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Views on face shots

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  • #61
    Re: Views on face shots

    Like most people have said, if it's all that's showing then it's a legitimate target.

    But, don't forget, military and police shooters are taught to aim for centre mass for a reason. It's not always because it's a bigger target, it's also the place where you can almost guarantee putting the target down. We were taught that if you put a round on the cross that goes from nose to nuts and armpit to armpit, you've done the job. A snap shot aimed at centre mass may well not hit there, as many people are still bringing the weapon up as they fire, leading to leg and head shots.

    As Chandler said earlier, before you rip into someone for hitting your face when your body was visible, ask yourself if you KNOW 100% that they aimed for your head, it may well have been a snap shot or over-hopped.


    • #62
      Re: Views on face shots

      I've been hit in the face at less than 15ft by a full auto burst which was deliberate as the whole of my body was visible and not one single shot hit below the neck. The offending scrote who was probably about 16yrs old and about 5ft and a fag end tall (I'm 6ft 2) just laughed and said 'Boom Headsot' before continuing on. No apology no nothing. I was not best pleased as if I accidentaly or deliberately (if only the head is showing and at range) shoot someone in the head will apologize either there and then or after the game.

      Yes headshots are part of the game as most have stated and I accept that but not at close range, at 15ft it if far easier to just double tap someone in the chest.
      There's no place like sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha


      • #63
        Re: Views on face shots

        Like most people in this thread, I will only go for the head if A. Thats all I can see. B. They dont take the first or second shot to the body.

        Headshots will happen, but I feel some people do go for the head instead of the body. Its as tho their trying to prove there l33t skills to them selves. But really they just make me want to punch them in the face.
        TM MC-51 (Full Systema Energy gearbox and all the other internal fo shizzal)
        Star AW-338 Sniper Rifle
        Maruzen APS Type 96
        TM P226, Tac Master .
        WE SCAR + VFC UGL
        KSC GBB MP7, KSC USP .45 XM survive


        • #64
          Re: Views on face shots

          a little bit more to the story if anyone is still interested lol......

          we had about 10 rentals on our team that day and there was the feeling on the other side that they wernt taking their hits although from what i saw that day they were playing perfectly by the rules so put it down to a little prejudice against the noobs. But By the end of the day the other team were getting overly aggressive towards this group of lads and i heard a group of 4-5 of them say they are going for head shots to "stop people cheating"

          it was then a couple days later i got the full auto burst in the face....

          anyway ive bought a TM full face mask now so will be wearing that or using a face mask with it aswell
          thinks maybe he should go with the heard


          • #65
            Re: Views on face shots

            If somebody isnt taking their hits, get a marshal or point out the error of their ways. Since when was it sportman like to go 'Well, they arent taking their hits, ill aim for their face'?
            Thats just as bad as cheating. Its unsportman like.
            Likes been said, if its legit, i.e, no other way to hit them, then so be it. Thats a risk you take with wearing masks. And trust me, ive been hit many a time in the grid. I wear glasses, i get on with it. But its NOT ACCEPTABLE for peoples views to be 'They cheat, ill go for deliberate pain'.
            Take the moral high ground. Im starting to get a little annoyed with the attitude towards airsofting, and i think its starting to put me off the sport. I loved it to begin with. It was relaxed, fun, i could run around, shoot people, have a laugh. Now its people trying to get my face, short tempers, VCRA bo*****s, theives and cheats.
            I just want airsofting to go back to how it was.



            • #66
              Re: Views on face shots

              And Billy, i think i would of knocked the ****** out. That GZ or somewhere else?


              • #67
                Re: Views on face shots

                I'm not wearing my full face paintball mask on Saturday, I'm wearing my tacs but may pack a neoprane face protector.

                I'm using the scope a lot on Saturday so the PB mask goggles etc just stick out way too far from my head to make it useable, can't wear a hat with it either and I think it's supposed to p*ss down, hence the switch for now.

                Got me thinking of this thread again though, likey I will take a few hits in the face as last weekend I did, but I was wearing my mask.
                Weapons of Choice:
                G&G SOC-16
                Socom Gear NOVAK neXt 1911
                JG - AK47 tactical
                VFC Scar - L
                Custom Benelli M3 Super 90


                • #68
                  Re: Views on face shots

                  You never ever aim for the head. Simple.

                  Even real world operators aim for the centre mass because its the biggest target. Real snipers will take a head shot to KILL the target

                  In airsoft, you should aim for the body, snipers too.

                  Say if someone is a good way away and in a woodland bunker with their head poking out, then its probably ok, but if you can see more than a head, IMO its just common sense not to aim at it


                  • #69
                    Re: Views on face shots

                    Originally posted by hoggy21 View Post
                    If somebody isnt taking their hits, get a marshal or point out the error of their ways. Since when was it sportman like to go 'Well, they arent taking their hits, ill aim for their face'?
                    Thats just as bad as cheating. Its unsportman like.
                    What your saying is because someone isnt taking hits, we have to either reveal our position to give someone a verbal warning. "take your hits". Second option get out of our position to go find a marshal or tell a marshal. Ive been playing for nearly 12 years and my approch has always worked. Two or three shots to the body, if you still dont take it then Merry Christmas heres one on the noggin. Im an honest player and games are ruined by dishonest players. If they choose to cheat then they arnt being a good sport so why treat them like one. Ill have a word with a marshal either when im dead or at the end of a game, as these types of people have to be watched. But still if ive worked hard to get somewhere im not giving away my position just so some cheater doesnt get a shot on the noggin.
                    Plus I dont do it for the pain factor, Far from it. If I wanted to give someone a painful shot then one to fingers is were I would aim alot more painful than being shot in the face/head area and that includes the tip of the nose. I go for a headshot because its pretty hard to cheat when hit in the head as you will feel it. In the rare instance ive resorted to this 99% have taken the hit. I dont play with highly tuned rifles either so not harsh.

                    Must point out that no one wears glasses at our site, its full facemasks. This is due to most of the sites we play at being CQB.
                    TM MC-51 (Full Systema Energy gearbox and all the other internal fo shizzal)
                    Star AW-338 Sniper Rifle
                    Maruzen APS Type 96
                    TM P226, Tac Master .
                    WE SCAR + VFC UGL
                    KSC GBB MP7, KSC USP .45 XM survive


                    • #70
                      Re: Views on face shots

                      im a sniper / crazy ass aeg by that i mean i dont care about teeth comin out or mud so i was storming a base got to have been 3 people behind cover just before the base so i went a shot them but one decided to shot me in the face point blank not even a metre it he was also hit penatrated my cheek then i.told marshall did a crono on his jg mp5 it was runin 500 fps !!!! he had moded it to the extreme but i never shot at someones face only if i haft to like its the only part of body showin.i sniped me friend in the back of the head it has left a scar as i run an a&k dragunov on 550fps lets just say a very big spring is in
                      Last edited by Sci Fi Steve; 22 December, 2009, 08:25.


                      • #71
                        Re: Views on face shots

                        I think the whole idea of achieving a headshot is hyped up by video games and in my opinion is not necessary in airsoft where you are not aiming to kill, but, yes if it's the only part of the body visible then i think its acceptable.


                        • #72
                          Re: Views on face shots

                          its neccecary whn its the only part of the body exposed or in winter months some fools dont ''feel hits'' so you have to aim for the face..
                          Last edited by Sci Fi Steve; 31 December, 2009, 14:08.
                          Their are no Atheists in Foxholes.

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                          • #73
                            Re: Views on face shots

                            The other thing about snipers taking headshots.
                            Snipers still go for centre of mass. If its a police officer going for a kill, then maybe, but the military view is it takes 2 or 3 people out the battle by injuring one. Kill one person from an 8 man section, theres 7 annoyed people. Injure one, then that section is reduced to 5 while 2 guys take their injured mate back.


                            • #74
                              Re: Views on face shots

                              how do you vote? Want to go with third option!
                              - M4-RIS - Sr-25 - G36
                              - M4-SPR - Glock18

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                              • #75
                                Re: Views on face shots

                                Did a game the other week where 7 of us was in an Open back landrover, idea was we drove around the entire site 3 times to win, instant 1 touch medic , against the entire site ( 56 other players ) single shot only..

                                If i hadent of worn my lower piece made by heroshark i would still be at the hospital now.. and i trust my fellow airsofters there to aim for the body.. which they was as i had a considerable amount of pepper bruises on the entire right hand side of my body.. getting shot from 3 ft away.. in the end i put my hands up ( after some bar steward dident take his hits.. me and one of the other guys in the truck both shot him ( other guy was a marshal ) and he dident take it even though he shouted ouch! so i just got out and said im not playing this no more.. got about 30 bruises .. and shot alot more.. they stopped the wagon by standing infront and just ran along the back firing in!

                                basically.. without that mask i'd of had no bloody teeth!

                                TM 226r, SYSTEMA PTW, Custom built m4, DE shotty, what else would a man need ?


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                                T180985 Find out more about T180985