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500fps Debate, come join in

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  • #46
    Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

    Originally posted by seansamurai1
    Id take a look at that VSR to be fair mate, M14s that are well set up with some money put into them can do nearly that, my LR 300 shorty barrel does 65m at a push (anybodies guess where it goes though).
    I just can't picture it working with the flightpath applied by a hop unit.

    I'm pretty sure you'll get to a certain maximum range and the upper ceiling will be dictated by the forces acting upon the projectile, regardless of which gun it is being fired by. With airsoft after all, all projectiles are fired using the same principles. M14, M16, P90...

    For example the maximum speed a cyclist is estimated to be able to travel, unassisted, is in the 60 mph region, regardless of gearing. This is due to the air resistance working against him. Without significant aerodynamic improvements, it's going to be a losing battle upping the speed.


    • #47
      Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

      My rifle is fine, thanks for asking. Hahaha.


      • #48
        Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

        Actually, I'd like to see a graph mapping out the trajectory of a BB at 500fps with varying levels of hop applied.


        • #49
          Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

          More to the point I would love to see a 500 fps toy send. A .25 bb 150 metres ,on all my years fixing and upgrading every know boltaction on the market.,the best I've seen is 131 metres at a 4 foot Target ,with a .4 , so much so I. Would pay a gunsmiths hourly rate to see you make that shot at 500 fps. ,, time to put up or shutup


          • #50
            Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

            Originally posted by seansamurai1
            This is the major problem with airsoft these days, is the amount of people who think if they cant do something thus makeing it impossible to do altogether and the small minded pettyness that goes with that attitude.
            I understand that you feel miffed because people are asking you to validate your claim, which you feel you shouldn't have too, but the claim you have made is considerable, given the distances most peoples weapons are firing at. To be honest if you make a claim like that on a forum you are going to be called on it, you are right, if most people can't do it they do think it can't be done, but that is when you need to say "Ok Watch me do this.." I don't think it is an impossible shot but you seemed to say that this type of shot was a fairly regular occurance and I just wondered if maybe it was more a case of "on one or two occaisions, when the conditions were right I managed to acheive.." rarther than "I can do it every time".


            • #51
              Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

              I can make the shot fairly regularily, but as you say, the conditions do have to be right, at least you are giving the benefit of the doubt, and I thank you for that.
              section 24 of the 1968 Act
              Supplying imitation firearms to minors
              1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
              2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


              • #52
                Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                Total shinangans on consistant 150m shots, thats almost 500ft on a sub 500fps rifle, using 0.25g bb's huurrrh. I'm sorry but if your going to make claims like 150m shots (when 100m shots are very rare) expect people to be sceptical. To be honest if I KNEW I had a rifle capable of such shots I would either:

                a) Not mention it at all.
                b) Mention it, but make damn sure I had video evidence of the damn thing.

                I do concede it may be possible if your bang on 500fps, using 0.40g+ ammo, shooting from high ground and elevating your rifle/overhopping that you might get a hit at that range.
                Last edited by Wargasm; 10 July, 2010, 11:19.
                "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop it from putting lego up its bum."


                • #53
                  Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                  just got a high fps snipwhore rifle off the forum, rekon just to try and do something different but im doing it for the ethos rather than duuuurrr 500fps your head should come off BS. and for one thing i wil NEVER do is that 'bang' you are too close for me to miss so take your hit' but i cant fire cuz of MED, i will be rocking copious pistol mags for my meu and if i cant transition to pistol il take the hit or lay low. There are a million high fps rifles kicking about at gz, but only rarely do i think anyone is an actual sniper, takes more than a ghillie suit and papa's wad of cash splurdged on a gaffa taped up two tone to make a sniper. Not saying I am one either by the way, im just changing up the way i play.
                  Foxtrot Oscar


                  • #54
                    Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                    Originally posted by dert70 View Post
                    Well anyone who has a sniper rifle firing at 500fps is no newby, and knows what a safe distance to fire at is.


                    i have seen too many 12 year old "newby" people that like sniping on call of duty that have gone and bought themselves a china l96 which shoots close to 500fps because they think it is similar to the game

                    I have been shot within engagement distances too many times to feel the need to agree that all snipers know what they are doing.


                    • #55
                      Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                      Again , i wasnt having a poke but as per my last post 14 years experience in bolt action airsoft TOYS even running one on a very high pressured co2 rig try 170 psi for testing @ extremley high fps and still that bb only managed 131 metres in level flight


                      • #56
                        Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                        Stay on topic


                        • #57
                          Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                          Well, I'll ad my two-penny-worth...provided the topic-police dont have a problem with it (thats a joke)

                          Airsoft is about common-sense, and most players who get into sniping tend to be more reserved than the twelve-year-old spray and pray merchants. Granted there will always be one or two idiots, who will take headshots from very close range. But thats what marshals are there for, to ban said clowns without ruining the game for the responsible and careful sniper.

                          A number of sites I have been to have the minimum engagement distance that folk have previously mentioned, with the requirement that the sniper be able to demonstrate he/she/it can judge said distance, if they cant, they have to use something else.

                          Dont delete an interesting facet of the game, simply because of a few ill-mannered or stupid players, it will spoil it for those who have invested in their rifles and can play the game the way its meant to be.
                          Q - Spartans Airsoft Team

                          nos periclitor proprius

                          Originally posted by Black Templar
                          There is no other store, only ZU'UUL.


                          • #58
                            Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                            Originally posted by Q View Post
                            Dont delete an interesting facet of the game, simply because of a few ill-mannered or stupid players, it will spoil it for those who have invested in their rifles and can play the game the way its meant to be.
                            Exactly. In so many areas of airsoft this holds true.
                            Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name


                            • #59
                              Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                              Originally posted by dert70 View Post

                              I recently emailed a site asking and they game me these excuses

                              1 - They cant marshall the safe engagement distance for snipers.... Well anyone who has a sniper rifle firing at 500fps is no newby, and knows what a safe distance to fire at is. Also most snipers if not all have side arms for close quarters.

                              2- might splinter the bbs into the mesh googles and into there eyes..... Highly unlikely at the range snipers shoot and we all understand there is a risk to these games.

                              1. - you will fine that most people are shite at judging distance accurately.
                              2. many "snipers" have no shooting experience outside of the ******* ***** - so often don't really know what they are doing.
                              3. - new players are attracted to sniping - and 99% of them think you must upgrade to 500fps before you do any practice - ergo they are shite at judging range, shite at field craft and thus shite at sniping - so they wait for people to get closer so they can actually hit them.

                              for many people - 500fps represents the be all and end all of's almost the "I have a bigger member than you because I have 500fps and you don't" - this simply isn't true.
                              your second point is a valid concern - particularly when you factor in people who are shite at judging distance.

                              at the end of the day I can get a 50-60m kill with a 250fps rifle. - it just boils down to practice and knowing what you are doing. - something that many new snipers simply don't know.

                              Originally posted by Coz
                              Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course.
                     sniping tactics thread.


                              • #60
                                Re: 500fps Debate, come join in

                                Unfortunately in airsoft, as with so many other places in life, the thought-police, and idiots who cant apply common-sense, both in the playing, and the rule-making, make decisions that ruin it for the rest of us.

                                Sadly - “Stupidity is replicating itself at an enormous rate”
                                Q - Spartans Airsoft Team

                                nos periclitor proprius

                                Originally posted by Black Templar
                                There is no other store, only ZU'UUL.


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                                dert70 Find out more about dert70