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Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

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  • #16
    Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

    Only time I want a fast firing aeg is when the semi auto can keep up with my gas scar.

    I hate nothing more than being lit up at 3 yards by 20-30 shots by some "get some" overcompensating jumped up n00b.


    WARNING. Post may contain traces of sarcasm. If you do not understand this, I pity your existence.


    • #17
      Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

      I use to like high ROF on my guns , Then i had a change of heart and decided its just cr*p.

      Looked around to find out the real steel ROF of my guns and tried to match them.

      Im pretty close to the 416 ROF just abit under , So im happy
      "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his

      General George S.patton

      Dboys AK74U with Samson rail (y)


      • #18
        Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

        This guy is talking about high fire rate being really high....

        (I'm joking if you didn't realise i think it's too high when your going through bb's like its nothing.)
        Originally posted by murta369
        in soviet russia you remove the plastic from the paint.


        • #19
          Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

          Too fast is when your gun shits out it's load before you've fully depressed the trigger.

          But while on this subject, is a high speed/turbo motor actually any good then? Reason I ask is I was thinking of buying one a systema turbo for my 416 project. In my naive state, didn't think about the stress it would put on the rest of the gun.


          • #20
            Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

            Taken from the OED,

            "Boresoft" ...also known as "Gaysoft", Airsoft with adrenaline removed, usually achieved by enforcing minimum full auto engagement distance rules, milsim and/or low caps.
            HK MP5k PDW//IMI Uzi//HK MP5a4//HK MP5a5//M3 Grease Gun//HK51//L119a1//HK G36k//Colt M653//Colt M733 with M203//Steyr AUG A1//AMD 65//DSA SA58//Colt M16vn//H&K G3a3//Sig P226//Colt 1911a1//Sig P226r//STI 2011


            • #21
              Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

              I upgraded my M4 to do more then 30rps for two reasons:

              1 - Faster trigger response on semi. (Ever so little pull needed to set it off...)

              2 - To keep my trigger finger in check. If I left it with stock ROF, I would hardly come off the 'go loud' setting.

              But really, too fast to me is when you have comepletely ruined the AEG and blown it to pieces doing so. I have no question with high ROF, I just question the user behind it!


              • #22
                Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                Ive never been particularly fussed when it comes to ROF. Ive always focused my upgrades on accuracy rather than ROF. All my guns are totally stock when it comes to ROF and Im happy with that, it just seems silly to me when you see someone whos got a gun that sounds like a sewing machine and spits out 30+ bb's/sec.


                • #23
                  Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                  A good ROF (I mean good, not ridiculous) definately gives an advantage in CQB.
                  HK MP5k PDW//IMI Uzi//HK MP5a4//HK MP5a5//M3 Grease Gun//HK51//L119a1//HK G36k//Colt M653//Colt M733 with M203//Steyr AUG A1//AMD 65//DSA SA58//Colt M16vn//H&K G3a3//Sig P226//Colt 1911a1//Sig P226r//STI 2011


                  • #24
                    Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                    my scar shoots out 22rounds a second and thats too fast for me


                    • #25
                      Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                      It depends on who is wielding it really an what they have got, the only bit of gear i have that has a highish rof is my L86 to try and make use of it as a support weapon and not just an excuse to have an umpteen gazillion round mag


                      • #26
                        Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                        here's a question

                        stock famas in peoples opinion is that too fast for realist skirmishers?
                        (something ive always wanted to ask)

                        sorry for the sliiiight hijack but will remain on track

                        also thanks jakesclaws im now chillin haha


                        • #27
                          Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                          Originally posted by Devlin View Post
                          A good ROF (I mean good, not ridiculous) definately gives an advantage in CQB.
                          Ive never played a CQB game where full auto was allowed, with the exception of AEP's and things like the GBB G18 or hicappa extreme. Its always been limited to semi auto only, and AEG's are frowned upon anyway, pistols and shotties for CQB! A whole lot more fun!


                          • #28
                            Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                            Depends on how you handle it!


                            • #29
                              Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                              It depends really. Funnily enough I'm considering sticking a few upgrades in to increase the ROF, but only so I can come off auto. At the moment it feels too sluggish on semi, and quite irritatingly often locks up. I'm hoping that throwing the odd high speed whats-it here and there will increase the reliability of semi and make it more useable. But using that set up would mean that although the gun is capable of throwing 30rps or what not, it would never be doing that.


                              • #30
                                Re: Rate of Fire: How fast is too fast?

                                Now you've said that Reb, my 36k is quite sluggish on semi.

                                It sounds like it comes down to user preference. Average/responsible ROF on full auto and sluggish semi auto, or fast ROF and having to use short bursts but having good semi auto.


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                                Boltrig Find out more about Boltrig