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Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

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  • #16
    Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

    I've had a twist barrel in a Bar-10 and a A&K Masada. Worked far better in the bar-10 if i'm honest. But it has to be said that the masada hopup was total rubbish, so that would have surely contributed to the lack of range. My bar-10 was firing at an average of 312 fps, and had a nineball hop rubber. I was ranging around 150 feet quite accurately. Hitting a man sized target at that range was very easy. I could even stretch to 200 feet. However then the wid would take it's toll on the flight path.


    • #17
      Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python


      Got mine today, the gap for the nub is too small??!!

      This is side by side with a Madbull Python.

      Known issue, or do I have a dud....?


      • #18
        Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

        can some one pm me as to where to get these?

        i wanna get one for my g3. hopefully turn into a bit of a beast.....


        • #19
          Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

          Originally posted by jagillham View Post

          Got mine today, the gap for the nub is too small??!!

          This is side by side with a Madbull Python.

          Known issue, or do I have a dud....?
          this was all looking good until your post Jagillham.

          I've had a quick scour round on the net to see if this is common but not got anywhere yet.

          I did read somewhere that one guy when trying to fit one of these had to drill out his outer barrel as these are thicker than standard, can you comment on that Jagillham?

          If you find out more please post an update.

          I'm looking to get one of these for my ICS M4 but not spending 50 notes if it aint gonna work, i'll get a cheap Vanaras 6.03 tightbore.

          G&P SR-25 CA M14 WE 1911

          If we have traded and i haven't left feedback feel free to remind me by PM.

          Just 'cause i'm online doesn't mean i'm sat at my computer, i could actually be doing some work for a change.


          • #20
            Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

            I'll get a cheap Vanaras 6.03 tightbore.
            Don't - you might as well put a standard TM one in there. (Seriously....)

            The madbull's are only £30 odd quid anyway!

            Please get in touch if you want general help. Please report problematic posts.

            Take responsibility for your choices. If you break any rule in life, you should be held accountable.


            • #21
              Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

              If my email would work, I'd give the retailer a shout. What I really looking for at the moment is the end of somebody elses, so I can compare. This one could just be mis-cut!

              If you do find anything let me know

              As for fitting in the outer barrel, I think that is an issue with one type of sniper rifle. This one seems to be the same diameter as the madbull one.


              • #22
                Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                Originally posted by Gaffa View Post
                Don't - you might as well put a standard TM one in there. (Seriously....)

                The madbull's are only £30 odd quid anyway!
                yeah i know, i wanted to get a Madbull for my main weapon, ICS M4, and then a Vanaras for my backup and loaner JG M4 S-System.

                Originally posted by jagillham View Post
                As for fitting in the outer barrel, I think that is an issue with one type of sniper rifle. This one seems to be the same diameter as the madbull one.
                that's good to know, hate taking a chance it aint gonna work or fit or both, on the expensive stuff.

                G&P SR-25 CA M14 WE 1911

                If we have traded and i haven't left feedback feel free to remind me by PM.

                Just 'cause i'm online doesn't mean i'm sat at my computer, i could actually be doing some work for a change.


                • #23
                  Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                  Let me know how it goes James, looking at getting a TBB for my MG36 was going to get a Madbull V2 but can't find any in stock anywhere and seen as the G36 is hitting 330ish the twist may be a better option.

                  CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                  • #24
                    Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                    Assuming I get the twist to work (with good results!) I'll be selling a 363mm Madbull 6.03 in couple weeks


                    • #25
                      Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                      Not long enough need the 509mm :P

                      CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                      • #26
                        Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                        ive found out that a twist barrel will only work with standard nub you cannot operate a H nub in a TKTB. but none the less a twist wil out-range a tightbore with a h nub
                        God Made Legendary Spirit, Man's Lust Made Airsoft, Legendary Spirits Lust For Airsoft Made Him Skint ...


                        • #27
                          Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                          Where you hear that from, makes no sense?!


                          • #28
                            Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                            I would be interested in some befor and after comparisons. Actual measured distances and groupings rather than a yeah it seems

                            I'm convinced these are just a gimic due to all the inconsistant results and set ups they have been used in. Most of the time they are used in set ups well outside the design parameters and all reports are may have picked up that I'm a bit sceptical..
                            Gun tech.

                            AIRSOFTERS.........Load of Balls.!



                            • #29
                              Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                              two friends of mine both bought one and tried to fit the h nub in but they dont fit but trying a standard nub they fit. but according to a few site owners and techs i have learnt the h nud doesnt really benefit from a twist as they conflict with each other as a hub nud but backspin on the bb and the twist barrel creates a vortex spining the barrel so according to the laws of physics this cannot be done
                              God Made Legendary Spirit, Man's Lust Made Airsoft, Legendary Spirits Lust For Airsoft Made Him Skint ...


                              • #30
                                Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                                All nubs put back-spin on BBs. That's the Bernoulli Effect and is what gives us hop. The TK barrels create a cushion of air around the BB as it travels down the barrel, preventing it bouncing around as much as it does in a normal non-grooved barrel. You cannot have more than one vector of rotation on an object. It's simply impossible.

                                Could you try it out with a normal nub and let us know of any change in performance?
                                Maybe you could file down the edges of a spare H-nub and get it to fit that way?


                                About the Author


                                legendary spirit The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his Find out more about legendary spirit