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G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

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  • #16
    Re: G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

    I asked a little while back and the short answer really is there is no way to know, only thing to do is try different ones. Most people swear by Firefly, I have never bothered trying to track some down so not tried them. TM an Guarder clear are good. some people like the Madbull sharks but again not tried, tbf I would say if you want something that will just work go for TM can't go too wrong with them.


    • #17
      Re: G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

      Originally posted by Druico View Post
      In 2 minds about getting one now. For the money I'll be spending really shouldn't have to change the hop unit, especially as I though g&p ones were some of the best. Also a lot of people have had issues with long range and for woodland I need as much as possible :/
      There is nothing wrong with G&P hop unit, I only got a madbul as I was getting new barrel so made sense to me to get the hop (as I might get the tracer add on at a later date). one thing I would say is change the bucking, G&P seem to have made their bucking's with their eyes closed!


      • #18
        Re: G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

        Originally posted by BringOnThunder View Post
        one thing I would say is change the bucking, G&P seem to have made their bucking's with their eyes closed!
        Yes my bucking was not a very good fit at all, noticed quite a difference in power when I swapped it over to the Guarder clear.

        Hopefully getting a Chrono next month so will do a few experiments with different rubber & barrel combo's.


        • #19
          Re: G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

          Thanks BringOnThunder, I'll play around.

          Originally posted by Druico View Post
          In 2 minds about getting one now. For the money I'll be spending really shouldn't have to change the hop unit, especially as I though g&p ones were some of the best. Also a lot of people have had issues with long range and for woodland I need as much as possible :/
          Well it is a meant as a CQB weapon and as Thunder said, you don't need to replace the hop, just the rubber, that's like a fiver..
          The gun it's self has an insane ROF, a bit too high for me but hey, and a snappy trigger response.

          but more importantly..

          It has Magpul!!!


          • #20
            Re: G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

            Apparently they did bring out a delux version which had full systema internals including the hop, gear box etc. Now although its not avaliable no more from anywhere unless its second hand, could i replace all the internals myself?
            Originally posted by hoggy21
            Welcome to the world of airsoft! Say goodbye to money, all other hobbies and your weekends!


            • #21
              Re: G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

              You could do that, I don't know why you would. I would rather put my trust in G&P internals rather than Systema. I would say if something breaks then replace it with Systema if you want, but there is no point taking out perfectly good G&P parts (except the hop bucking).


              • #22
                Re: G&P Magpul MOE M4 - Internal Upgrades

                Decided to get one and see how it performs at stock and just change as I go thanks for all your help
                Originally posted by hoggy21
                Welcome to the world of airsoft! Say goodbye to money, all other hobbies and your weekends!


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