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Why do some players insist on cheating

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  • #16
    Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

    People are doing because they believe they can get away with it. They are basically being selfish and putting there enjoyment above your own and not playing by the rules.


    • #17
      Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

      To be fare though its as much down to marshalls to inforce the rules as well, one site i played at were brill at clamping down on cheating even more so with the regulars and thats Xcalibre in cheshire.....they do not accept any cheating by anyone newbie or regular....they are not so strict on newbies due to fact they are probably more hyped up than a reg but they are really ontop of it best i seen yet.


      • #18
        Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

        I think it would be interesting to know whether non-hit taking is more common in games with set numbers of lives.

        I'd bet my left... arm that it is. I can see the reasoning - many people have paid a lot for their kit, gone to a lot of effort to get to the site and paid to get in and there are maybe 3-7 games a day and then they are out of one of them could get frustrating and they don't want it to end.


        • #19
          Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

          Originally posted by battlebox View Post
          To be fare though its as much down to marshalls to inforce the rules as well, one site i played at were brill at clamping down on cheating even more so with the regulars and thats Xcalibre in cheshire.....they do not accept any cheating by anyone newbie or regular....they are not so strict on newbies due to fact they are probably more hyped up than a reg but they are really ontop of it best i seen yet.

          One of the sites I used to play at had ABYSMAL marshalls, they really didnt care even a little bit. Their answer to everything was "well... youre probably just not hitting them... because.... like youre miles away" - Theyd clearly never heard of upgrading your guns, just because theyre poorly maintained beaten up rental G36's only had a range of about 10ft doesnt mean everyone does.


          • #20
            Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

            Originally posted by CBarker View Post
            I think it would be interesting to know whether non-hit taking is more common in games with set numbers of lives.

            I'd bet my left... arm that it is. I can see the reasoning - many people have paid a lot for their kit, gone to a lot of effort to get to the site and paid to get in and there are maybe 3-7 games a day and then they are out of one of them could get frustrating and they don't want it to end.
            To be fare though most games are medic rules and regen rules.....but then if they chose to play them sort of games with set lives then still does not excuse blaten cheating does it it spoils the effics of the sport.


            • #21
              Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

              I think sometimes what is an equipment hit can be tricky as a few times at my old cqb site I got nailed in my dump pouch with a really good spray and dispite the marshal telling me that I did not have to take the hit I still would sometimes due to these factors.

              Some times the only shot they had was my dump pouch so I would not take that, but if the angle of the shot would mean that a real round would have gone into me after-woods then Id take it as a hit

              Also if there was anything Im my dump pouch that could have fragmented and "killed" me Id take it as a hit too

              I do remember once a poor guy emptying 6 or 10 rounds into my c-mag and getting shot back by me I can`t help that all his shot hit there and we were not playing gun hits even so I think a blown apart c-mag may still managed to get a few rounds into the gun lol
              Oh when will I get a decent knights stoner LMG aeg ?

              P mags up for sale


              • #22
                Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                Originally posted by Tiercel View Post
                One of the sites I used to play at had ABYSMAL marshalls, they really didnt care even a little bit. Their answer to everything was "well... youre probably just not hitting them... because.... like youre miles away" - Theyd clearly never heard of upgrading your guns, just because theyre poorly maintained beaten up rental G36's only had a range of about 10ft doesnt mean everyone does.
                yeh seen that before as well, but what really gets my back up is when marshalls ignore the regular players cheating tactics because they are mate or fear for losing regular players. worst one i been to had to be lincolnshire airsoft


                • #23
                  Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                  Originally posted by battlebox View Post
                  To be fare though most games are medic rules and regen rules.....but then if they chose to play them sort of games with set lives then still does not excuse blaten cheating does it it spoils the effics of the sport.
                  Completely agree does not justify cheating but I think its a contributing reason for it especially in the heat of the moment people just want to keep going.

                  Cheating is bad... but it's only a game so isn't worth worrying too much about. As everyone always says - just keep shootin' they'll get there's in the end :D


                  • #24
                    Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                    Originally posted by CBarker View Post
                    Completely agree does not justify cheating but I think its a contributing reason for it especially in the heat of the moment people just want to keep going.

                    Cheating is bad... but it's only a game so isn't worth worrying too much about. As everyone always says - just keep shootin' they'll get there's in the end :D
                    yeh only a game but we all pay the same money dont we, and i do if i see someone i know 100% i hit and i mean really hit not a deflection a square in the body hit with a few rounds not just a lucky shot, i empty a full mag into them lol
                    DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR


                    • #25
                      Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                      Originally posted by thekonassure View Post
                      I think sometimes what is an equipment hit can be tricky as a few times at my old cqb site I got nailed in my dump pouch with a really good spray and dispite the marshal telling me that I did not have to take the hit I still would sometimes due to these factors.

                      Some times the only shot they had was my dump pouch so I would not take that, but if the angle of the shot would mean that a real round would have gone into me after-woods then Id take it as a hit

                      Also if there was anything Im my dump pouch that could have fragmented and "killed" me Id take it as a hit too

                      I do remember once a poor guy emptying 6 or 10 rounds into my c-mag and getting shot back by me I can`t help that all his shot hit there and we were not playing gun hits even so I think a blown apart c-mag may still managed to get a few rounds into the gun lol
                      Way too picky, if a bb hits your person you take the hit im sorry but going in to stuff like the consideration of whether something would fragment is an utter waste of time, just take the hit and get back in to the action. You would moan the other way round if you wasted ammo on a guy...


                      • #26
                        Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                        hi caps solve all problems,
                        if he did'nt take the first 3,
                        maybe he'll take the next 200 :P


                        • #27
                          Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                          Everytime i see someone next to me, or near me who is not taking their hits (i admit sometimes you dont even feel it, but most of the time its obvious you have been hit) Firstly i tell marshal, if that does not help i put a burst into their leg, or something not covered well ( but sensible, so i will not "damage" them in any way ! ) no help ?then i tell marshal again and than BAN ^^ end of story
                          PS. i hate those guys as well grr


                          • #28
                            Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                            The one hit i would never dispute that hit me was literally 3" from my forehead it was a case of either him or me was going to get it we was that close either side of a barrier but feck me it hurt but fare play was a fare hit as far as im concerned. But yeh now back on the subject...the whole point of Airsoft is realisum aint any hit any where on your person or weapon is a hit as far as im concerned as in real life as i have seen even a flesh wound is enough to take anyone out. And like we all agree play fare is the best way
                            DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR


                            • #29
                              Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                              Originally posted by Tiercel View Post
                              One of the sites I used to play at had ABYSMAL marshalls, they really didnt care even a little bit. Their answer to everything was "well... youre probably just not hitting them... because.... like youre miles away" - Theyd clearly never heard of upgrading your guns, just because theyre poorly maintained beaten up rental G36's only had a range of about 10ft doesnt mean everyone does.
                              Which site was that?
                              At times you can put it down to not hitting someone, wind ect, or it hit them so softly it wasnt felt or heard.
                              However my last game saw the same 3 faces just refusing to take hits, none were senior players they were all new guys and dare I say it? 'rentals', which to me puts all rental guys in a bad light when a small number just straight up cheat.
                              1 kid who was obvious was standing in the open in in doorways when I got him (a fair few times), at one point with a clear line of sight at about 10-15 meters (I was a story above and 2 rooms across in a fort) I shot him, short burst, he grabbed his arm then darted into cover again, miraculously he reappeared and shot back (not even enough time for a medic) so this time I gave him a longer burst, he screamed 'ouch that really hurts' closely followed by him running to cover only to reappear and shoot back. I was a player marshall but in a position that made it difficult to do anything other than call a non player marshall over, he was corrected in his stupidity in no uncertain terms as was his friend. Second guy I fired one shot, it hit him in the chest, I saw his T-shirt ripple from the hit and saw the round drop down from his chest, he stopped, looked up but didnt see me above him, then looked left then right and came to the conclussion that he wasnt gonna take it, he was warned some 5 seconds later.

                              Cheating sucks, its not as prevelent on most sites as many make out, however when its obvious you are hitting them and they dont take it it really starts putting a pisser on your day.
                              section 24 of the 1968 Act
                              Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                              1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                              2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                              • #30
                                Re: Why do some players insist on cheating

                                Originally posted by Gaffa View Post
                                Why do so many people complain about hit taking when they are not the individual being hit, may not know it, may not know what to do, etc... How do you even know you hit them?

                                In life, it's so easy to point fingers in complaint, yet seemingly so difficult to merit those with good conduct...
                                sorry dude but lots of people seem to have this attitude and it really seems like the wrong one =/ why the hell not get pissed off with obvious cheaters. they think they can get away with it and carry on doing it worse and worse each time i really dont know why people just brush it off as a side effect of airsoft


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