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Good Beginner Weapons?

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  • #16
    Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

    Ok so if i get one am i allowed to bring it to the matches or do under 18's have to rent?
    and would something like the G&G be good enough to bring to a match or would i just look like a noob with a bad gun?

    Also if i can get my parents to get one that isn't two-tone can i bring that to matches or would i have to get it painted?
    i say this because some of the deals in the classifieds on here are so good it's probably cheaper to get an RIF and have it painted.



    • #17
      Armalite is basically your M4's and M16's its not a company. The best thing to do is find somebody with a UKARA and ask them to gift you a RIF like that guy above described, you're allowed to then legally own that weapon and use it as you wish but you cannot sell it to anybody else.


      • #18
        Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

        If when you buy them on the classifieds do you need to prove you have a UKARA or can you just buy them directly from the person without any checks


        • #19
          Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

          Under 18s are allowed to bring their own kit to matches (I've not encountered a site that prevents this) as its not ownership that's the concern, its purchasing of guns. G&G's are fine to bring to shoots, I use one and its perfectly functional.

          If you could get a RIF you don't need it painted, once again the only legal issue regarding RIFs is purchasing them, owning it isn't a problem. The one thing is getting the RIF in the first place will be difficult as retailers will often request UKARA number or site membership, similar thing on these forums (though some people will be happy if you can simply prove you are a regular skirmisher, but in your case this would have to be the responsible adult buying the gun) and the sites shop might be happy selling guns without UKARA/Site membership, they may figure you turning up to a game day indicates that you in fact do skirmish (funny that, isn't it?).
          "The only easy day was yesterday"

          Originally posted by woody549
          Guns + Booze + Friends + Fun = Winning


          • #20
            Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

            Originally posted by danko12321 View Post
            If when you buy them on the classifieds do you need to prove you have a UKARA or can you just buy them directly from the person without any checks
            If they don't check they've been very naughty.

            UKARA is not a legal requirement, but being a regular skirmisher is (which isn't legally defined, UKARA paperwork mentions no less than 3 skirmishes in no less than 2 months but this isn't law).

            For example, I am not UKARA registered, neither am I a member of a skirmish site. But I am most definitely a legitimate (if not too regular) skirmisher, what proof do I have? I am a member of my university's Combat Games Society as a member, attend pretty much all their meetings and they know I am an airsofter and will vouch for me. I even attended the National Competition with them.
            "The only easy day was yesterday"

            Originally posted by woody549
            Guns + Booze + Friends + Fun = Winning


            • #21
              Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

              ok thanks for all your help :D
              do you know whether i could get a new G&G m4 anywhere for that sort of price or will i have to just try to find a bargain on the zero in classifieds here?


              • #22
                My step dad got a G&P Commando worth £350 on here for £50. Its worth keeping an eye on the classifieds but bear in mind only someone with a UKARA can purchase any RIF, unless its two tone but the purchaser will still need to be over 18.


                • #23
                  Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

                  Originally posted by danko12321 View Post
                  ok thanks for all your help :D
                  do you know whether i could get a new G&G m4 anywhere for that sort of price or will i have to just try to find a bargain on the zero in classifieds here?
                  Try the classifieds,even put in a wanted ad.
                  ...You'll only look like a "newbie" if you have a two-tone and you swoon at other peoples weapons.
                  We can all understand your eagerness to buy but take your time;use site guns firstly and have alook at what everybody else is using,ask the owners about good and bad points,and would they reccomend it to someone...don't be intimidated by "pro's" we all started off as newbies.
                  Don't do what my m8 does and believe the "product reviews" ask the "real" users,he's had too many guns to list because of this,as long as you don't buy something obscure you will be ok.
                  £80 will get you something but I wouldn't expect too much.
                  Good luck.


                  • #24
                    Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

                    And if you are interested in something in the classifieds then please make sure you check the sellers feedback score. There are scammers on these forums who will try and play you for a fool. Never send money as a gift on paypal, it means you will have no protection if someone is a d**k.

                    Us airsofters are a very welcoming bunch if you stick to just 2 rules:

                    1. Stick to the requirements set down in the VCRA (you will find these as a pinned topic in the VCRA/UKARA section of these forums).

                    2. When you go to a game, take your hits.


                    • #25
                      Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

                      If you are a newbie with no experience of Airsoft guns I would reccomend buying a new one with a warranty on it do if it goes wrong it gets mended under Guaruntee . Also if you buy second hand you never know what you are getting ! You could be lucky or you could end up with a bag of nails . Combat machines start at 99 pounds with a years warranty if you look about . Some shops give less than that . So hunt for the best deal and warranty you can get at least that is then 1 less thing to worry about. And you can get on with enjoying this amazing pastime...


                      • #26
                        Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

                        All this, of course, doesn't apply because you can't buy the gun personally; you need someone to buy it and gift it to you. I highly doubt you'll be able to find anyone in the classifieds (that is, people looking to sell guns) who will be willing to just give you a gun. Your next move depends upon how much younger than 18 you are; if the answer is "I'm 17 and I'll be 18 in six months" then don't bother buying a gun; just rent. When you turn 18 you'll be able to apply for UKARA registration and buy guns without problem.

                        If the answer is "I'm 12" then your best bet is to ask your parents to gift you a two-toned IF, because renting is expensive if you're going to do it more than the three times you need to qualify for UKARA.

                        As to a good first gun, get a G&G AR-15-platform weapon. Something like a CM16 Carbine is an excellent first gun.

                        Can a mod please tag this user as Under 18; it helps ensure the legality of second-hand sales.


                        • #27
                          Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

                          Maybe I'm being picky but I hate that "Gift" has become a verb on the internet.

                          Puresilver, it does apply because the OP will presumably be the one to pick the item in question for someone else to purchase for him. Therefore advice about scammers and warranties is still relevant.

                          Though I agree about the U18 tag.


                          • #28
                            Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

                            Originally posted by plainlazy44 View Post
                            Maybe I'm being picky but I hate that "Gift" has become a verb on the internet.

                            Puresilver, it does apply because the OP will presumably be the one to pick the item in question for someone else to purchase for him. Therefore advice about scammers and warranties is still relevant.

                            Though I agree about the U18 tag.
                            Eh, I was using it as a verb before I had the internet (which was only what, five years ago for me? xD Was a latecomer lol)
                            "The only easy day was yesterday"

                            Originally posted by woody549
                            Guns + Booze + Friends + Fun = Winning


                            • #29
                              Re: Good Beginner Weapons?

                              If i get my parents to get me a two-tone can i get it re-painted?


                              • #30
                                Re: Good Beginner Weapons?


                                have a read here.


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