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Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

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  • #46
    Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

    Or wait until Madbull release their 6.01!

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    • #47
      Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

      Originally posted by Gaffa View Post
      Or wait until Madbull release their 6.01!
      oO eta?

      CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


      • #48
        Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

        6.01 for an AEG?

        You'll have to spend a fortune on VERY high quality BBs to avoid spending the whole game with your unjamming rod stuck down the barrel.


        • #49
          Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

          Agreed ^ very high maintenance, but...

          I'm not too sure on the release date, probably a few more weeks, but they "say" it's only going to be 10% more expensive than the current 6.03 they have.

          Interesting, as I always thought the madbull barrels were quite good - could this be the ultimate tightbore considering the price?

          In fact, cancel that - US retailers have them in stock - pricing comparison - Madbull were right - from the same company, the 6.03 is $30USD and the 6.01 is $40....

          MadBull have a new tight bore barrel out this week:


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          • #50
            Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

            Would love to see the figures on that then and factor in jams per mag lol.

            CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


            • #51
              Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

              Sigh, mates after a tightbore for his ICS MP5 now, rang Z1 up and they are telling him not to get a Madbull as they are shite and he should buy a Systema tightbore off them. Someone want to enlighten him for me please if I point him this way.

              CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


              • #52
                Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                Originally posted by ThePope View Post
                rang Z1 up and they are telling him not to get a Madbull as they are shite
                Tell him not to listen.

                They obviously just want a quick sale on the systema one or something...

                Madbull Black pythons are awesome. Pretty much every gun I have had upgraded has one and they work brilliantly. Very good groupings. Haven't had any experience with Twist barrels, I might try one in my G3 SG1, but I can tell you that Madbull barrels are most definitely not shite.

                Formerly 'Waltzinblack' but thought it was time to incorporate my Team callsign into my name


                • #53
                  Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                  Aye have told him (got one in my P90) but just wanted a little backup when it comes to me v retailer who doesn't stock Madbull tightbore lol >.>

                  CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                  • #54
                    Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                    Was going to say, nothing to do with Z1 and their rather small selection (of non madbull) barrels then


                    • #55
                      Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                      Sigh, hes just gone to pick up a gun hes had serviced and they have told him stories about "how bad madbull are" such a joke, to make a sale.
                      Last edited by Sci Fi Steve; 2 April, 2010, 02:21. Reason: language

                      CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                      • #56
                        Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                        Just to jump here, perhaps a bit late...

                        What other TB can make 210’ chest shots consistently at 330fps?

                        There are countless accounts of this, but it's extremely rare for others (par Systema AEG's, which usually hit the 350fps mark when getting these results).

                        I just wonder if TK could make a barrel that uses the same technology, but is suited to a higher FPS. Changing the depths or the skew of the grooves perhaps...
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                        • #57
                          Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                          Originally posted by mj23lj View Post
                          Just to jump here, perhaps a bit late...

                          What other TB can make 210’ chest shots consistently at 330fps?

                          There are countless accounts of this, but it's extremely rare for others (par Systema AEG's, which usually hit the 350fps mark when getting these results).
                          At last a sensible statement. Many of the Bad reports about the TK barrels are from people in the States who run 400fps + AEG's that simply won't work with the Twist technology. And as everyone knows everything written on the internet is true therefore thanks to the Americans TK barrels don't work.

                          Ask almost anyone in the UK that has actually bought one and put it in a gun and they will say " It's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me" or something like that.

                          I have never bought them simply because of the cost. But now that I want one I cant find one

                          Also as for other tight barrels I still maintain that there is little or no difference between any off them.

                          It is largely psychological, On the one hand you have the bloke who has a £400 gun so you put a £60 barrel in it, you clean it care for it and give it nice ammo and take the time to set it up. As opposed to the guy who buys a JG puts an £20 barrel in doesn't clean it leaves the hop where ever it was when he bought it and use's the cheapest bulk buy crappy ammo he has always used. Then he says his barrel is crap cause he only paid £20 and the other guy says mines brilliant because it was £60.

                          You have to match your barrel to your hop and to your BB's if you want proper results. This is why anyone using a sniper rifle properly seems to get amazing results from there guns. Its not that they have more money or are amazing technicians they just know that it is more than the sum of the parts that make the gun. By all means go for the Prommy this and the Systema that, but if it's just going in a 330fps whatnot then don't waste your money on something that at best may only give you a tiny improvement in performance. You would be better off learning how to zero your sights or spend some time teaching yourself range estimation.

                          If you want proof that tight barrels are not the be all and end all then I will say this. I doubt there have been more than 5 guns at any game I have ever been to that can out range or are more accurate than my sons TM P90 TR. This guns runs at 344fps has a standard barrel and standard Hop, But we have had it for Four years and we know it inside out. I know what ammo it likes where the sweet spot on the hop is and that after a few hundred rounds you have to wind a tiny bit of hop off.

                          Tight barrels are great in the right guns but you will get more improvement just learning how your gun works and what it likes. :D


                          • #58
                            Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                            What size you after Bloke? May be able to point you in the right direction.

                            CA M249 Para - TM Glock 18c - Cyma ASCU AKM (048M)


                            • #59
                              Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                              I is needing the 250mm for the Mighty P90...:D:D:D


                              • #60
                                Re: Tanio-Kobi Twist vs Madbull Black Python

                                right so i took the step and bought a £60 barrel then stupidly changed style of play not long after ordering only to realise that this means the barrel is no worthless to me as its too long, so i have a 363mm m4/m16 tanio kobi twist barrell
                                but from reveiws and personal experience from two friends i can safely say that they are amazing
                                God Made Legendary Spirit, Man's Lust Made Airsoft, Legendary Spirits Lust For Airsoft Made Him Skint ...


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