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Should airsoft have a sin bin ??

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  • #31
    Re: Should airsoft have a sin bin ??

    the marshal should simply carry a pistol and randomly shoot people,if they dont take it,then deal with it accordingly.
    when its comes to so called non hit taking, i try not to let it bother me, i might mention it later anecdotally on the way home or if its really blatant in the safe zone to my buddies,but i am normally more concerned with marshals who are not paying attention, ie if theres a battle going on or someone is becoming difficult to hit,they should be there quietly observing in order to remove any doubts

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    • #32
      Re: Should airsoft have a sin bin ??


      sin bins are in certain sports where there is a fine line between following the rules and bending them to benifit your team.

      if someone is cheating in airsoft, ie not taking their hits, they should be removed from the game full stop, its called cheating, it has no place in airsoft, tell them to frack off and play paintball.

      why reinvent the wheel? just find better marshals


      • #33
        Re: Should airsoft have a sin bin ??

        We simply operate a press up system.

        Mags in gun in safe zone
        Messing with eye pro in field
        Caught deliberately shooting me
        Unsafe practice with pyro

        All these sorts of things earn a ten press up penalty (other exercises are available if press ups cannot be done, or somebody may do them on your behalf) The penance is to be paid at the beginning of the next game brief or during lunch.

        It is light hearted as it is meant to serve as a reminder. We find it it works well. I can only think of 2 instances where there was something close to a sin-bin but it was more of sending them back to the safe zone so it can be discussed privately. There was not time out penalty other than the time it took to straighten out the incident. Both in the same day too. That is less than 1% of game days so quite happy with that.

        If you are caught blatantly cheating - pack up and go home.

        We have banned an entire team of approx 13 players as they were continually cheating (seen by marshals / site owners)


        • #34
          Re: Should airsoft have a sin bin ??

          i just wanted to say this isn't all about not taking hits this is about general issues that you may find in airsoft lol


          • #35
            Re: Should airsoft have a sin bin ??

            Well then i still think no.

            Lapses of concentration / good judgement deserve nothing more than a little publicly humiliating reminder. It also serves as a visual reminder to all.

            Blatant cheating of any description will receive a warning. Marshals will be informed. A second instance will involve one of the marshals very kindly helping you pack your kit and take it to your car.

            I did nearly send a guy home for threatening behaviour, but he had a pretty awesome defence. It was his twin brother being the jackass and I collared the wrong one. Humble pie tastes shite!


            About the Author


            poacher2k ex - front line infantry Find out more about poacher2k