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Complaints and police called, back yard plinking

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  • #31
    Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

    Originally posted by kc1990 View Post
    Yes, but now he has started shooting into a box to avoid the original problem, that's not stupid, that's smart, doing something to make everyone happy. He gets to shoot and no pellets leave his garden.....
    Problem is real or not he has been seen with a gun and ammunition has already left the property, yes it would be a shitty thing but the neighbours are in the right and the OP faces having his guns removed and destroyed. If he wants the chance it then by all means carry on, if I was in the OP's position I wouldn't risk my collection.


    • #32
      Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

      Originally posted by FrankieMac View Post
      Considering you've already had the police around due to a complaint..... Yes, stupid.
      Yes only one complaint from a neighbour and I have adapted to that,
      And as i say i had to test my hop before last airsoft.
      If you can say to me that YOU have never accidentally fired a bb over
      the fence by accident, then I will give you sir, a pat on the back!
      GZW Regulars
      Looking for PSG-1
      Or MTP Plate carrier (6094)


      • #33
        Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

        Originally posted by Union View Post
        Yes only one complaint from a neighbour and I have adapted to that,
        And as i say i had to test my hop before last airsoft.
        If you can say to me that YOU have never accidentally fired a bb over
        the fence by accident, then I will give you sir, a pat on the back!
        Then pat me on the back. My guns have never been fired in my garden, they have however have seen my friend's rather large barn on his farm. Whilst I get that not everyone is as lucky as me I still wouldn't chance it.


        • #34
          Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

          No, No gun has left the propertly unless going to zero one or softing for the day
          GZW Regulars
          Looking for PSG-1
          Or MTP Plate carrier (6094)


          • #35
            Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

            Originally posted by Union View Post
            No, No gun has left the propertly unless going to zero one or softing for the day
            I didn't mean the gun had left the property. Put it like this, would you display the gun in your window for the world to see?


            • #36
              Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

              no only in the garden behind fences bud,
              GZW Regulars
              Looking for PSG-1
              Or MTP Plate carrier (6094)


              • #37
                Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                Originally posted by FrankieMac View Post
                I didn't mean the gun had left the property. Put it like this, would you display the gun in your window for the world to see?
                Completely different situation, a gun on display on your living room window ledge etc is completely different to test firing one in your back garden.


                • #38
                  Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                  Stop and think about what you are doing and apply some common sense.

                  Go round to your neighbours and ask to talk to them about it.

                  1. Explain to them what exactly you are doing and that it is perfectly legal. Do NOT take any guns with you.
                  2. Ask them if they would mind you continuing as long as you take suitable measures to prevent the BB crossing your boundry.
                  3. If they agree to you continuing try to do so as little as possibe, only for testing purposes when esential.
                  4. Visit any neighbours including behind your property or any that may view you in the garden and explain to them.
                  5. Telephone the Police Station and ask to speak to the officers attending to the case and explain all of the above.

                  IF any of your neighbours are unsure, do not shoot in your garden. MIght also be a good idea to police your spent bb's as well incase they get blown somewhere they should not be.
                  The laptop is mightier than the pistol.


                  • #39
                    Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                    In that case then keep on what you're doing. Please update the thread when things go tits up.


                    • #40
                      Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                      Union, having read through this thread and your responses it seems like you'll continue to do what you want anyway, regardless of what others will say. FWIW here's my take. Your neighbours have complained, and asked you to stop shooting in the garden. You disregarded that and carried on (regardless of whether you changed direction or introduced a backstop). The police were called and have threatened confiscation. As others have said they can and they will if they catch you at it again. If you want to chance then by all means do so - but don't be surprised if they carry out their threat. You have been warned!

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                      WE G39C GBB | ARES G36K EBB


                      • #41
                        Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                        Why don't you just take the bulls by the horns like I had to with my neighbour and ask him what his problem was.
                        If the neighbour is an approachable sort, then ask him round for a cup of tea and explain the sport a bit better and that its only a toy firing plastic bb's, and that your sorry the bb's flew over.
                        If he isn't then your options are limited as he could call again just to be malicious if he even sees you in the garden with one knowing the old bill have been round.
                        Unfortunately, mine wasn't approachable, but after a few months he eventually came round to the idea.
                        you've got nothing to lose by trying...


                        • #42
                          Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                          Originally posted by BigAl View Post
                          IF any of your neighbours are unsure, do not shoot in your garden. MIght also be a good idea to police your spent bb's as well incase they get blown somewhere they should not be.
                          I get what you're saying, but at the end of the day, its the OP's (assuming) house and he's entitled to shoot it in his property as long as nothing goes in to the neighbours house. So it is really not up to the neighbours to decide, I suppose they could complain about the noise but at the end of the day if you live on a main road its a bit of a moot point.


                          If it happened as it has been said, then the neighbours are clearly over reacting, although not handled in the best way, imho theres nothing wrong with shooting into something which catches the BB in your garden ( i guess it all depends on garden size and likeliness of it going into the neighbours property). Regarding the police, they clearly don't know what they're on about about lisences etc, and even if they did receive a complaint again, surely there isn't any proof so it'd just be your word against theirs, which doesn't seem like enough of reason to confiscate something you're entitled to?


                          • #43
                            Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                            cyberi4n, Thank you for that comment maybe i was just focusing on myself more then the other responses, I think that i am going to take BigAL's suggestion into action, I will have a word with them and see if they would mind me firing in my garden AS LONG as i would be facing in the other direction, Also i have decided that i am going to do no more shooting unless i have made any changes or any maintenance to any of my airsoft guns, Even then to make extra precaution i will put something there to stop the bb from traveling such as a backstop as you mentioned,

                            Thank you very much for all of the reply's
                            GZW Regulars
                            Looking for PSG-1
                            Or MTP Plate carrier (6094)


                            • #44
                              Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                              I would keep several guns at a friends or relatives so if they do come over again you dont have to give them all in because "you only have the one" I would erect higher fences.

                              Sent from my GT-I8160


                              • #45
                                Re: Complaints and police called, back yard shooting

                                Originally posted by Union View Post
                                cyberi4n, Thank you for that comment maybe i was just focusing on myself more then the other responses, I think that i am going to take BigAL's suggestion into action, I will have a word with them and see if they would mind me firing in my garden AS LONG as i would be facing in the other direction, Also i have decided that i am going to do no more shooting unless i have made any changes or any maintenance to any of my airsoft guns, Even then to make extra precaution i will put something there to stop the bb from traveling such as a backstop as you mentioned,

                                Thank you very much for all of the reply's
                                I was going to speak to my neighbours about shooting in my garden, but tbh I figured it was just easier to not trouble them and just stick to using the range. Inconvenient as I'm always fiddling with my hop, but hey ho. BigAl's suggestion is the grown-up way to do it and bang-on IMHO

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                                WE G39C GBB | ARES G36K EBB


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