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University airsoft societies

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  • #16
    Re: University airsoft societies

    Mate if your in uni you should be getting drunk/stoned and bagging some gash.

    Not playing with toy guns!


    • #17
      Re: University airsoft societies

      Thats what the other 13 days of the fortnight are for dude!
      'It shockingly outranges many m16's and ak's. I have taped both mags together for added firepower and reliablity.'


      • #18
        Umm I'm not with uni Portsmouth soc they just ... Well yeah

        But yeh getting a team together from my uni will be easy


        • #19
          Re: University airsoft societies

          There's actually quite a growing Inter-Uni community, kicked off by Gunman's Inter-uni Tournament, which they had recently. As all university things, it is based on facebook here but definitely get your names up there. Although the idea of airsoft and competition is in my opinion a terrible mix, the atmosphere at that Gunman tournament was exemplary!

          Cheers, Nikolay @ Reading Uni Airsoft


          • #20
            Re: University airsoft societies

            Originally posted by josh426 View Post
            (sorry to bring up an old thread) i'm going to be at northampton uni come september along with an airsofting mate and we will be trying to set up a society there also. Anyone got any input on setting it up successfully? any tips? where do you keep your rif's when your in halls? cheers in advance (and we will defo be up for the 8 man tourneys if they are still around and get enough interest!)
            I'll do the rundown as the current chair of Teesside's club, although we have a fine Russian man running it next year.

            Setup - Your SU should have plenty of advice on this. Talk to them, Know them, Love them. They're the people who's jobs are there to help you. Usually you need X members to set the club up (including the committee who run it), then Y members to get extra funding aside from what you make yourselves.

            Running it, and running successfully - be approachable. Talk to everyone. If there's a fresher's fair that has stalls, pack the stall with your guns. People love to pick them up and have a feel. Obviously no batteries or ammo or bangs or anything, but it's a great pull. After that, my advice is always lots of trips to different places. Every fortnight is good, three weeks is also good.

            Stay approachable, and make sure any new guys you get get used to the fact that getting shot both doesn't hurt, and means you're out. If you get them used to being honest from the start, you'll have a great bunch, I know my guys are. I'd suggest short, attack/defence games for the first couple of times with new guys. Get them rushing positions, shooting, being shot, ust plenty of running and gunning.

            RIF's in halls is an odd one. Most Uni's outright ban them, but don't check your rooms. Most people do tend to keep a brown box containing their 'train set' under their bed, but this is very much a personal call. We looked into storage on-site on SU grounds this year, but that one is a delightful minefield all in itself. Worth a look though. Something will present itself.

            If you want to know anything else, shoot me a PM or post it here. I'm happy to give advice, as I've found I normally learn something from the other end when I do!
            Altus Volo Mugio Extraho


            • #21
              Re: University airsoft societies

              Ooh, as far as practical tips on running a society goes, here's what I know. I am our Society's technician btw, so I don't really run things, but get to tag along when decisions are made :P

              First thing is first: Most Universities don't really want you there, so you can't get away with the things that other sports or societies get to. ALWAYS be on best behaviour RE rules.

              Guns in halls is a no-no for us, unfortunately if someone is caught with one in halls, we take it seriously. To prevent this, we provide an equipment manager - a reliable guy who lives in their own place in town who stores guns between skirms for uni members. He even charges batts for them before a skirmish, if they ask him to If a person chooses not to use this facility, it's their risk and we have to stand by the Unis decisions, no matter how unreasonable .

              The equipment manager also is in charge of the University's Hire guns and goggs - that is we used our budget to get a small number of guns for people to hire at I think it is £5 a game or something silly like that.

              Finally, the equipment guy is by far the busiest job! They really need to be very flexible and it is a good idea to have one guy in charge of club guns and another in charge of club gun maintenance, because really, it's a hard job and I don't envy it :P

              Have transport ready for skirmishes, have enough of it and have as many people with minibus licences as possible!

              Have a very well planned system for letting your members know when the skirmishes are and give them time to sign up to them!

              Taking the cost of a skirmish and absorbing it into the soc's fund is what a society is about, so do always think about how you can make airsoft cheaper for your members. So have rental guns, have a tech guy and be in the know about good, cheap airsoft gear!

              Finally, some sort of forum's always a good idea. We use Facebook and have a account as well, so yeah, comms is important.

              Finally, have your outgoing people geared up, with guns if your uni will let you, recruiting during freshers faire. This day will make or break your society, so go all out. Airsoft is fun, interesting and most importantly, something very different. Use people's paintball and laserquest experience then tell them how much better airsoft sites are. I mean, malls, underground bunkers, Mout sites, forrests... you don't get that with paintball. Hell, you don't even get full auto :P

              Good luck! Nikolay.


              • #22
                Well thing is as a already established soc runs...insert rant I pm'd you Bach lol

                I doubt we could set another up using the uni funds.

                However I know lots bout guns n gear so maintain wise sorted .

                I reckon I could get a forum to support us .
                Maybe a site or two.

                So just need to work from there.


                • #23
                  Re: University airsoft societies

                  Yeah, got it lol.

                  But yeah, comms is a key thing with any sort of airsoft group, so I am sure you could, if you managed to cobble a few team mates together get a slot on said forum, talk to UCAP and take it from there Just, like I said in PM, try to keep on a good footing with the locals and be helpful wherever you can, members will naturally want to get to know you guys if you are friendly and helpful

                  A stupid team name always helps too, the most recent suggestion for the inter-uni group was Combined Univeristy National Taskforce, which is very apt :P


                  • #24
                    Haha yeh we just out to have fun establish a good rep have fun and encourage more to play
                    Whilst making a core team .


                    • #25
                      Re: University airsoft societies

                      Originally posted by Bachelarius View Post
                      A stupid team name always helps too, the most recent suggestion for the inter-uni group was Combined Univeristy National Taskforce, which is very apt :P
                      Oh no dude, this is a real thing.

                      We have dogtags and a flag and everything

                      - confirmed coolest of the cool airsofters.
                      - I can't believe I'm lame enough to put my extremely cool youtube channel in my signature


                      • #26
                        Re: University airsoft societies

                        ha, I see you didn't go for my 2hills 1wooded ravine patch suggestion :P


                        • #27
                          Re: University airsoft societies

                          Well the dogtag design for 2011 is still up in the air :P
                          - confirmed coolest of the cool airsofters.
                          - I can't believe I'm lame enough to put my extremely cool youtube channel in my signature


                          • #28
                            Re: University airsoft societies

                            Anyone know of any london uni's with an airsoft society?


                            • #29
                              Re: University airsoft societies

                              I've got my Combined Uni tag on right now, AWWW YEAHHH
                              Altus Volo Mugio Extraho


                              • #30
                                Re: University airsoft societies

                                I may also be wearing mine...
                                "For us, it keeps parenting essentials, a phone, a digital SLR camera and pistol magazines all neatly organised and accessible" - 5.11 Review

                                'Basically, Airsoft is Prom Night' - Brother Captain Ryan


                                About the Author


                                Aeviv Its pronounced Ey-ViV! Find out more about Aeviv