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airsoft sniper cup

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  • #31
    Re: airsoft sniper cup

    Id thought id put my two pence in after reading about fps etc

    To split it up you can have competitors involved in different FPS ladders
    These ladders will determine at what range you will fire from etc

    so 350
    then 500
    then 500+

    maybe, just putting my two pence forward

    Also should be a weekender type thing too
    with competitors scored on several tasks that snipers have to do, stalking, making holes etc, so shooter and spotter will have to bung out the night testing bush craft skills

    also rifles will need to be inspected before competition

    Not only that what about the different types of rifles gas spring electric


    • #32
      Re: airsoft sniper cup

      isnt 500+ fps illegal over here?

      but yes it would be blooming fantastic fun!
      GZ were interested in conducting a training day i was talking about some years ago. - they may be interested in this.

      the ground on offer there is almost perfect for such an event.

      Last edited by Lt. Macka; 23 January, 2010, 20:05.
      Originally posted by Coz
      Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course. sniping tactics thread.


      • #33
        Re: airsoft sniper cup

        i thought that only in mil-sim and game scenarios where one is actually hitting a person with the projectile has a legal limit to 500 fps.
        as for hitting paper targets at a range im not sure but i guess air rifles shoot hotter so it may come under that legislation.
        sigpic -special fx+ design - CAD airsoft


        • #34
          Re: airsoft sniper cup

          yeah mine does around 750fps.

          but i see where you are coming from.

          not sure how it would all run.
          Originally posted by Coz
          Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course.
 sniping tactics thread.


          • #35
            Re: airsoft sniper cup

            this is why this thread is ideal, to work it all out

            any more ideas chaps?
   -special fx+ design
   - CAD airsoft


            • #36
              Re: airsoft sniper cup

              target practice
              field craft
              stalk and shoot
              observation for the spotters
              insertion and map use etc

              march and shoot?

              id say ghillie suits are mandatory.

              two fps brackets

              up to 350fps
              up to 500fps

              higher if site allows it.

              up to 425 on single shot for spotters
              350 fps if full auto.

              range estimation tools???

              if you play a game - you loose points when shot
              - when shot once - sit in dead zone for say 1 hour - minus 100 points

              shot twice - dead zone for 2 hours - minus 200 points
              and so on.

              Originally posted by Coz
              Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course.
     sniping tactics thread.


              • #37
                Re: airsoft sniper cup

                thats a good start, i like the spotter/sniper team up idea, that way i guess

                -the team of two do the course together
                -if one gets spotted hes out
                -and the one left has to continue till the end or till spotted,
                - if not spotted the sniper takes first shot at target one,
                - then sniper 2 gets second target, if still not spotted they both
                - can option for the seconday target x1 each and risk poss exposure or leave it and get to extraction.

                points awarded for time taken between targets
                miinus points for misses
                time taken to extraction
                and so on.

                i think range estimation should be on a points award basis if without a range finder and estimation is correct +/- 20 feet then say 100 points for right answer plus 100 points for not having laser ranger
                or if you want laser zero points awarded in range estimation
                im not sure if this would fly though lol, what do you think.

                love the rest of your ideas
       -special fx+ design
       - CAD airsoft


                • #38
                  Re: airsoft sniper cup

                  For range estimation are we looking a airsoft ranges (100m tops ish) because in that 20 feet is a big margin of error, but that is just me nit picking.

                  Looks quite good but I am sure there is a UK airsoft competition with a sniper event, one person from each team has to sneak up and take a shot at a target.

                  I like the idea of having a sniper/spotter team having to complete multiple objectives in a AO. With a time limit of say 2-3 hours. having to prioritise targets and move around with out being spotted.


                  • #39
                    Re: airsoft sniper cup

                    hahaha yeah your right, i was reading a book recently about tactics etc and i forgot we were dealing with bbs not 3000fps slugs lol, yeah 20 feet it a bit much.

                    but if your estimating a target at a distance of 200-300 feet you need to know this range to get closer for a within range shot so i reckon 10 feet is fine at 150 feet shot.

                    well spotted mate
           -special fx+ design
           - CAD airsoft


                    • #40
                      Re: airsoft sniper cup

                      mebbe guard sniper could give us a few ideas from the real thing??
                      Originally posted by Coz
                      Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course.
             sniping tactics thread.


                      • #41
                        Re: airsoft sniper cup

                        That would be appreciated. I am actually hoping this develops, even if not official and merely as a competition on here. The more I think about it the more fun it sounds.


                        • #42
                          Re: airsoft sniper cup

                          also 'make a ghillie' from what you find, would be fun.

                          this does sound like a lot of fun though.
                          im watching the 'ultimate sniper' on the way to work, hmmmm some excellent ideas are brewing.
                 -special fx+ design
                 - CAD airsoft


                          • #43
                            Re: airsoft sniper cup

                            hey guys , im back

                            ok so far we have

                            this is just a draft so bare with me ,

                            4 different classes

                            pistols- all players snipers and spotters must be able to complete a selected course with sufficent kill ratio to stay alive ,

                            stalk/hunt -this phase is given to test the abilty of the sniper and spotter , to get through a certain zone within 2 hours , without being detected at all by the roaming patrol's, you must incorpirate map reading to find locate , and take out 4 targets withing a 3 shot load limit, ranging from 40m- 100m baring in mind most new players wont be able to hit over 70-80 m ..

                            Camo/ concealment - this will be consisted of each pairing having BLANK concealment vest's and given 75 min to create and conceal themselves from the follow taskees , then to stay hidden while the patrol's are directed to the taskees via comm's and binos to try and identify each pair

                            FINAL PHASE - the fps rounds

                            right the sniper rifles vary from ranges , so listen up
                            280-340fps , range is 55m ,
                            350-400fps, range is 55m-70m
                            400-440fps, range is 70m-85m
                            440-legal limit guys ,

                            The aim of the game / training is , on each range setting there are 4 targets , 5 shots to be had on each one , one target for a different stance of shoot ,

                            card 1----- standing stance,
                            card 2----- kneeling stance,
                            card 3----- sitting stance,
                            card 4----- prone stance,

                            most accurate over the 4 will be top of the class , upon results of the other sections...

                            please refrain from flaming , this is how real one is more or less like ok guys, ive had to leave things out for obvious reasons,

                            but i will try and get this set up and running at local site before march - april time , due to family stife and such :p


                            • #44
                              Re: airsoft sniper cup

                              awesome - nice one mate.

                              could you not just use your own ghillie for the camo concealment?
                              Originally posted by Coz
                              Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course.
                     sniping tactics thread.


                              • #45
                                Re: airsoft sniper cup

                                i think your ranges are more than a bit large.
                                most airsofter jugde range like most guys judge there p*nis, twice the size it realy is.

                                you would be supprised at how far 100m realy is,i dont know of any rifle bar one in the us running at over 700fps that could consistanly hit a target at 100m.(with proof)

                                90% of airsofters claim to be able to hit targets at 70-80m consistantly, ive still to see this myself aswell(and by consistantly i mean 8 out of 10 shots,more than once).
                                if they can why is there never any proof....if you claim you can get two cammeras and film it uncut with both,with the targets lazer ranged.

                                you need to knock about 10-15m off every distance, with 60m being the max
                                user name changed from b*tcht*ts


                                About the Author


                                Lt. Macka A work offshore in the North Sea. Depending on Internet connection and how busy I am, I'm typically more active on the forums when I'm away offshore. When I'm ashore I'm generally busy with various hobbies. Find out more about Lt. Macka