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Quick question

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  • #16
    Re: Quick question

    Originally posted by Longshot View Post
    I think this has completely nailed it.

    Either the OP hasn't actually bothered to make any serious investigation into how his established competition run their events, which makes me question the worth of his company and/or management, or this is a thinly veiled attempt at advertising his company and/or trying to put down the competition with obviously false information, which makes me question the worth of his company and/or management.

    Thouroughly deserving of this.
    There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


    • #17
      Re: Quick question

      They wear eye protection.
      I am one....


      • #18
        Re: Quick question

        Originally posted by Drazmatazz View Post
        They wear eye protection.
        I am one....
        All the zombies, and everyone else involved, wears eye protection AT ALL TIMES during the experience, except when in the safe zone.

        The guys running it have long experience of running Airsoft sites, and have been involved on "scare attractions" for many years. They are very hot on health and safety of everybody, especially the actors.

        The eye pro worn by the zombies is low profile, clear safety glasses type, which might be difficult to spot when you're running away screaming like a little girl (as the customers often are!)

        Oh, if you hadn't guessed, I'm a zombie for Zed Events, and I'm happy that the management take our health and safety suitably seriously otherwise there's no way I'd be putting my body on the line for them!

        I hope your events do well, but please don't try and put our events down!


        • #19
          Re: Quick question

          The usual airsoft games have got me less than thrilled at the minute. Same old rinse and repeat, tactical door knockers and SF blokes.
          I heard about The Mall early last year I think, when it kicked off and really caught people's imagination.

          I've spent the last couple hours checking out the website and footage online. I have to get to Reading!
          Avengers Assemble!

          In every video I've seen they all wore eye protection.


          • #20
            Re: Quick question

            I am a zombie for zed too. Have been for 7 months now.
            My eyes still work!
            Guess they are doing something right.


            • #21
              Re: Quick question

              I'm a zombie first thing in the morning if that counts?
              There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


              • #22
                Re: Quick question

                I'm pretty sure the zombies at Zed Events always wear eye-pro except in promo shoots with no loaded guns, the customers only use the site provided tri-shotties, and head shots are banned.

                Unlike the fully automatic weapons given to complete airsoft novices or airsofters allowed to bring their own tricked out guns, to kill Boss zombies which are only droppable by headshots - as advertised at some other zombieXperiences...
                Gnu for hire. Oh wait... no... gun for hire.


                • #23
                  Re: Quick question

                  If that's true I'd be a little disappointed.
                  I just watched half a dozen videos of The Mall and it looks as though people are using their own kit in regular gameplay (lots of M4s and one-offs), although I did see a lot of those spring SPAS too and assumed they were rentals.
                  Surely if a player's gun is within their FPS limit it wouldn't make a difference?
                  Besides, from the look of the fine print; rentals are advertised, not mandatory and with chrono heavy staff (understandable given the added health and safety edge) nobody is going to get one over on the poor zeds. I mean, why would you want to? The zombies are there for your survival-horror kicks, so why ruin it by hurting someone just for the sake of it?

                  It just seems a little illogical to only use site provided kit. Fingers crossed we can rock our AKs and go in as rag tag ruskies.
                  Can any one of you lovely zed types shed light on this for me please?
                  Last edited by RiflemanLizard; 29 September, 2013, 23:47.


                  • #24
                    Re: Quick question

                    Originally posted by RiflemanLizard View Post
                    If that's true I'd be a little disappointed.
                    I just watched half a dozen videos of The Mall and it looks as though people are using their own kit (lots ofsurvival one-offs), although I did see a lot of those spring SPAS too.
                    Surely if a player's gun is within their FPS limit it wouldn't make a difference?
                    Besides, from the look of the fine print; rentals are advertised, not mandatory and with chrono heavy staff (understandable given the added health and safety edge) nobody is going to get one over on the poor zeds. I mean, why would you want to? The zombies are there for your survival-horror kicks, so why ruin it by hurting someone just for the sake of it?

                    Just seems a little illogical to only use site provided kit. Fingers crossed we can rock our AKs and go in as rag tag ruskies.
                    Think you are getting your wires crossed a little.
                    The mall and the manor both run 2 distinctly separate weekends.
                    One weekend is airsoft, sometimes normal airsoft other times theme based airsoft.
                    On alternate weekends they run zombie survivial experiences, this isn't airsoft as such ( although uses tri shot shotties) but a fully fleshed out story driven event.
                    It's more aiming for the horror fan general public experience day market, and does a very good job of giving them that unforgettable shit my pants, that was f'ing awesome kinda day they have been looking for.


                    • #25
                      Re: Quick question

                      Thanks for clearing that up.
                      I was hoping we could use our own kit for the zombie story event, and not just a regular airsoft game. The videos I saw must be the themed airsoft because there are zombies everywhere, but still with kitted out survivors.
                      I'll give them a ring, maybe organise a small private event and figure something out.
                      We're really up for a real-cap small team insertion and still get stuck into the brown trouser stuff too. I'll get my man-purse!

                      Cheers matey.


                      • #26
                        Re: Quick question

                        If you've seen own kit it's probably either the airsoft days we run there or at special zombie airsoft days which are occasionally on.

                        At regular events you are equipped with a trishots regardless of whether or not you have your own kit for safety reasons, but at our special zombie airsoft days you can use your own kit.

                        For Zed events airsoft side of things check out Zed Adventures, which run your typical airsoft days along with special games from ww1 and 2 reactment to 'gangwars' (get to go all gangster bro!) along with Firefly events and so on. Also the Mall isn't our only site, we also have the Manor near manchester and the Desolate Lakes in the Lake district, all with different but equally interesting zombie games, obviously for more information check out or

                        And yes we do wear eye pro, what kind of idiot company won't run eye pro using airsoft guns? Any videos you do see without eye pro on will be advertising videos in which case all guns are empty and checked and double checked.

                        If anyone does come down to the Manor keep an eye for Cpl/Sarge Shortround, I'll be there and waiting to guide you through the zombie apocalypse!


                        • #27
                          Re: Quick question

                          I'm the events manager for Zed Events and the site manager for Zed Adventures at the Mall in Reading.

                          There are two distinct companies, both with similar names, but with different events running.

                          Zed Events is a purely zombie themed, full-on, immersion event, which lasts 3 or 4 hour, depending on which site you visit. We run these at our Mall and Manor site. Both events use M3 tri-burst pump action shotguns and customers are not allowed to use their own kit.

                          Zed Adventures is our airsoft company and we have several sites, including the two previously mentioned, plus Battle Lakes and Thunder Ranch.

                          The point of confusion may be coming from the fact that we have run zombie themed airsoft days at the Mall, which allow players to use their own kit. Both companies have had participants put up their own footage on YouTube etc. as well as some of our own promotional material. We do run other themed events at the Mall e.g. we are running a Terminator themed game next month, rather than a zombie themed one.

                          I can assure everyone that all our staff are issued adequate PPE, including but not limited to, eye protection and gum shields. All Zed Events customers are issued the same ballistic grade eye wear, suitable for airsofting. In either companies zombie games, head shots are strongly discouraged, as the safety of the guys and girls playing their part is paramount. None of our staff are allowed to take part in any event without PPE and both companies are fully insured to run both types of events.

                          If anyone would like further info on either, feel free to contact me on here or through email. I am the main point of contact for airsoft events ([email protected]) and can be contacted through [email protected] for zombie immersion events. Hopefully this will clear any confusion.


                          • #28
                            Re: Quick question

                            I sort of like how this thread has taken a turn and is no longer an advertisement (bad, good or indifferent) for one particular company or organisation.
                            There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


                            • #29
                              Re: Quick question

                              Haha very true and on that note i will throw this review of the Zed events manor up


                              And to anyone who has already been to Zed events or is interested, old reviews quickly become redundant, as we are constantly adapting and improving the events to provide our customers with the best, adrenalin pumping events, new sections, adaptions to current sections and more zombies is something we proudly improve to provide that ultimate zombie experience, you can book the two places in the same day and get a different event each time, every moment is unique from each shot and pump of your weapon to the fear inducing roar of our zombies.


                              • #30
                                Re: Quick question

                                So all in all they DO wear eye protection.



                                About the Author


                                zombiedan owner @ zombiexperience ltd Find out more about zombiedan