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Cheating an grown up discussion !!

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  • #16
    Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

    my point was if your are not certain then ignore it theres nothing worst than someone gobbing off like a little chav!! by all means tell a marshall. but my views are that marshall aer there to make sure the game goes smoothely not go round shooting players as they see fit,


    • #17
      Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

      How do I deal with it? I don't. No-one can. Its one of those things that is there and always will be and keeps coming back.

      If I think I've hit someone and they dive into cover, I assume firstly that they only heard my shot. I then keep firing at them until I see (Not just hear) the BB come off them. At which point I'll put my hand up in the air, break cover and politely request that they make thier may to a deadzone. I've had to do this a few times over the years and it has only ended well. Last guy I had that conversation with just said 'fair play mate, cheers for letting me know' and walked off, then returned to where I was and continued. Granted, the entirety of the enemy group knew exactly where I was, but chances are they knew anyway, I exfilled and attacked form another angle.
      I'll also say that a dude came over to my cover once sayng that he'd seen the rounds bounce off my med pouch and I was completely oblivious. I actually REALLY appreciated that he'd taken the time to come and let me know face to face because it demonstrated to me that he probably actually did hit me and it's only fair I take the proper action. Thats the only think you can feasably do to resolve the situation in a way which will leave everyone happy.

      As for the whiners, "We all know how annoying it is, and now I know how annoying you are..."


      • #18
        Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

        I had someone accuse me of cheating shot me in the head twice as he thought i wasn't taking my hits but the medic was next to me behind the tree just reviving me as soon as i was hit,

        i tried to explain to him but he claimed there was no medic and got nasty.


        • #19
          Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

          My advice would be, don't let it spoil your game. Play how you want to play, enjoy yourself
          , take pride in taking your hits and being honest. I agree with deadeye and Roxy only say something if your 100%. To not report cheating is just as bad as cheating, as the cheating will bread cheating if it goes on to long, or people will stop going to a sight, so the marshals do need to know. But don't whine on and on, just let the marshal know after a few self witnessed incidents and let them deal with it. If they don't, the site will loose out in the end as people will stop going their


          • #20
            Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

            i totally agree on cheaters but all u can do is see a marshal and give his number thats how its played a gzw


            • #21
              Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

              Ok I haven't read all the thread but here is how it is tun at my local site.

              If you suspect some one of cheating you call your self out of the game go to a marshal and give them a detailed description of the player. They will then keep a close eye on this player as to if they really are cheating.

              If it is a hit taking issue the marshal will "Marshal Law" them. This is basically a double tap from about 20m normally form behind them so they can't tell it was a marshal. If the player calls them self out the Marshal will let them re enter the game exactly where they were or back a bit if they would prefer.

              If they don't take the hit this will be repeated maybe once or twice and if still nothing they are yanked out and safe zoned for the day, which normally means they get banned as well.

              Also if you are seen out right cheating (not taking hits, talking when dead, repeatedly going out side the game area, etc..) by any of the marshals you are safe zoned there and then. No three strikes, no second chance.

              Obviously if you go 1 meter past the game area by mistake you are kicked of the site but you are made to respawn, but deliberate cheating is given zero tolerance at my local.


              • #22
                Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                Ive only ever had a couple of problems, but for me, its people yelling at each other to take hits, that is more disheartening in the day.

                If I encounter someone I hit who doesnt take it, I just get them again and again. If I win, "boo sucks to you I still won that standoff" If I end up getting laced due to cheating, Ill just have a casual mention to the marshall.

                What I wont do is throw my rifle on the ground, my hands up in the air, and storm over to a marshall about it. Or yell at anyone.


                • #23
                  Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                  We don't have marshalls or anything when we play out doors. Plenty of cheating happens so quite sick of playing there. Grown men cheating is just a joke so need to pick up a new AEG so I can start playing at 'Proper' places like The Mall etc


                  • #24
                    Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                    Originally posted by Vulcan Raven View Post
                    We don't have marshalls or anything when we play out doors. Plenty of cheating happens so quite sick of playing there. Grown men cheating is just a joke so need to pick up a new AEG so I can start playing at 'Proper' places like The Mall etc

                    Where do you play?!?!


                    • #25
                      Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                      Interestingly, if your site is insured by Leisuresure (many will be) then 'marshal law' is in breach of the terms of the insurance policy. If a player was to be injured by a shot fired by a hi viz wearing safety marshal (one of the '1 per 10 players' the site should have) the insurance won't cover it.

                      As for cheating players, there is a difference between people who inadvertently cheat, not feeling hits, not taking grenade hits because they thought they were too far away etc.. and those who deliberately do it. If we catch anyone doing the former at our sites they are talked to, then watched for a while. Any further transgressions can result in a ban. Anyone caught doing the latter is removed from site immediately and banned for life. Only had to do it a few times thankfully.
                      We also ban 'cheat calling'. Anyone identified in game as calling my second least favourite phrase "Take your hits" or variations of are returned to respawn. (Least favourita phrase? "I saw my bbs bounce off him...")


                      • #26
                        Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                        I see what you mean about people not taking there hits, is sometimes just a mistake and you shouldnt jump up and down about it.

                        prime example... last friday we were playing a night game in a underground bunkers, i go round a corner someones stood there, point blank range shoots my chest with a GBB pistol. i didnt feel a thing, i even had to ask weather or not anything was comming out. if he had started to be all being all “Aim for the nose”, “inner part of the thigh” “Shoot them on the Thumb” ect ect i would have been extreamly pissed off. we all play this sport cus we enjoy it, dont ruin it by acussing people of cheating, try just a gental "mate i think you may have been hit on the chest there" it works alot better than the lemon juice

                        Originally posted by Double 0 Jedi View Post
                        I have noticed that some sites seem to have a label attached to them regarding cheating, which obviously can’t be good for the site as people will stop playing there.
                        Once a negative atmosphere starts to develop at a site it is very hard to loose it. So how do you go about it ? How can a community like ours minimise out and out cheating.

                        “If they don’t take the first hit, I lace the c*#p out of their left testicle with a hicap on full auto at 350 fps.” Or “I give them a paper cut and then squeeze some lemon juice into it.”
                        “Aim for the nose”, “inner part of the thigh” “Shoot them on the Thumb” “Run at them, then waggle your manhood in their face screaming about how it is a game based on honesty and everyone should take their hits..” I have to say that this type of response is not a method that I agree with. Shooting someone with the intention of hurting them in this game is wrong in my opinion. If you hurt anyone, by choosing to select a vulnerable area as a target or using “excessive force” so to speak, I consider that to be a worse infraction than not taking a hit. After all mistakes do get made, just imagine shooting some one in the face, causing them some damage and then finding out he hadn’t been cheating, you had just missed him.
                        Recently on this forum it was discussed that if some one was cheating you simply got up and walked away, and I really liked this idea. But in fairness how many times have you been in a situation where someone’s bb’s are falling far short of you and then you hear a cry of “Take your hits!” drifting up hill to your position. I think unfortunately it could possibly reach a point where some players would walk away every time they were at a disadvantage, or thought something should automatically fall in their favour.
                        Informing a marshal is the obvious answer but what options are we left with if that fails, what would you say is a good way to approach some one you feel is cheating without making the situation worse. What can each and every one of us do when on the field of play to eliminate what is undoubtedly the worst aspect of our hobby.
                        For me I am quite happy to give the benefit of the doubt, either way. I’ve called myself out more than once because I thought I might have been hit rather than something definitive. Same goes the other way, Am I absolutely sure that my bb’s are hitting the player, or is it just a reluctance to think, “I can’t have missed at that range.”
                        If I am sure then I tell a marshal.

                        Any ideas?


                        • #27
                          Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                          Simple really.

                          I only ever call BS when I see them hit. I mean see them, not see them going in the direction and call "oh come on one must have got you".

                          Last game some guy was behind a rather large tree. Unfortunately for them, there were hiding on the same side as I was :D

                          Single shot into the side, from maybe 10 - 15 metre away tops. Black top, white BB, it was a dead certainty. After the classic "look around and slight shuffle" round the tree some more... single shot again in the head. I'd not do it normally, and never is there is any doubt. But when you see it, they look down at it, then shuffle.... no excuse.

                          What always winds me up is clearly when you are shot, somebody is watching you. Therefore you must realise you are going to get caught. You don't want to get a reputation, as that causes more pain in the long run.

                          I play most of the day on single shot, if I come across a "known person" for the wrong reason, they going to get the 3 round burst...


                          • #28
                            Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                            I used to play at a certain woodland site, where the cheating was pretty bad, and fisticufts being thrown on occasions. Combine this with the somewhat childish and paintball style game of the "Pain Game" I left.
                            I now play CQB. Here I've never come across cheaters due to the proximity of firing, and sometimes if I am in doubt of being shot then I take it. To be honest its just a game at the end of the day!


                            • #29
                              Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                              My local site does the 'Martials test cheaters' thing too, and it usually works pretty well.
                              It just annoys me that we even have to have that, as it seems logical to me that none of us should be cheating in the first place :s


                              • #30
                                Re: Cheating an grown up discussion !!

                                In all honesty mate i feel the b est solution to cheaters is followed after the cry of "FIX BAYONETS!!!"


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                                Double 0 Jedi Find out more about Double 0 Jedi