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  • #31
    Re: M203

    thanks bro. i'm looking forward to seriously blowing someone's head off! well.. making them sh!t their pants at least..

    now.. can someone remind me. in what order do i fill and prime the shells? gas, push button, fill? and how do i know when it's 'cocked?' i don't want to blow my face off..

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    • #32
      Re: M203

      hello again,

      lol, i guess i'm really squeezing this thread for all it's worth.

      so i was at a cqb wargame the other day, and some dude has brought an m203 grenade, on its own - no m203.
      during the day, he walked around holding it with one hand, his other hand behind with index finger cocked in a poking gesture - ready to fire. sounds silly, but apparently he got some kills.
      more importantly, he said i could bring my m203 and my 6 grenades to the party. i'll let him regret it later, but for now i want to create a standalone m203 setup.
      after plenty of drawing, i remembered the website 'pimpmygun,' and this is essentially what i'd like.

      as you can see it's a revolver style m203. i think if i buy a 20mm rail, i can just make the rest from wood and screw the rail on. i'd like to know however if you have any alternative ideas / designs.

      give pimpmygun a try and see what you come up with. nothing too stupid please unless it's accompanied by a genuine idea. i don't really like the existing rifle style, but just show me your ideas. i'd also like to create this with minimal cost.

      thanks. and please also tell me in what order i prime the grenades! still not sure!

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      • #33
        Re: M203

        I'm sure G&P do a stand alone kit which looks fairly pistol like if you take the stock off.


        • #34
          Re: M203

          funny that looks just like my CAW m79 sawn-off minus the rails


          • #35
            Re: M203

            A certain site that sell a stand alone pistol grip for the RIS 203.
            Last edited by sj_asc; 20 October, 2009, 14:00. Reason: "Hints" of other airsoft retailer removed
            HK MP5k PDW//IMI Uzi//HK MP5a4//HK MP5a5//M3 Grease Gun//HK51//L119a1//HK G36k//Colt M653//Colt M733 with M203//Steyr AUG A1//AMD 65//DSA SA58//Colt M16vn//H&K G3a3//Sig P226//Colt 1911a1//Sig P226r//STI 2011


            • #36
              Re: M203

              Jesse ^.^!! to the rescue from China-soft land yet again.... Why hasn't she been sacked.
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              • #37
                Re: M203

                man that bandolier thing rocks


                • #38
                  Re: M203

                  lol, thanks man. i guess it was a stroke of genius if i do say so myself. or just a stroke..

                  and yeah, g&p do make a standalone kit, but it's nowhere to be found. none in stock anywhere here.. bugger..

                  devlin pm'd.

                  otherwise, i'm gonna make this thing tonight from some wood and crazy ideas! i've drawn up my plans and i'll keep you posted!
                  annoying thing is.. i realise now that i live here in hk, and work in an office, i don't just have access to a workshop with wood and tools like i did back home. i live with my gf. i need to find a place that sells wood and tools first, and try to get my point across in poor chinese...

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                  • #39
                    Re: M203

                    look on youtube for stand alone launchers. You can see a few videos of home made launchers with look like M79's that have been sawn off. I guess you could look at them and try to figure out what you want.

                    Keep us posted though, and never EVER shoot a big ball of blu-tac out your launcher. It sounded really sore when it hit my shed. Don't want to think what it could do to a person.
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                    • #40
                      Re: M203

                      where did the blu-tac comment come from?! that was a little out of the 'blue..'

                      you understand now that you've suggested it - i need to try it..

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                      • #41
                        Re: M203

                        ok, so regarding the homemade grip, i effectively gave up. it took me ages to find wood and supplies here in this very 'convenient' city, but then the saw i had was just no good. i finally got as far as using a jigsaw to cut out my grip shape, but by then i had already bought this. maybe i'll finish the homemade one in the future, but for now..

                        this is some cheap copy version standalone m203 grip that cost me the equivelent of about £30, but it does the job. full plastic, no stock or even sling mount - but i attached my own and bought a very respectable one point sling.

                        the m203 performed well. i needed to get the hang of priming it, and i admit it is a long and tiresome process to fill it with bbs and gas. but after one or two cock-up tries, i got it right and took it into a cqb game. it makes a comical popping noise, before showering the enemy with bbs. the convenience of the standalone grip means it's really easy to manouvre with, and light. when i wasn't using it, it actually slung round my back and sat in my dump pouch. it's effectively a big pistol, and everyone was really impressed with the look of the gun itself and the huge grenades slung across my chest.

                        my bandolier chest belt worked great. i only took 4 grenades with me, and i only had three filled at any one time, which was fine along side my two pistols. it scared people and it sprayed multiple enemies in tight situations.

                        i also took a mkII pineapple grenade, which was actually okay. it cost me about £15 i think.. again its a pain to fill, and needs at least 60 seconds of topgas to prime a big enough burst of energy, but i got two nice kills with it - one a girl who thought someone had dropped it and went to pick it up =D
                        the only annoying thing is going to find it after the game, then resetting the gas tube thing. also... it broke, after one day of gaming. it doesn't hold the gas. so i'm taking it to get repaired. i also broke an m9 mag today, so if success is measured by how much stuff i broke or loss, i can't say i went home completely happy.

                        still, m203 was great, and the standalone unit in general is brilliant fun.

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                        • #42
                          Re: M203

                          that m16 is nice ill have to get one of them, then get a mask with tony montanas face printed with sunglasses for eyes lol. the range is about 10m then? in the video on youtube it looked like the ones behind in the rows of 10 dont go as far. what happens if you put 12 .43s instead of 120 .2s lol


                          • #43
                            Re: M203

                            er, i have no idea. i didn't fill it completely for that reason, and i couldn't accurately measure the range because we were indoors. it's great fun though, and it looks cool.

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                            • #44
                              Re: M203

                              You'd get 12 very fast travelling .43's which would hurt more since all that gas pushes them, and the fact that the heavier the BB the more energy it transfers when it hits something.
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                              The Laughing Man i want you to hit me, as hard as you can.. Find out more about The Laughing Man