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Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

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  • #16
    Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

    our scheme here is alot better than the amarican one which it dosent have one so i our country this would never happen


    • #17
      Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

      Originally posted by edwa2 View Post
      our scheme here is alot better than the amarican one which it dosent have one so i our country this would never happen
      Really? I dont want to say it but all it needs is a stupid idiot, a market bought springer in a lovely bright shade some of his dads spray paint and wahay we have exactly the same issue.
      It could even be done by someone whos had a 2tone gifted as they havent needed to meet the criteria so are in fact not interested in airsoft and just wanna look cool (basing this on a scumbag who has never and never will airsoft for a hobby).
      But that is the end of that argument as I and many others dont want this turning into another 2tone bashing thread but it was to high light the point it can be done in this country and quite easily because of a silly loophole (if thats the term for it)
      section 24 of the 1968 Act
      Supplying imitation firearms to minors
      1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
      2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


      • #18
        Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

        Yes two tone's make ukara a pointless scheme one legaly bought IF and a can of spray paint and you have a rif ,which can be used in an irrisponsible manner exactly as it has been in America.
        All the vcra act and ukara has acheived is made it more difficult for the law abbiding player to buy airsoft weapon's and has done very little to detter the dangerous idiot's that will use them irrespossibly.


        • #19
          Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

          Yep, no point in having something resembling a law if you can bypass it, however lets not make this a 2tone bash thread, we shall leave it at that.
          section 24 of the 1968 Act
          Supplying imitation firearms to minors
          1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
          2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


          • #20
            Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

            I'm not trying to lead us done the TT bashing road but what was the point in making it harder for people that have a legitamet reason to buy an airsoft weapon's and then allowing people that should not be able to buy airsoft weapon's with the right to buy just because it brightly coloured.
            This make it very difficult for the airsoft community to police as people that have no interest in airsoft can buy airsoft weapon's and are out side any control that we may have.


            • #21
              Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

              The only people who would suffer if legislation were to be introduced would be US, 99% of the time, law abiding members of society.

              The scumbag who waves the gun arround isnt bothered what plate carrier you are wearing or if you other gun is a Systema. he couldn't give a shite if you spend thousands on gear. All hes interested in is waving his imitation gun arround like it's real and stealing money from old folk so he can sit in a scummy flat. Afterall, he wouldn't want to get a job as that limits the time he has to get stoned.!
              Gun tech.

              AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



              • #22
                Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                Originally posted by MUCKYMICK View Post
                We are asking a lot from children by allowing them to own what the general public perceive to be a danerous weapon.
                Every time some thing like this happen's it is a bad mark against airsoft every where ,this sort of thing probably happen's a lot more than it is reported and i can see little reason for not just banning any body under 18 from owning airsoft weapon's.
                Young impressionable children will alway's do stupid thing's to make them look cool ,this is a liabilty to airsoft as the power that be wont care about the 99% of airsofter that are responsible they will look at the 1% of kid's that are idiot's and base any future decision on their action's.
                Isn't that a bit stereotypical, sure some younger people are more impressionable by the media but not all are!

                That was very much a blanket statement ie " oh a kids done something wrong,that means all kids will be te same"

                I'm 14, around the same age as the kid in question, does that mean that I'm going to go into school next week and wave my 1911 around? Think not , I enjoy the sport way to much to risk it for myself and many others who enjoy it too!

                Dom out...


                • #23
                  Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                  sounds crazy, but it has sort of been inspired by midas's post.

                  what if there was a minimum price and/or tax on guns?

                  Most people waving guns around get them for a tenner from certain websites (or market stalls) and then they can/might just spray them. for the look. they dont give a damn about how well it shoots, because they are not going to shoot it.

                  If all guns were £100+, then people (especially under 18's who rely on parents buying these things because they look cool) would be pushed out. unfair? yes.

                  obviously needs explaining and improving, but you get the drift...
                  Airsoft. The most fun you can have with your clothes on.


                  • #24
                    Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                    Originally posted by UMParadise View Post
                    Isn't that a bit stereotypical, sure some younger people are more impressionable by the media but not all are!

                    That was very much a blanket statement ie " oh a kids done something wrong,that means all kids will be te same"

                    I'm 14, around the same age as the kid in question, does that mean that I'm going to go into school next week and wave my 1911 around? Think not , I enjoy the sport way to much to risk it for myself and many others who enjoy it too!

                    Dom out...
                    I think he said its the 1% of idiots. Kids are more impressionable than adults but your right not all kids are that dumb. Some adults are just as dumb too.

                    Also I think that the UKARA should be amended so to stop all of this simply by saying that unless u are ukara registered you cannot own the gun. TT isnt the answer as i know people whos parents have gotten their ukara just to buy their kids the RIF's If you have an RIF in you posession then you must be UKARA registerd quite simple really.


                    • #25
                      Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                      My issue is that tt allow's none playing adult's to buy and then give or gift that airsoft weapon to a child it would have been better in my opinion to lower the age limit to own a rif allowing younger player's to become site member's and be recorded on the ukara database, this would have given far more control to those that want to regulate the airsoft community and would only allow the supply of airsoft weapon's to those people that are actively playing airsoft.
                      I'm not saying all kid's are idiot's but if you have an interest in airsoft then you will play were your supposed to at a site so why should under 18 be excluded from being able to buy if they are member's of a site that has public liabilty insurance.
                      Any idiot that want to look like a ganster or copy some one they have seen on tv can get hold of cheap imitation replica or two tone just by declaring they are over 18.
                      This is a far more wide spread smack in the face for all under 18 year old's and make's absolutly no sense.

                      Every player that play's airsoft should be governed by the same rule's if you are actively playing at a site that has insurance and are a memeber of that site then you should be able to buy rif's reguardless of age,with in limit's of that sites insurance cover.
                      Airsoft site's should set a minimum age that player's can start playing from in line with their public liabilty insurance and all retailer's should stop selling two tone as their is no need for them in airsoft the wider general public that have no defence to buy should not be allowed to buy them as they are the most likely to use them irresponsible if not criminaly.
                      If airsoft is supposed to regulate itself then sales that do not fall under the defence that airsoft was granted has to stop as these are the one's that will do the most damage .


                      • #26
                        Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                        Now why didn't you say that first off

                        Forums are very difficult to guage how people ment a statement, as you can't pick up on facial expressions, tone or sarcasm

                        Ageism is somthing that is a major thing for me (even in airsoft)
                        And it frustrates me very much, ie last weekend, I asked to go point hen we breached a room, the other 'grown ups' as it where replied "hes just a little kid, he'll suck"

                        I walked off to find another entrance and beat them into the room I felt very smug


                        • #27
                          Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                          Originally posted by UMParadise View Post
                          Now why didn't you say that first off

                          Forums are very difficult to guage how people ment a statement, as you can't pick up on facial expressions, tone or sarcasm
                          -very angry tone- such a nice gun in the wrong hands.


                          • #28
                            Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                            The last thing i would want to do is discourage younger people from playing airsoft but the current UK system for regulating airsoft is bad it has created a lot more problem's than it has sorted and should not be used as model for any other country to follow from.


                            • #29
                              Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                              I just found this on a news is unclear if it was an airsoft gun but highly likely that it was.

                              If any body should recognise this dickhead please report him to the police or take whatever he used to shoot at the cyclist off him.
                              Perfectly good reason why the general public that can not proove the have a use or purpose to own a air weapon should not be allowed to buy any form of air gun,airsoft rif or two tone airsoft weapon.


                              • #30
                                Re: Stupid kid gives America another reason to put Airsoft on it's radar

                                Kid's imitating stuff in the media? yes, but is it not the parent's reponsibility to teach him the difference between the media and reality? He's 13, surely this highlights a problem in his upbringing?
                                "Its a control column not a joystick"
                                Secretary - University of Warwick Airsoft Society


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                                Four Leaf Find out more about Four Leaf