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Dis-arming while in combat

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  • #61
    Re: Dis-arming while in combat

    Originally posted by SUPERPROOPERATOR View Post
    Thank you for proving my earlier point.

    I'm not suggesting a full slap or whatever, god no. I respect other people's kit because it is always more expensive than mine, and I wouldn't dream of landing a full open palm slap on someone's £40 Magpul laser silencer or whatever. What I'm mainly talking about is taking firm hold of a sturdy part of the gun and moving it aside. Usually if you get someone like this they're pretty surprised and don't resist, giving you time to tap them lightly on the chest. I personally don't see the problem, but maybe I'll reconsider if it means someone is going to knife me with an actual knife or knock me out for daring to lay hands on dear Mavis, my super custom M4CQBRISVHDW.

    Or if you tap someone in the chest to kill them and they scream THAT'S ASSAULT and you spend the next 6 weeks in court, well, form your own opinion.
    Continue the class struggle elsewhere comrade. I don't give a stuff if you want to be a poorsofter, stop bashing people for choosing to splash a little cash on the hobby they love.
    Last edited by Sci Fi Steve; 26 December, 2010, 08:36.


    • #62
      Re: Dis-arming while in combat

      Just out of interest, isnt there a site in the UK somewhere that allows a bit of hand to hand combat, I heard most of the regulars practice various martial arts so everyone's game.

      I would love to play at a site like that.



      • #63
        Personally, I wouldn't mind, so long as they didn't physically smash my kit! But then again, hands and feet are my main area, so I'm unlikely to have a problem with it.

        Half the problem with Airsoft is it costs so much we are too protective of our gear for our own good!


        • #64
          Re: Dis-arming while in combat

          B-SB I think your signature pic shows why they might be careful
          Others till I die


          • #65
            Re: Dis-arming while in combat

            Originally posted by Boo-Sabum Ben View Post
            Personally, I wouldn't mind, so long as they didn't physically smash my kit! But then again, hands and feet are my main area, so I'm unlikely to have a problem with it.

            Half the problem with Airsoft is it costs so much we are too protective of our gear for our own good!
            i agree fully with that actually, if they dont go mad or its clear they've done it out of malice of forethought then i would be pissed but if it was "friendly" (as much as it can be anyway) and you where left thinking "haha damn you cheeky bugger" instead of wanting to freak out over it i wouldn't mind at all


            • #66
              Re: Dis-arming while in combat

              Haha I don't advertise it much on site, so it would be a very nasty surprise if it happened! Haha.

              I have almost done some physical contact once actually. Coming in a doorway, small kid was looking the wrong way as I came round the corner, and put my pistol on his chest and slowly walked him backwards a little and asked what team he was on. Wouldn't have shot him unless he gave me a choice! Poor kid was terrified, and it was more of an accident as I came in the doorway and there he was! No hitting or kicking or sweeping invalid though!


              • #67
                Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                This is all getting a bit involved....

                Let's just re word the question a little.

                Your at a corner and your pretty sure someone is just round the other side. Then to confirm it a barrel pops out infront of you, but not moving arround the corner.

                What would you do if you don't advocate the smallest touch, you would have to jump out and stand infront of a loaded bb gun to shoot him/ her.

                On the other hand you could put your gun down and if you had one use a knife and just lurch round the corner poking the person with the blade as you go.

                You could jump out and say bang at which point you just get shot point blank. Probably on auto in shock as they poo themself.

                You jump out palm the barrel and shoot them once on single shot.

                Hmm...let me have a think for a mili second.

                Next you will be saying if that bfg hits me I'll spark you out.

                Keep that strike and chuck pyro away from me thats assault if it hits me or goes off anywhere near me. Don't let any of those sparks near me.

                No one is talking about someone built like Arnie twisting your prize gun and damaging it, with a light hand it's hardly assault.

                So whats next on the list, shout assault when you've been shot and someone pulls you out of the line of fire to medic you?

                Come on get a grip. Albeit a gentle one!
                Gun tech.

                AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



                • #68
                  Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                  Originally posted by Darkchild View Post
                  Just out of interest, isnt there a site in the UK somewhere that allows a bit of hand to hand combat, I heard most of the regulars practice various martial arts so everyone's game.

                  I would love to play at a site like that.

                  Hmmm? Not sure You're on the right forum here. It's Airsoft, after all! You will always find somebody bigger and harder than you, which usually results in an embarrassing public spanking. If physical combat is your bag, take up MMA.

                  BALBOSA, excellent use of the old 'malice of forethought' there. Rarely seen in an arena such as this. I attempt to interject the phrase as much as possible in my reports. "A star" I doff my virtual cap to you sir!
                  There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


                  • #69
                    Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                    I played at a CQB site that this was ok, was a group of mates. Makes it a bit more real. If someone is assaulting a room with a full length sr25, silencer and extended stock, his barrel enters the room about 5 minutes before him

                    I would move the barrel aside and step inside his weapons arc and put pistol to chest and say "Your hit"

                    and that was that

                    I didnt karate chop it into two pieces moving it, i just moved it


                    • #70
                      Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                      Originally posted by BAMF View Post
                      BALBOSA, excellent use of the old 'malice of forethought' there. Rarely seen in an arena such as this. I attempt to interject the phrase as much as possible in my reports. "A star" I doff my virtual cap to you sir!
                      why thank you kind chap if a situation like as is being discussed ever goes to court it will be more apt :D


                      • #71
                        Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                        I just wasted about 5 hours of my Christmas reading through this thread.

                        So are most of you saying that:

                        -If it was friendly, it would be ok
                        -If it was in a controlled manner, it would add more realism to the game
                        -You would be a bit pissed off if you had your gun whacked away


                        • #72
                          Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                          Originally posted by BAMF
                          Ah, yes. The old "He, er, 'stumbled' dahn the stairwell your honour"

                          "That's all very well officer, but how do you explain your greasy pawprint all over this man's terribly expensive RIF?"

                          My magpul's been tarnished good fellow! haha

                          but anyway back on topic if you see the barrel maybe you could duck under and bang kill =/ possibly end a big dispute about "oo killed oo" (Monty python quote)


                          • #73
                            Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                            Originally posted by BAMF View Post
                            Hmmm? Not sure You're on the right forum here. It's Airsoft, after all! You will always find somebody bigger and harder than you, which usually results in an embarrassing public spanking. If physical combat is your bag, take up MMA.
                            yeah, OR, i've trained in martial arts including mma for years, am advance cqb trained and would enjoy playing a more intense game with like minded people.

                            Patronising broad stroke comments like "you will always find somebody bigger and harder than you" are not needed thanks.



                            • #74
                              Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                              Originally posted by Boo-Sabum Ben
                              Most people choose to head around a wall, ill go straight over it instead :P
                              haha see when i try that i have no face left after it cos ive tripped and gone face first into the wall :D


                              • #75
                                Re: Dis-arming while in combat

                                No. You shouldn't be making physical contact with the other players. That just goes down a bad road. Also about the bang rule. I find the knife kill better than the bang kill because with the bang kill people just take the piss and use it at ranges where it isn't appropriate. I get that sometimes you're not sure what range is appropriate for a bang kill and that's why I prefer knife kills since you have to give them a tap. It removes the grey area.

                                If someone shoots me at close range I don't throw a tantrum and I expect them to be the same if I shoot them at close range. After all, that's why I go to GZU. For CQB airsoft.
                                Davey - GZU Player Since '08


                                About the Author


                                Montesa77 I've got a book out if you want to read it. It's called 'Life In A Bin' Find out more about Montesa77