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500fps Debate, come join in

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  • 500fps Debate, come join in


    Im writing on here today to try and get 500fps sniper rifles back at our sites as most of the sites have lost their ways and have decided in their infinity wisdom that its for the good of the game to only have 350fps.

    WELL let me start the DEBATE and everyone please air your views on this matter.

    I think that 500fps on a bolt action spring sniper rifle is what a sniper rifle should be. What is the point of making snipers fire the same as a assault rifle??? your taking away the snipers advantage. Its their choice to have bolt action and the range advantage compared to assault guys who have chosen rapid fire and large mags over range.

    The whole reason we all do airsoft over Paintball (spit spit) is the realism of it, have you sites owners forgot this???

    I dont know about anyone else but the thought of knowing there is a sniper in ghilie with a 500fps rifle made me play a lot more tactically and put the shits up me and i loved it.

    Do you make your sites 350fps only because 500fps scares away your newby market?? dont you look after the true players of the game anymore??

    I recently emailed a site asking and they game me these excuses

    1 - They cant marshall the safe engagement distance for snipers.... Well anyone who has a sniper rifle firing at 500fps is no newby, and knows what a safe distance to fire at is. Also most snipers if not all have side arms for close quarters.

    2- might splinter the bbs into the mesh googles and into there eyes..... Highly unlikely at the range snipers shoot and we all understand there is a risk to these games, u can just as easy get a tooth shot out but u dont ban people with teeth just incase they lose one.

    If you can tell people in the safety brief not to climb trees and take your mask off in combat then tell the snipers not to engage with their rifles at close range (they dont need telling tho)

    At the end of the day there is bad players at all sites that dont take their hits and shoot people at close range. Just chuck them out and let the real players carry on enjoying the realism of the sport.

    to all the sites that still operate 500fps well done for looking after the players and the sport

    TO all those sites that dont allow 500fps, just remember why u liked airsoft in the first place and stop selling out to the newby and weekend office worker warrior and grow some.

    Im sure this will get mixed responses but come one come all
    G&P M4/M203

  • #2
    Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

    Meh, my site allows 450fps


    • #3
      Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

      its good and bad 500fps should only be allowd if the shooter of the rifle can judge range good and can shoot well so there is less chance of a face shot


      • #4
        Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

        My local woodland allows 500fps sniping, and the urban allows 400fps outside of building, or 500fps on milsim dates.

        I dont have a problem with 500fps semiauto DMRs either...


        • #5
          Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

          One word, Insurance.


          • #6
            Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

            thats very true


            • #7
              Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

              500 fps is more dangerous than 350 fps - more chance of breaking the skin and causing bloody wounds, especially on stray neck shots etc

              it also makes snipers a great deal more effective than AEG users at long range, which is either good or bad, depending if on whether the individual in question gets their entertainment from lying prone and sniping, or from pushing foward with AEGs.

              My club- a large expanse of woodland which does allow 500fps- is plagued with snipers to the extent than on average over half of each team will be sniping. makes playing AEG a bit frustrating sometimes given the large distances


              • #8
                Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                My site allows 500 fps, and if you want to use a sniper, you have to pass a test to prove you're responsible enough to handle it


                • #9
                  Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                  Ground Zero Woodland and a very many sites allow 500fps, are you sure you ain't in the minority :P

                  CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                  • #10
                    Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                    Now Im all for allowing bolt action rifles up to 500fps, and several of the sites I play at do allow it. However, to put it politely, you do seem to have made a bit of a daft whiny sounding argument...

                    Originally posted by dert70 View Post
                    Im writing on here today to try and get 500fps sniper rifles back at our sites as most of the sites have lost their ways and have decided in their infinity wisdom that its for the good of the game to only have 350fps.
                    FPS isnt everything. My 320fps M14 outranges many 500fps sniper rifles. Higher FPS doesnt necessarily mean better range. Just means you're bb will get to its destination slightly faster...

                    I dont know about anyone else but the thought of knowing there is a sniper in ghilie with a 500fps rifle made me play a lot more tactically and put the shits up me and i loved it.

                    Do you make your sites 350fps only because 500fps scares away your newby market?? dont you look after the true players of the game anymore??
                    Actually Im pretty sure the main reason is insurance problems. Nothing to do with "scaring newbys"

                    I recently emailed a site asking and they game me these excuses

                    1 - They cant marshall the safe engagement distance for snipers.... Well anyone who has a sniper rifle firing at 500fps is no newby, and knows what a safe distance to fire at is. Also most snipers if not all have side arms for close quarters.
                    "anyone who has a 500fps rifle is no newby and knows a safe distance to fire at"

                    Uhh... ok then... and whats to stop a "newby" picking up a 2tone Warrior L96 or JG Bar10 firing at 450+ fps out of the box because "I AMZ l33t M0D3RN W4RF4R3 SN1P3Z LOLH4X"?

                    If you can tell people in the safety brief not to climb trees and take your mask off in combat then tell the snipers not to engage with their rifles at close range (they dont need telling tho)
                    Any site Ive been to that allows rifles over 350fps does mention this in the briefing, theres a 30 meter M.E.D, anyone caught shooting under that has thier rifle taken away.

                    At the end of the day there is bad players at all sites that dont take their hits and shoot people at close range. Just chuck them out and let the real players carry on enjoying the realism of the sport.
                    Im not sure what that has to do with anything relating to yout argument

                    to all the sites that still operate 500fps well done for looking after the players and the sport

                    TO all those sites that dont allow 500fps, just remember why u liked airsoft in the first place and stop selling out to the newby and weekend office worker warrior and grow some.
                    See above point r.e. insurance.
                    Last edited by Tiercel; 9 July, 2010, 19:23.


                    • #11
                      Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                      Yeah, i think most sites use 500fps, with 20m engagement rule?
                      Then 400 semi auto. I know CS Woodland has 400fps, but then again in places like the village and the farm, you dont want anymore!
                      Yes, you do get the odd idiot who takes headshots (First time playing got a cracker to my cheek and heard the guy laugh... got him back after though by sneaking behind him)
                      But as long as its responsible, 500fps is fine!
                      However, in urban sites, no way!
                      "Happy those who seize your children and smash them against a rock." Psalms 137:9


                      • #12
                        Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                        You know what? I'm not even going to start.


                        • #13
                          Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                          The woodland site I used to go to befor being bitten by the CQB bug allowed 500 fps. Prospective snipers had to book onto the trainee sniper thread using the sites standard VSR. Be shadowed by one of the marshals untill he was satisfied the trainee gave a clear understanding of the site rules and med's.

                          Thereby ensuring to the best of their ability the site was safe from a newbie turning up with a 500 fps rifle and shooting someone in the face from 5m.

                          I have posted this on similar threads befor and been shot down for it. If I had to undergo an hour or so again with a high powered rifle to ensure site safety then for me it wouldn't be a problem. I remember there were a few responses to this saying that there was no way they would go through any kind of training if they were paying for a days skirmishing. Well really if you are good with your gun then it would only be what half an hour or so to show that competentcy. This could be kept on file by the site owner and you would only have to do this once, sites could contact each other to veryify details, so long as you book in in advance to any new site you want to visit. It really isn't difficult and would show good safe working practices by sites.

                          I fully agree that open sites should allow more realistic advantages for snipers. Maybe using more rigerous training they could even raise the 500 fps to something higher.

                          I for one would be willing to do something to help this if it ever became something incorporating into working sites.

                          Please don't turn this into a my TM pistol outranges your 500fps sniper type thread.
                          Last edited by North West Outpost; 9 July, 2010, 19:33.
                          Gun tech.

                          AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



                          • #14
                            Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                            well its all down to the player that is the cause as stated above "newbies turning up and shooting someone in the back of the head" and insurance is picking up on this risk but it should be second nature to know a safe distance. skirmish sites should have a range test and say what is the safe limit and have a 3-5 meter tolerance of the closest distance and have a secondary weapon for close range if they only have a rifle they are stupid
                            Originally posted by DCRISP07
                            An argument over screws, only on Zeroin :P


                            • #15
                              Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                              Very valid point....Side arm for anyone within med's.....
                              Gun tech.

                              AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



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                              dert70 Find out more about dert70