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British Army Ration packs....Question?

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  • #16
    Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?


    • #17
      Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?



      • #18
        Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?



        • #19
          Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?

          Originally posted by Chosen-Man View Post
          I wouldnt advise it. The pack dates we get only stay at the depot for a maximum of 6 months, when units demand them they should either use them all, or send back the left overs for disposal.

          Basically, yes you can eat them. However it is at our own risk.
          as above, if you start growing a third arm we've warned you

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          • #20
            Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?

            Originally posted by hoggy21 View Post
            Jesus, i remember when you used to get the 'white' chocolate in the blue or red packs. Blue was biscuit and fruit chocolate, red was normal if i remember correctly.

            Ive still got rat packs that are years old, and yeah they are normally alright to eat.

            Its not biscuits brown with flies, its biscuits fruit btw! Horrible things, too much cinnamon in them!

            My worst rat pack experience was when i get to my first unit and we went on exercise with some old arctic ration packs which had to be used up. The stuff was all dehydrated to prevent it freezing. Nothing like watching your food turn back to powder whilst its pissing it down in Sennybridge, and having to use up all your water for a bloody meal. Only saving grace in those things were the porridge oats and hot chocolate powder, which with a sachet of sugar were superb!

            Jet boil and foil packaged rat packs. No better combo. No bloody hexi!

            Oh, just so you know. If you run out of hexi, biscuit browns burn for a good couple of minutes. So do pringles, but the amount of fat on pringles is stupid. Dont believe me? Get a single pringle and set fire to it. Watch how much fat comes off it. I wont eat pringles ever again after seeing that 'experiment'.

            Oh, and hexi TV!!
            just done the pringle thing!!! Hell forget your cotton buds soaked in patrolium jelly just take a friggin pringle!! taste much better than cotton wool too if you were to get the munchies!

            I remember being harboured up in a forest at Caterick watching hexi tv as you do. My right arm became very hot all of a sudden. I'd only gone a managed to set my norgi on fire!! lol

            Also remember a lad on basic who went and ate a whole 24hr rat pack as soon as we touched base in the first harbour area haha!


            • #21
              Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?

              Ah, good ol' Duncans chocolate! NOM!!! if you were Uber lucky, you got mint or orange! unlucky.... rum and rasin!


              • #22
                Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?

                Pah! None of your crummy rat packs here. We used to get 10-man packs as AFV crew. The old "Junior leaders willies" in a tin with the centre one removed for any particularly lonesome tank commanders (Before cooking of course!). Good stuff. Now, somebody get the BV and TT on will you? I fancy some sausage on toast.
                There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


                • #23
                  Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?

                  Ohh, Kero toast. Cant go wrong with kero toast.

                  And fecking Duncans chocolate! Thats the one i was thinking of! Its all about taking a frying pan out on the dets these days. Its a shame some of the old ways of the forces have been lost with the advances in power and genes being able to run toasters, kettles and all the other stuff. Nothing like brewing up back of a det with an old gas camp stove or hexi. Its alright for you wallopers with your BVs and crap, linked up to the AFV. It used to be a proper challenge to get a proper scran on the go.

                  I remember when i was a young sprog on my first proper exercise, out of depot and in my first unit, going out on ex with a couple more of the lads just out training. Our Det IC told one the lads to get a couple of tins on the kero heater out the back the FFR in the 9x9. Didnt bother putting a hole in the top of the can did he...

                  Glad i was away with the LWRN det at the time at another loc, apparently the guy had to use his towel to get the beans off the dismounted kit as detty wouldnt let him use the cleaning kit. Only had enough for the exercise with a few spares, and he was scraping shite off the inside the tent.

                  I love the all ins we used to have.

                  And i love having Gurkhas with us. Our last Corp OSC was myself, one other Brit, and a team of Gurkhas. Those bloke cook some fantastic stuff. Full of salt and hot as hell itself, but its amazing if you can handle it!


                  • #24
                    Re: British Army Ration packs....Question?

                    Pfft! I scorn your kero toast!

                    An old 7.62 ammo box with a canniballised BV heating element and chicken wire does the job greatly.
                    There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


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                    Mole1811 Im a self confessed Airsoft nut! Just wishing he had the money to splash out on lots of new toys Find out more about Mole1811