic, griping hate-filled way. How many of those people would take the time to say something in person? My name is Dan. You can find me at Zero One, Ground Zero and the NAE. If you have a genuine problem - a real issue - come and speak to me about it. Somehow I think that when you actually have to approach a person, suddenly it isn't so easy to tap away on the keys moaning about anything and everything, just for the sake of it.

      Anyhow, simply put my message is to take a step back. What do you expect? Where is there an actual problem that is affecting your life in some way? If for some reason we can't get through to you that we do take serious feedback on board, and do try to give the best service possible, then the solution for those people is pretty obvious to me... go to another forum... no one is asking you to stay here moaning about it - that is your choice! Perhaps it's not so bad after all, if you don't want to leave... eh?


      • #18
        Re: Now this is just ridiculous

        I rarely whine about how forums choose to operate being involved in a few i the past decade, but this is a bit ridiculous, just stick it in the ad banners, we'll still see it and wnt detract from our wonderful whinging posts

        Dan I was about back on when the bournemouth rag or whatever it was and the local news had you on telly In that time I'd have expected a forum to get it right by now :p


        • #19
          Re: Now this is just ridiculous

          I quite like the narrower block text... Makes reading long posts easier...


          • #20
            Re: Now this is just ridiculous

            Actually i do like the text. Im just jumping on the bandwagon, banter eh?
            Edit: i like the fact that theyve finally picked up on the communist sigs :P (proving actual moderation. Well done, tht will start some complaints obviously. thanks for the edit whoever it was.
            -TM Recoil M16 Custom- -TM 1911 MEU- -Tanaka SAA- -TM HK45- -JG G36k Ris-
            -ECHO1 SA58 OSW- -A&K Masada- -VFC FNX-45- -TM Recoil AKs-74u-


            • #21
              Re: Now this is just ridiculous

              Meh. You can't down on the company who own the forums you're posting on, for advertising themselves. That's part of Marketing 101. If you don't want a gun shaped bogbrush, or a ketchup gun, simply don't buy them, same as if you don't want Iceland food, or Boots cosmetics. Adverts are here, and probably here to stay. It sucks, but that's capitalism for you...

              That said if these "did you know" thingies were between posts on a thread, they wouldn't be so irritating, but as they actually appear ON a person's post, I find them that much more intrusive. Fair enough, it's a company-owned forum, but if it's not user-friendly, it defeats the purpose.
              Steyr AUG A1 & 6 mags and TBB for sale


              • #22
                Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                heh, even better, on an ipad it seems to put the "did you know" image up, but layered under your sig. if you justift you sig text to the right you could have all sorts of fun with the adverts
                Looks to work particularly well if you have quoted text. Currently i'm seeing-
                Did you know we text you to let you know you arn't thinking about it right
                ( paraphrasing b.e.n. 's sig)


                • #23
                  Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                  I think one good thing would be if you gave us the choice to ignore these new ads in posts. An "ignore" function would at least give us a choice. You give us this option with other people's posts why not ad content? I'm not whining, I just think it's counter productive when you've obviously got people who like/liked the forum but don't like these things being rammed down their throats. It's a surefire (wahay) way of losing people.


                  • #24
                    Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                    People can moan all they want, my problem isn't the service of Zeroone, isn't the available stock, the adverts, the 'did you knows' or any of that, the layout of zeroin, my only problem is the growing number of people/keyboard warriors spending night after night trolling the shit out of whatever they can and posting up useless crap nobody gives a toss about. I'm sick to death of enjoying reading a thread only to find that a page or two in, it bursts into a ridiculous row over something stupid. "oh hey guys heres a picture of my in my US navy seals loadout" cue bellend "YOU TOSSER THE NAVY SEALS NEVER EVEN USED THAT RADIO ARE YOU A HELMET OR WHAT!" now that is purely an elaborate example, but my point remains, that's a problem that requires sorting, not the fact that a company is advertising stuff ON ITS OWN FORUM!
                    “A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him.”


                    • #25
                      Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                      personally I couldn't give a monkeys, but one thing Ive read in an ad is that they do free ukara checking for 2nd hand sales which I kinda think is rather good.
                      If only ukara had a web service so that you ould validate a ukara number, say request a one use a challenge request code that you ould pass to someone to validate your details are reorded.


                      • #26
                        Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                        Originally posted by B.E.N. View Post
                        Thing is, I think I actually want a gun-shaped toilet brush, I would never have known about it otherwise, but it's a cheeky novelty, perhaps a fun gift for one of my airsoft buddies.

                        The problem with advertising purely gun parts is A) they are generally expensive and don't do well to encourage impulse purchases, B) we know about them already.

                        I know the OP wasn't specifically complaining about this, but I'd like to see an end to threads moaning about Zero One advertising their own products on their own website. It's their site, if you don't want to play by the rules, don't use it. They give it to you for free, and when all is said and done, they are not a charity, they are in business to make money although they are quite charitable in giving everyone a free forum to use.

                        Not posting links to other retailers isn't really a big ask and I don't understand why some people get so butt-hurt when they get pulled up on an "infringement". It isn't a personal attack, it's just a bloke on the other end of the 'net doing his job. I get the feeling people would do well to remember that anything that goes down here isn't a personal affront to liberty and freedom, it's just a bunch of people doing their best to run a business... Everyone would have a healthier blood pressure level and would probably be a lot happier!

                        EDIT: In other words, just chill guys, it's only a bog brush!
                        says the guy whos working for a magazine i that is the only other thing advertised on zero one.


                        • #27
                          Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                          I don't have an issue with the advertising, seems a fair exchange for a free forum as do the rules about mentioning other retailers etc, but I know the rules backwards (after all, I enforced them for a fair while) and links to software isn't against them.
                          Last edited by Rampage; 17 January, 2012, 12:45.


                          • #28
                            Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                            Originally posted by JOE90 View Post
                            says the guy whos working for a magazine i that is the only other thing advertised on zero one.
                            Why does what I do for a job have ANYTHING to do with it?


                            • #29
                              Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                              I was having a bite to lunch and had an idea...

                              If there are so many people out there that find the adverts so detrimental to the forum, would they be willing to pay to have them removed?

                              As I can see it, Z1 run this forum at their own expense, it doesn't generate any revenue from them and server space and man hours are not free. In fact, lots of people will happily use it to covertly suggest where to get items that Z1 sell cheaper. From Z1's point of view, it's the virtual equivalent of opening the shop doors, putting the kettle on and letting all and sundry in to use the WiFi and order cheap bits from Hong Kong. With advertising, I can understandably see where they might be attempting to make the venture worthwhile.

                              If Z1 implemented a system whereby you could pay an annual fee, say £5, you would become a "premium" member who would get the site served to the sans advertising.

                              Without paying, you get the adverts...

                              How many people find the advertising detrimental enough to pay for the privilege?


                              • #30
                                Re: Now this is just ridiculous

                                Didn't this thread get closed?

                                I can see Zero One's desire and indeed thier right to advertise on thier own forums, even the novelty products but if you really are pissed about the ads there are ways around adverts.


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                                GrammarNazi75 Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Find out more about GrammarNazi75