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Painting Two Tone Black?

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  • Painting Two Tone Black?

    Not sure if this has been covered before, I tried searching to no avail.

    Im just wondering if I painted my two tone gun black, would airsoft sites let me in? Or would they just straight up call the police? By the way I am under 18 so that is why I don't have UKARA, I have been skirmishing many times and I find it extremely hard to stay hidden with a bright orange gun that is basically a bb magnet.

    I know it is illegal to manufacture an RIF, I just don't think that the police would enforce the law. Also, it would be good to know if there has been many cases where people have actually been caught because I find it highly unlikely that the police would storm in to peoples houses looking for RIFs. Obviously you would get arrested if you tried to rob a bank with it, that is what the law is for and I agree with that, but I would not be showing anyone this gun and it would be kept privately so nobody would know I had it.

    But if anybody know of somebody else who does not have UKARA and goes skirmishing with a RIF and gets away with it please tell me.


  • #2
    Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

    Not the best place to start this discussion dude, BAMF will be along presently to administer a napalm enema.

    You don't have to paint your weapon to stay hidden. Try other things. A shemagh around your rifle, combined with some speed tape or similair, but nothing permanent.

    If you are blatantly under 18 and turn up with a RIF, questions may well be asked, unless you have someone over 18 with UKARA with you.

    Long and short of it is, if you have to ask that question, you already know you're in shady territory.

    Sent on Tapatalk, apologies for spelling!


    • #3
      Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

      It's actually legal to manufacture a RIF while under 18, what you're saying is completely true too; ownership of a RIF is not a crime, it's how you obtain it that matters. Under 18s with an RIF have never had any problems at any sites I've ever been to. Yes, it's shady, but no, not illegal.


      • #4
        Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

        What so the laws only apply to over 18s?


        • #5
          Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

          no, what he means is there is no Age limit to be able to avail of the specific defense


          • #6
            Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

            I may be wrong, but my understanding is it is a crime to manufacture a RIF full stop, just as it is illegal to buy one. This is where the term 'defence' comes in. In theory, a valid defence can be shown in court against the VCRA should the owner be arrested for simple possession. This is different to possession with intent (eg. walking into Asda brandishing or displaying it in a way that may cause alarm to the public).

            Sent on Tapatalk, apologies for spelling!


            • #7
              Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

              Ritchie, you're absolutely correct. And my logic with the under 18's being able to manufacture is that sale and manufacture are two very specific things; addressed in separate ways. I didn't actually know possession with intent applied here; I can't see anyone with a valid defence being such a cockjuggling thundernob to walk into asda holding a RIF.


              • #8
                Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                Ok so if I was caught with a RIF and said as my defence that it was being used for airsoft purposes only, and the airsoft site could back me up on that, I would get away with it?
                Also here's a theory, if I bought a two tone gun, handed it to someone with UKARA, they painted it black and then gave it back to me it would be ok?


                • #9
                  Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                  Originally posted by RitchieTheBrit View Post
                  I may be wrong, but my understanding is it is a crime to manufacture a RIF full stop, just as it is illegal to buy one.
                  Almost. It is illegal to import, manufacture or sell (not buy) a RIF 'full stop.' It is also illegal for an under 18 to buy one. There is no defence against prosecution for an under 18 to buy, but the defences regarding import, manufacture and sale have no age attached.

                  OP, that means you are well within your legal rights to paint your gun black. Your defence against prosecution for doing so lies in the fact that you are intending to do so in order to use it at airsoft games at a proper airsoft site (I assume) and that you can establish this if called to do so by the law by showing your history of playing airsoft.

                  If anyone else asks where you got a RIF from tell them to 'do one,' or similar.
                  102nd Chairborne Rangers - "Intelluctus VCRAus recte"

                  Keyboard Commando - "He who argues until the other person gives up and goes away wins"


                  • #10
                    Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                    No they would not back you up. You would have commit a criminal offence. The big thing is here by trying to get around the law. We play in a very dangerous and fringe hobby, which to outsiders will look terrifying. As a someone who played many time you must be aware of this and as you have a duty to protect the sport, by not doing stupid things with your gear. Such as getting around the law.

                    Look kid, if you don't want to stand out, get some scrim netting to cover the two tone. Take it off when you leave the sight and keep it off.
                    Zeroin - Come for the airsoft. Stay for the trolling.


                    • #11
                      Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                      Two tone it bright green, it works well on my cm16, it merges in at my local sight, especially on a sunny day.


                      Got it from zero one two toned


                      • #12
                        Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                        BAAAAAAAMF! Hahaha!

                        Nice reply HTank

                        Sent on Tapatalk, apologies for spelling!


                        • #13
                          Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                          The temporary netting or masking tape or anything temporary is still classed as manufacturing an RIF and therefore carries the same punishment as painting it black so what is the difference?

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          • #14
                            Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                            If it's done on-site, then removed before you leave, although it's technically still illegal, it would come under the idea of responsible use. Anything that obscures the replica in such a way that it becomes less than the required 51% bright colouring is illegal, but as you are on site where it is expected that RIFs will be used, you would be fine. However, leaving the site with a doctored weapon is not advisable. This is for your your good, our good, and the good of the sport.

                            Sent on Tapatalk, apologies for spelling!


                            • #15
                              Re: Painting Two Tone Black?

                              Originally posted by htank09 View Post
                              Two tone it bright green, it works well on my cm16, it merges in at my local sight, especially on a sunny day.


                              Got it from zero one two toned
                              Yeah I thought about that and also if you look at a different website that cannot be mentioned on this forum they do a great alternative for two tone, instead of just a block colour, it is striped and looks quite nice but still isn't black, but I suppose it's the best alternative to black so I will look into that option.


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                              BrynLaden Find out more about BrynLaden