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Cheating an grown up discussion !!

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  • Cheating an grown up discussion !!

    I have noticed that some sites seem to have a label attached to them regarding cheating, which obviously can’t be good for the site as people will stop playing there.
    Once a negative atmosphere starts to develop at a site it is very hard to loose it. So how do you go about it ? How can a community like ours minimise out and out cheating.

    “If they don’t take the first hit, I lace the c*#p out of their left testicle with a hicap on full auto at 350 fps.” Or “I give them a paper cut and then squeeze some lemon juice into it.”
    “Aim for the nose”, “inner part of the thigh” “Shoot them on the Thumb” “Run at them, then waggle your manhood in their face screaming about how it is a game based on honesty and everyone should take their hits..” I have to say that this type of response is not a method that I agree with. Shooting someone with the intention of hurting them in this game is wrong in my opinion. If you hurt anyone, by choosing to select a vulnerable area as a target or using “excessive force” so to speak, I consider that to be a worse infraction than not taking a hit. After all mistakes do get made, just imagine shooting some one in the face, causing them some damage and then finding out he hadn’t been cheating, you had just missed him.
    Recently on this forum it was discussed that if some one was cheating you simply got up and walked away, and I really liked this idea. But in fairness how many times have you been in a situation where someone’s bb’s are falling far short of you and then you hear a cry of “Take your hits!” drifting up hill to your position. I think unfortunately it could possibly reach a point where some players would walk away every time they were at a disadvantage, or thought something should automatically fall in their favour.
    Informing a marshal is the obvious answer but what options are we left with if that fails, what would you say is a good way to approach some one you feel is cheating without making the situation worse. What can each and every one of us do when on the field of play to eliminate what is undoubtedly the worst aspect of our hobby.
    For me I am quite happy to give the benefit of the doubt, either way. I’ve called myself out more than once because I thought I might have been hit rather than something definitive. Same goes the other way, Am I absolutely sure that my bb’s are hitting the player, or is it just a reluctance to think, “I can’t have missed at that range.”
    If I am sure then I tell a marshal.

    Any ideas?
    Last edited by Double 0 Jedi; 8 March, 2011, 14:49.

  • #2
    Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

    Complaining about cheating is just as damaging in my eyes as cheating itself... It's certainly ruined more games for me than not taking hits has.


    • #3
      Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

      marshals at a site i play at do random spot checks. shoot someone and if they don't take the hit escort them off site.

      Works well I think
      Originally posted by spetsnazdave87
      I've never seen an Aug look so large :p


      • #4
        Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

        Originally posted by Roxy View Post
        marshals at a site i play at do random spot checks. shoot someone and if they don't take the hit escort them off site.

        Works well I think
        Like the idea, yet it could ruin the game if someone is doing well then they randomly get hit by a marshal, would be annoying.
        Also, if the marshal hits the person on a chest rig or something bulky and the person doesn't take the hit as they couldn't feel/hear it. Then they wasted £20 and would obviously be pee'd off.


        • #5
          Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

          Originally posted by Roxy View Post
          marshals at a site i play at do random spot checks. shoot someone and if they don't take the hit escort them off site.

          Works well I think

          I think thats what i would do. makes total sense,if a marshal sees it with their own eyes then they know its not just whiners complaining.


          • #6
            Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

            Originally posted by B.E.N. View Post
            Complaining about cheating is just as damaging in my eyes as cheating itself... It's certainly ruined more games for me than not taking hits has.
            I agree totally, I have heard more about people saying other people are cheating far more than I have ever witnessed cheating itself. I left this part out of my op as it was going on long enough. People often listen to what other players say regarding people cheating. If they are told “so and so doesn’t take their hits.” when you come to face “So and So” You assume that they are guilty of not taking hits, without even giving the benifit of the doubt. Is perception of cheating more of a problem than cheating itself ?


            • #7
              Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

              Originally posted by Double 0 Jedi View Post
              I agree totally, I have heard more about people saying other people are cheating far more than I have ever witnessed cheating itself. I left this part out of my op as it was going on long enough. People often listen to what other players say regarding people cheating. If they are told “so and so doesn’t take their hits.” when you come to face “So and So” You assume that they are guilty of not taking hits, without even giving the benifit of the doubt. Is perception of cheating more of a problem than cheating itself ?
              perhaps. But a lot of people get all annoyed and focus on select players because they are actually cheating a lot.

              I'm sure some are as you say perceived to be cheaters so everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

              But at x site there is this father/son combo that are appalling in regards to hit taking. Everyone gets annoyed at them because they do it so much. Unfortunately marshalls cant follow them all day.

              example. I'm well conccealed and at a weird angle to the son. I pop out and spray a burst into his chest and face (wearing a mask before anyone moans) then pop back in. I peak out and see him looking around as to where it as come from. He can't see anyone so he keeps playing. After that I gave him a longer burst and he thankfully took that.

              its this sort of extreme cheating that gets everyone all riled up I think. Other times its as you say perceived cheating


              • #8
                Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                Originally posted by Ominous Slayer View Post
                Like the idea, yet it could ruin the game if someone is doing well then they randomly get hit by a marshal, would be annoying.
                Also, if the marshal hits the person on a chest rig or something bulky and the person doesn't take the hit as they couldn't feel/hear it. Then they wasted £20 and would obviously be pee'd off.
                This is exactly how I feel on the "Marshall test" idea.

                Non-hit taking is annoying, I'd never argue to the contrary. But I'm learning to care less now, and more importantly moan about it less. Negative breeds negative and it just brings Everyones day down. I look back on some of my previous conversations after games with a mix of sadness and shame.

                Why focus on the negatives "they didn't take their hits, they overkilled us, blah blah...", when you could focus on the positives "that room breach was awesome, even if we did get owned, the look on your face when that grenade came in was priceless...".
                Last edited by Fenriz; 8 March, 2011, 15:33.
                AUTHOR OF ALL YOUR PAIN.


                • #9
                  Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                  i've read a few of these threads on this forum, and it never really makes much sense to me. to be honest, cheating just isn't a problem at all where i play over here. i've really not had to have this conversation with my fellow players at all. we winge a bit some times about team ability weight or gun power, but never not taking hits.

                  now i don't mean that everybody takes their hits all the time - i just mean that our attitude toward cheating is different. if someone doesn't take their hit, we all assume he or she just hasn't felt it, or the shooter has missed. even if we can see someone is really cheating, my attitude is just 'ah well, there's always one or two.' or 'it's only a game, if that's how he wants to play, then whatever.' it never gets to the stage where it ruins the game; it's barely an annoyance.

                  my recommendation? just... nevermind. maybe ignoring a problem is not a solution, but i kind of think it works in this situation..
                  Last edited by The Laughing Man; 8 March, 2011, 15:38.

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                  • #10
                    Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                    Originally posted by Ominous Slayer View Post
                    Like the idea, yet it could ruin the game if someone is doing well then they randomly get hit by a marshal, would be annoying.
                    Also, if the marshal hits the person on a chest rig or something bulky and the person doesn't take the hit as they couldn't feel/hear it. Then they wasted £20 and would obviously be pee'd off.
                    Well it doesn't count as a hit if you take it. The marshall will put you straight back into the game. I think it's a common sense thing aswell. Not to be done if the player is trying to be sneaky
                    Originally posted by spetsnazdave87
                    I've never seen an Aug look so large :p


                    • #11
                      Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                      Originally posted by Ominous Slayer View Post
                      Like the idea, yet it could ruin the game if someone is doing well then they randomly get hit by a marshal, would be annoying.
                      Also, if the marshal hits the person on a chest rig or something bulky and the person doesn't take the hit as they couldn't feel/hear it. Then they wasted £20 and would obviously be pee'd off.
                      At the sites I play at, if the marshalls see that you aren't taking hits because a piece of kit like body armour or a plate carrier is preventing you from realising you have been hit, you get told to remove it. Annoying if you've just spent £200 on a shiny new chest rig, but it means you don't get called a cheat and you get to stay in the game!

                      I've started playing it like caffin99 said- if I think I hit a person but they didn't take it, I will aim again and fire again. 2 or 3 rattles on a plate carrier isn't going to be just a twig hitting them or something else. If it hits them on an arm or leg, they should feel it as a bb strike and take it. If they don't, they are cheating!

                      I have lost count of the number of people I've seen flinch as I've hit them, but just kept on playing....
                      Originally posted by Moving_Shadow
                      Gold Plated? Sorry, I spent all my money on the gun, can I just put some christmas tinsel on it?
                      Originally posted by Coz
                      Them Tusken raiders are a sensitive peoples, especialy the gay ones


                      • #12
                        Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                        Originally posted by The Laughing Man View Post
                        i've read a few of these threads on this forum, and it never really makes much sense to me. to be honest, cheating just isn't a problem at all where i play over here. i've really not had to have this conversation with my fellow players at all. we winge a bit some times about team ability weight or gun power, but never not taking hits.

                        now i don't mean that everybody takes their hits all the time - i just mean that our attitude toward cheating is different. if someone doesn't take their hit, we all assume he or she just hasn't felt it, or the shooter has missed. even if we can see someone is really cheating, my attitude is just 'ah well, there's always one or two.' or 'it's only a game, if that's how he wants to play, then whatever.' it never gets to the stage where it ruins the game; it's barely an annoyance.

                        my recommendation? just... nevermind. maybe ignoring a problem is not a solution, but i kind of think it works in this situation..
                        The winningest post I have read on the matter.


                        • #13
                          Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                          I've seen the random shooting by marshall employed and it works quite well. however it's not at random.

                          If a player is reported as cheating, they are generally given the benefit of the doubt at first but shadowed and observed by a marshall, then if it is still unclear a marshall will shoot them and see what happens, they are dealt with based on how they react.

                          Your gear being in the way is no excuse to this, if you can't feel it from a marshall then you can't feel it from a player (and often a marshall is closer than the opposing team. So you need to re-think your gear/pay more attention.

                          I do agree that constant accusations are silly and ruin the game though.


                          • #14
                            Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                            my personal view on this is ignore it if you arent 100% certain. but if you can see them bouncing off them and 100%not taking their hits i.e. legs arms etc then they get sprayed in the face i sure a **** know theyll take that but that is at the exteme end.
                            cheaters should be hung drawn and quartered the dirty great nazi scum!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                              Ignoring it is rubbish. That's like letting someone in the olympics taking steroids and turning a blind eye to it. I don't want cheating players on site and will not accept it if I see someone cheating. They will be reported to a marshall!
                              Originally posted by spetsnazdave87
                              I've never seen an Aug look so large :p


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                              Double 0 Jedi Find out more about Double 0 Jedi