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Does youtube money corrupt players?

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  • Does youtube money corrupt players?

    Over at reddit there is a bit of a handbags at dawn where a famous (1.4 million subs) 400,000 views or $2000 per video airsofter was caught cheating and got banned. In response the site got buried in negative reviews even though they were enforcing the rules.

    Over on this side of the pond we have a famous youtuber/player who did this funny enough no hits were called as a result of this.

    Curiously enough as a response to the reddit post he immediately made that video private.

    So does money corrupt players?

    Are we going to have to go down the route of cameras being basic parts of our gear?

  • #2
    Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

    If I was getting that kind of money per video of me playing airsoft then of course it would influence how I play but not to the point of cheating. There are times though in the heat of the moment or due to weather (rain/hail) that any player will get hit and either not feel it or not notice it. Having that moment on the internet being viewed by that many people, it is inevitable that someone will notice the player not taking a hit. I don't think that a youtuber who deliberately cheats would upload evidence of them cheating. If I knew I was cheating in the game, I would be 100% positive the footage of me cheating was edited out.


    • #3
      Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

      Money corrupts anyone given enough of it, certainly not limited to our sport or youtubers as a whole. I do think though, with this topic being pretty hot right now that it can only be good thing. We need to make people aware that as a community, we will not stand for people deliberately cheating just to get good footage. Cheaters are always going to cheat, it's in their nature, but...... but what we don't need is people who normally wouldn't, turn into cheaters for financial gain or to try and look cool in footage.


      • #4
        Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

        In my opinion, the chap banned from the site for going out of bounds genuinely believed he wasn't breaking the rules (if that's the one people are talking about. I may be wrong). It seemed more like he was banned on a technicality.

        As for the other guy...I'll hold my opinion there. But I imagine if you're relying on your gameplay videos to be amazing in order to bring out money, there's always going to be a side of you that favors good footage over fair gameplay. I personally have stopped making gameplay videos because it's rare that I play well enough to capture anything entertaining, and I'm not going to start cheating to change that. I can see why someone in the position of needing that footage might ignore a hit or two for the purpose of maintaining their income, but of course I don't agree with it in the slightest. It's against the nature of the game, and exposes an obvious flaw in the whole 'paid to play' system.


        • #5
          Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

          i saw the vidoe when they went out of bounds and IMO it was a genuine mistake on the site owners side for not clarifing the rules properly , {river is the boundary do not cross} , why would you film yourselfs cheating?, to ban them is totally over the top and out of order! if we had done that at our site they would of just said something like dont do it again and change the rules.. anyway i could imagine it changes airsoft for you , theres a gamer on youtube "levelcapgaming" , that was heavily into airsoft but ruined it for himself and quit because he put himself under to much pressure to produce decent footage everytime he went , makes sense , youtube search "why i quit airsoft"


          • #6
            Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

            Yeah, I thought it was harsh. The rule was the river was the boundary. If I was a marshal I'd have applauded him for being a sneaky bastard but asked him not to do it again as it broke the game. As for the grenade.. I still watch the video's as they're well done, but he's been called out on a number of occasions for cheating. Used to watch levelcapgaming. His vids were great, and fair play to him for packing it in when it started to become a stress. Think my favourite airsoft youtuber is Bullet4myenemy. Cool vid's and will quite happily show you where he ballsed up. His accent makes him sound like he can't be arsed though lol.


            • #7
              Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

              Have a look at Silver Fox Airsoft Videos

              Great videos


              • #8
                Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                Money doesn't corrupt people, it exposes them.
                “If it means interfering in an ensconced, outdated system, to help just one woman, man or child…I’m willing to accept the consequences.” -Wonder Woman #170


                • #9
                  Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                  To be honest, I've always been dubious of mattthemusketeer, as kenlchikawa linked to. He overshoots massively imo with a high rof gun, and have seen a few vids where I'm sure he would have been hit.

                  Otoh I've always enjoyed watching noviritsch, and can't see him intentionally cheating. He called another chap out for cheating in one of his vids that caused said player to quit according to his response video, and he didn't want that to happen.

                  End of the day, we are human and make mistakes. To stray on the edge of a boundary happens. How often do we hear marshalls telling players they're out of bounds?

                  On topic, I totally think that enough money will corrupt people. The question is will the corruption support continued income, or kill it? I won't sub to a blatant cheater.


                  • #10
                    Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                    FLeZAirsoft is another good one if you're into milsim. Scouse lad. Very good watch.


                    • #11
                      Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                      Originally posted by Phoenix_rising View Post
                      Have a look at Silver Fox Airsoft Videos

                      Great videos
                      Ha, thanks mate! I just did a double-take when I saw my own channel mentioned, lol

                      I haven't posted anything on the channel for a few weeks. Just been too busy with life. Really need to get back to making videos from the footage I've gathered this past year and not checked yet. Hence why I chose this thread to read first out of all of them, as I'm never usually on here much. As for $2,000 per video, chance would be nice. I've only got 96 subs and in the past year I've earned precisely $0.89 from ad revenue, lol. I do it for fun and nothing else, as it adds another dimension to my hobby.


                      • #12
                        Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                        Originally posted by Ryaw View Post
                        Ha, thanks mate! I just did a double-take when I saw my own channel mentioned, lol

                        I haven't posted anything on the channel for a few weeks. Just been too busy with life. Really need to get back to making videos from the footage I've gathered this past year and not checked yet. Hence why I chose this thread to read first out of all of them, as I'm never usually on here much. As for $2,000 per video, chance would be nice. I've only got 96 subs and in the past year I've earned precisely $0.89 from ad revenue, lol. I do it for fun and nothing else, as it adds another dimension to my hobby.
                        Just watched my first video of yours, the Vz61, have to say it was a great video, damn I'm gonna have to watch them all now, it's funny you call your hits just like me "ah fcuk ...hit" or the variant "ouch fcuk hit"
                        VICTORIA CONCORDIA CRESCIT

                        LOOKING FOR: S&W N-frame holster
                        trader feedback


                        • #13
                          Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                          Originally posted by KenIchikawa View Post
                          at reddit

                          There's your problem.
                          Originally posted by Lt. Macka
                          big black shapes draw the eye.


                          • #14
                            Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                            Originally posted by sparrowhawk View Post
                            Just watched my first video of yours, the Vz61, have to say it was a great video, damn I'm gonna have to watch them all now, it's funny you call your hits just like me "ah fcuk ...hit" or the variant "ouch fcuk hit"
                            Cool thanks, glad you liked the video and yeah I do swear a fair bit when shot. I was advised by a friend to bleep them swearing out, but I feel that it detracts from the video. Since posting here this morning, I've started work on another video. Just a shotgun kill compilation, so nothing too fancy or imaginative. The one thing that gets mentioned over and over to me is my Andy-Murray-ish super-enthusiastic *sarcasm* commentary style, lol. I guess being a hyperactive PewdyPie or whatever, just isn't my style.

                            I've got more Vz61 footage to post at some point too.


                            • #15
                              Re: Does youtube money corrupt players?

                              Remember the days when Airsoft didn't have players loaded up with go pros and what not, those were
                              The days, now it just seems like every player with a camera seems more interested in filming and
                              Making sure they're cameras are working rather then playing the actual game.
                              If I had my own site I'd ban all cameras from players as I think it actually spoils the game!


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                              KenIchikawa Find out more about KenIchikawa