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Random, but true!

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  • #16
    Re: Random, but true!

    Originally posted by Thingy View Post
    Id rather every man and his dog didnt know about airsoft like they do paintball if im honest - the more people know about it, the more people have opinions on it and lets be honest, a lot of those would be negative.
    ^ THIS

    Using the paintball analogy is beneficial to airsoft, because the public perception of paintball (woodsball) is of an adrenaline-junkie semi-extreme hobby or SPORT, not taken too seriously by anyone who plays it. Most people have played paintball, and this influences their perception of paintball as harmless fun that people do for birthdays and stag parties. On the other hand, I think if people know about airsoft at all it's more negatively perceived as a hobby for militaristic gun freaks (which, admittedly, we are) who glorify combat and play Coalition v Taliban games whilst real people are dying fighting the real thing. If I explain to someone that what I do is like paintball, they smile and reminisce about the last time they went. If I show someone my M4, they're a lot less positive; British people largely are very uncomfortable around guns.

    If I have to explain to someone what I do of a Sunday, I'd much rather conjure an amateurish chase through the woods than a stealthy stalking exercise through an abandoned cellar while wearing a uniform and clutching a gun that cost me £500...

    Originally posted by psirus101 View Post
    Its laser dammit! LASER! *shakes fist angrily* RAAARRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
    Isn't it technically LASER?


    • #17
      Re: Random, but true!

      Originally posted by PureSilver View Post
      Using the paintball analogy is beneficial to airsoft, because the public perception of paintball (woodsball) is of an adrenaline-junkie semi-extreme hobby or SPORT, not taken too seriously by anyone who plays it.
      I don't think its beneficial at all. I use it only because its a well known reference that non-airsofters can relate to.

      Originally posted by PureSilver View Post
      Most people have played paintball, and this influences their perception of paintball as harmless fun that people do for birthdays and stag parties. On the other hand, I think if people know about airsoft at all it's more negatively perceived as a hobby for militaristic gun freaks (which, admittedly, we are) who glorify combat and play Coalition v Taliban games whilst real people are dying fighting the real thing.
      If I show someone my M4, they're a lot less positive; British people largely are very uncomfortable around guns.
      This right here is where I think Airsoft loses out, public perception of Airsoft is this.

      What the public don't see is the camaraderie and general friendliness that Airsoft brings about. How many of you have talked to a newbie about your gun and tried to advise them, how many of you have taken a newbie under your wing on a game day and made sure they feel included? Its this sense of community and belonging that non-airsofters don't see, they don't see the hours chatting about random stuff and the social aspect of the sport, they see us as gun toting freaks and not the friendly, helpful group we really are. I hate the fact that we are seen as freaks just because we like replica guns, its a natural thing that we all experienced as children, "Cops and Robbers" anyone? We need to get all the aspects of Airsoft out there to be understood for us as a community to survive the "Mothers against guns" and related bullsh*t, and if we are only seen as weird gun lovers how can the sport/hobby/recreation ever hope to be accepted by society?

      Originally posted by PureSilver View Post
      If I have to explain to someone what I do of a Sunday, I'd much rather conjure an amateurish chase through the woods than a stealthy stalking exercise through an abandoned cellar while wearing a uniform and clutching a gun that cost me £500...
      Why explain it like that, Airsoft is just a group of friendly people enjoying a game that anyone can play.

      Originally posted by PureSilver View Post
      Isn't it technically LASER?
      Yes it is good sir, yes it is.

      [edit] I'm sorry, I was slightly drunk whilst typing this...... Its a friday


      • #18
        Re: Random, but true!

        My typical conversation goes like this.
        'I play airsoft'
        'what's airsoft?'
        'umm, it's like paintball for grown ups'

        'oh, right'

        'imagine military simulations/training but with normal people, less discipline and guns that look real'

        Then to sweeten the cool factor I usually add

        'we use flash bangs and smoke grenades too!'
        I know what i said because i was standing here when i said it.

        ICS FAN - Always looking for parts. PM me what you have


        • #19
          Wow, just read the feelings! Sheesh!



          • #20
            Re: Random, but true!

            I tried tactfully to describe to a lady at a business meeting what I did as 'similar to paintball' She replied I should try Airsoft as it was far better and she had spent hours on the internet helping her 15 year old son chose a two tone...............

            She had also tried unsuccessfully to convince anti replica gun bigots on twitter that it was better to have a new airsoft shop open in their locality rather than an off licence selling cigarettes and alcohol. She was shouted down it appears...


            • #21
              Haha! That's brilliant, TANK!


              About the Author


              Benjii Ben, been in the airsoft 'world' for just over 2 years. Not much of a camper, a pure rusher! Find out more about Benjii