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This month's ai

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  • #16
    Re: This month's ai

    Originally posted by Heath View Post
    The amount of errors i see on forums like this, im not too fussed about a couple in a magazine. At least Ben is on here trying to rectify things with the rectify things with the readers!
    Hmmm? Not sure if serious and made errors accidentally, or is just pulling people's legs?
    There's a scammer operating openly on this forum. Please be aware of who you're dealing with.


    • #17
      Re: This month's ai

      Like I said, I wouldn't of said anything until I saw an open thread about the mistakes in this issue already started. However to be told to take my negativity else where on a forum, I'm very confused. Say if I purchased a rubbish aeg and voiced my opinion in a review, would you tell me not to voice my negativity because it spoils the sport! I have voiced my opinion on an open forum that I wasn't impressed with this issue, the first issue I have read. Ben has said he appreciates input, positive or negative, so woody, stick that up your a$$ and smoke it. You havnt contributed at all to this thread, be it negative or positive criticism, so take your off topic remarks else where :-)


      • #18
        Re: This month's ai

        Its been a long day. I didn't read what I had already put. Time for sleep i think...
        Originally posted by Nun-Chuck
        Any airsoft loadout that requires you to lubricate yourself before wearing it is frankly not worth the effort.


        • #19
          Re: This month's ai

          Try and find any large set of text that doesn't have errors in it.. human error is just one of those things.

          as Ben said the a.i guys are a small team doing a hell of a lot of work to give us something decent to read, and also to get Airsoft some publicity.

          its always a good read and what ever error you do find, its not exactly hard to correct it in your head, is it?
          Systema PTW M4A1 - TM M14 - KSC Glock 17 - WE 1911 MEU - TM Hi Capa race gat


          • #20
            Re: This month's ai

            It would appear my sub has run out. I didnt even realise till i saw this thread.


            • #21
              Re: This month's ai

              There are only a handful of mags covering Airsoft (to my knowledge), and I lend my support to all of them from time to time, as not only are they interesting and fun to read, they help to ‘validate’ the sport (in my opinion).

              I have a fair amount of tolerance for errors in this particular situation. I imagine this is a small team putting together a full-length publication for a relatively small readership base, so there will be an element of ‘doing it for the love rather than the money’ here.

              If this, or any mag is to grow and expand, clearly it needs to address process issues (proofing etc), to ensure that mistakes are minimised. I imagine that this becomes easier when you have a bigger team (more resources to check the detail before going to print).

              Ben, keep up the good work!


              • #22
                Re: This month's ai

                I cant believe how upset people are getting over a magazine typo.

                Really puts 3rd world starvation into perspective doesnt it! I mean, why the hell, has the world not sold all of its nuclear warheads, to fund more editors for magazines for niche sports. What kind of world do we live in.


                • #23
                  Re: This month's ai

                  Originally posted by B.E.N. View Post
                  we still are a very small operation in comparison to other publishers.
                  I'm looking for a job :P


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