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Under 18 airsofters

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  • #76
    Re: Under 18 airsofters

    Originally posted by Christo View Post
    Can you not drink at 12 in a private place, e.g. your house?
    Yes I think you can. I know for a fact that in a restaurant you can have an alcoholic drink as long as it is bought by the childs parents at 14. I personally don't mind U18s, I know a few that know more than me about guns and what is best not to get and what is best to get.

    It only gets annoying when they repeatedly don't take hits, but as it has been said before even over 18s don't take their hits. Under 18s are the future of our sport and if people disregard them and treat them like a bag of sh!te then we won't have any new players in the sport...


    • #77
      Re: Under 18 airsofters

      Yes I admit we can seem annoying and I'm not defending the 'effers who scream and shout and NEVER call their hits but some of us may be genuinely interested in the sport and us asking questions may be because we're just curious about your (usually) better gear?



      • #78
        Re: Under 18 airsofters

        I think no one is denying you of that, but I think many of the people here are just saying that a couple of U18s can spoil there whole day for them hence why they are skeptical and don't like U18s....


        • #79
          Re: Under 18 airsofters

          Originally posted by Hayha View Post
          Did you seriously just suggest the term 'CODsofter' is elitist, AFTER saying U18s shouldn't be allowed to play AT ALL? That's possibly the biggest hypocrisy I've ever seen on this forum. Yes this is my first post, and no I'm not U18 - but your attitude is enough to entice me into the discussion. 'Let's discourage new players! That'll help the future of airsoft!' What exactly is your rationale? ALL sports rely on new players - actively discouraging, or even preventing their entering the sport, is properly moronic. How about, instead of hating on the youngsters at your site who you 'don't approve of', why not take a bit of time to help them out, teach them, inspire them. It's very easy to dismiss our youth as worthless - it takes a far better individual to try and help find a solution to the problem.

          I quote - 'get off your high horse and stop polishing your golden bollocks and deal with the fact' that ALL SPORTS RELY ON ATTRACTING NEW PLAYERS. Encourage U18s - don't hate on them automatically by dint of the decade they were born in.

          As to sites allowing players as young as 11 - good on 'em! It's not as if they're dropped off at the gates and left to their own devices for a whole day. They must be supervised by a parent throughout the duration. Kids with the most respect for firearms are those who were introduced to them at a young age - and NOT by war-glorifying media such as videogames, but by responsible pro-shooting adults with a thorough understanding of safety, maintenance and respect for guns. And if it's something dad-and-son do together then even greater respect to the two of them - in the day and age of 'parenting by screens' too few parents spend quality bonding time with their kids. If dad-and-lad can develop a mutual interest in airsoft that gets them in each others' company for a solid few hours every weekend then that cannot be knocked.

          Personally, the worst thing I've seen a U18 do in game is not take a hit. I've seen plenty of adults do the precise same thing, too - it's not an age thing, it's a state of mind thing. Reductionist attitudes like this - all U18s are cheaters - are as damaging to the sport as cheaters themselves.
          You are so on my team


          • #80
            Re: Under 18 airsofters

            I often take both my nephew and his mate who are both 15

            they know the score, ALWAYS take their hits because they know it reflects on me if they dont and ill come down on them like a ton of bricks if they dont.

            It strange because my nephews mate is a bit of a tearaway and been in trouble at school etc yet when we go he acts in such a way it puts adults to shame. very polite and plays fair


            • #81
              Re: Under 18 airsofters

              As said, I don't have an issue with under-18's.

              BUT, what the fcuk is all this under-18's are the future of airsoft boll*cks? Will airsoft stop if under-18's are banned (not that I'm suggesting that)? Of course it won't.

              If we stop under-16/17's from driving, does that mean nobody will be driving in a few years?

              If we stop under-18's from legally buying booze does that mean all the pubs will go bust?

              Grow up and stop talking carp. If people had to wait to 18 till they could play then most would wait - simples.


              • #82
                Re: Under 18 airsofters

                At the end of the day it's just a sport where we all play with toy guns. Anyone can play it, and everyone has to learn the ropes and rules and gain experience as well as respect from other players. If you don't like Under 18's in general because of sterotypical attitudes then just move on, give them a chance and see what they're like. If you don't like the under 18 players because of valid reasons such as illegal attempts to purchase RIFs, then fair enough!
                Originally posted by psirus101
                I once got a player 100+ metres away by just pointing my finger and shouting "PEW PEW PEW". He took his ****ing hit!


                • #83
                  Re: Under 18 airsofters

                  Originally posted by Caveira View Post
                  As said, I don't have an issue with under-18's.

                  BUT, what the fcuk is all this under-18's are the future of airsoft boll*cks? Will airsoft stop if under-18's are banned (not that I'm suggesting that)? Of course it won't.

                  If we stop under-16/17's from driving, does that mean nobody will be driving in a few years?

                  If we stop under-18's from legally buying booze does that mean all the pubs will go bust?

                  Grow up and stop talking carp. If people had to wait to 18 till they could play then most would wait - simples.
                  Could not agree more.
                  AUTHOR OF ALL YOUR PAIN.


                  • #84
                    Re: Under 18 airsofters

                    COD softers covers it perfectly imho.

                    We all understand what it means and it does not exclusively apply to under 18 players either. To me it just means an annoying person who thinks they know all there is to know about guns from Call of Duty and likes to use stupid COD terms such as doing no scope kills and quick scopes, 360 quick scopes and has a habit of blind firing coz it look cewl in da fims etc.

                    Idiots in other words.

                    Now, if you like COD, fair enough, I am rather partial to the Battlefield series myself. Just don't bring all the daft ideas from computer games and try and be the big cheese and you will be fine.

                    I lost count of how many younger players complained to me once in a game that "the other team was camping" well yes, it was an attack an objective game. The defenders were not allowed to leave the building. Camping is actually called being smart in airsoft. I don't care what people do in computer games, soldiers do not run around like idiots bunny hopping and dolphin diving all the time to avoid being shot.


                    • #85
                      Re: Under 18 airsofters

                      Who doesn't love a few under 18s?


                      Any offence taken from my posts is likely intended.


                      • #86
                        Re: Under 18 airsofters

                        Off on a tangent slightly... but i hate the smarmy little sods on Xbox who go on about "camping".

                        Come to work with me in the hot sunny places, lets see if you want to duel wield lever action shotties, or camp, in body armour, behind hard cover and pick your targets off at distance!

                        I do however resent the term "CODsofter". I play COD lots... can we please call them something else? (NO BAMF... you cannot call them that!)

                        I think the likes of COD, BF and all the other shooters have done airsoft a favour. They have inadvertently increased awareness of the sport because people are curious/interested/inspired to try it for themselves. Somebody falls in love with a type of gun on a computer game and they realise they can own one in airsoft, there is incentive to start playing. I am not suggesting ALL gamers take up airsoft but there undoubtedly players who started because of gaming.

                        It also helps the industry as a whole.

                        Magpul PDR is a perfect example (hopefully sooner rather than later): The idea was fielded as a RS weapon for vehicle mounted soldiers and the like. People (military / law enforcement etc) were sceptical because of the designs / materials etc and the project was shelved. It turns up on a game (BF3 i think) and it has taken off again. The airsoft version is due out soon and the RS prototypes are going further than before is trials and development.

                        We get a new design of gun. New tech is designed to fit the body... hops, feeds, gearboxes and the like... over time that all cross pollinates throughout the community and before you know it, a new gun or better design for an old gun has been spawned.

                        If the kids are getting on your nerves, i am going to suggest it is because they are young and excited, like we once were (and some still are). They will annoy you on the bus, in the street or just about anywhere. They just become annoying at 0900 on a Sunday morning and go back to being wonderful at 1700. If they are a turd, they are a turd. If they are good eggs, they are good eggs. Much like many "mature adults" on this forum and others i frequent!


                        • #87
                          Re: Under 18 airsofters

                          Like all airsofters, it depends on the player. Yes the younger ones can get over exited, they can sometimes shout at you and give away your hidden position, they can think they know it all due to experience on games like cod or bf.
                          You get Muppets of al ages on the field.

                          However, these younger players are the future of our sport. As long as they follow the rules on and off the field we need to embrace and help these people.
                          I think we as an airsoft community have a duty to protect our sport but that includes the sports future as well.
                          Where I play the last game day of the month is for experienced players only, no rentals. But the site owners run a Riflemans badge for under 18's. Once they have prooved good gameplay and sportsmanship they then with the riflemans badge attend the big boys game day at the end of the month.
                          Cant.think of a better way to encourage these younger players to play fair.


                          • #88
                            Re: Under 18 airsofters

                            Originally posted by stalker View Post
                            However, these younger players are the future of our sport.
                            Again, this comes up! Younger players are not the future of the sport - new players are the future of the sport, regardless of them being young or old.

                            Originally posted by stalker View Post
                            Where I play the last game day of the month is for experienced players only, no rentals. But the site owners run a Riflemans badge for under 18's. Once they have prooved good gameplay and sportsmanship they then with the riflemans badge attend the big boys game day at the end of the month.
                            Cant.think of a better way to encourage these younger players to play fair.
                            Bloody good idea that!


                            • #89
                              Re: Under 18 airsofters

                              As an overweight 48 yr old I will happily play with any human shields, sorry u18's. Seriously though, young players are the adult players of the future (excuse the lift form a certain song) and need encouragement when they deserve it. There will always be t***s/cheats etc at airsoft, regardless of age.


                              • #90
                                Re: Under 18 airsofters

                                I tend to have trouble with adults not taking there hits more than the under 18 fraction of people in a game . Maybe it's the fact that an adult has a higher pain threshold than a kid !!!


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                                Dishkah Find out more about Dishkah