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Information on support guns please?

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  • #31
    Re: Information on support guns please?

    Originally posted by Kensai View Post
    Some brave words from behind your computer monitor. I'd like to see you say that to my face keyboard warrior.
    That explains the PM I got yesterday then. I used to have long hair too, until it started falling out So I used to get the "girly hair" jibes a lot. Are you the guy in the video? If not, then shh :D

    Originally posted by jonny lovegrove View Post
    Erm thanks... Dont go src either. Unless you like your piston stripped.
    Mines JG, one of their 'Advanced' ones that they brought out about a week before the customs clampdown.

    EDIT: it has full metal internals...
    You're welcome. :D

    As for the SRC, I've used a few of the newer Gen3 models and they seem fairly good, I only suggested the SRC as it's an affordable, ready made MG36. Finding any decent JG G36 variants is difficult, I'm hanging on to mine as it seems to be an absolute beaut. I kinda want to turn it into an MG36 but I love it how it is... Difficult choice.

    Some people mentioned the Stoner. A mate of mine has one, it's a really nice bit of kit, although as far as I can tell, it uses the same gearbox as the G&P M249 series, of which I've known 2 out of 5 that I've encountered, to chew the gearbox out. (If that made sense at all? Probably not) I do like the thought of being able to use a support gun on semi though...
    The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


    • #32
      Re: Information on support guns please?

      An m4 with a normal hi cap if you have a few reloads has more then enough ammo to use as a support gun but M4 drum mags and c mags are easy to find but I find the cheap ones never really work very well.

      Also ROF upgrades are not really needed for a support gun a rof of 600 to 1200 rpm so any stock rof is more then enough unless your going to be playing cqb then maybe the extra rof is handy

      Increased rof just means as a support gunner you will run out of ammo faster so only do rof upgrades if its suits the kind of sites you play at and your playing style

      A high rof is much better I find for an assault weapon in the hands of the person charging into an area 1st as it will give a much higher trigger response and allow them to more easily take on multiple targets.

      Support guns are great to use on large open sites but in smaller sites they can be really tricky to move around with, as I play at a lot of cqb sites my and have to get the train or bus there and back my M249 stays at home, but when using one of my M4 ages the people I play with all know that I`ve got a stupid amount of mags so I`m the one who lays down the cover fire.

      Only time that changes is when I`m using a GBBR but seen as I have now picked up 9 mags for my pdw I might start trying to support with that.

      If you recall in ww2 a Thompson was used as a short range suppressive fire weapon so there`s no reason for people to flame you but hey the still will

      Just say "My m4 fires from an open bolt position"

      Also a lot of the cheaper m4`s gearbox`s will develop cracks at the front if used on full auto for long bursts a lot but you can just buy a better gearbox shell or a whole new gearbox.

      Element gearbox`s are pretty cheap for what you get I run a 9mm one with 13:1 gears in one of the guns I build it seams fine even ran it on an m140 spring for a bit but theres an m90 or m100 in it now.
      Oh when will I get a decent knights stoner LMG aeg ?

      P mags up for sale


      • #33
        Re: Information on support guns please?

        Honestly support guns are great (i got a m249 and a m60) but as its your first gun dont .
        The morning after you play airsoft it wrecks your body.
        I also find people boss you around more which really does annoy me .

        If I was you I would get a assault rifle.


        • #34
          Re: Information on support guns please?

          The Stoner lmg is great and very light weight. There is a new ras version coming out soon. it's not realistic in anyway as charging handle is removed for ras to fit. please people, stop advising more high cap heroes. in my opinion, box mags on rifles and stupidly huge high caps should be illegal. elliminates much of the tactical element from the game.
          | Systema L119A1 UGL PTW || Echo 1 L7A2 GPMG || G&P L110A2 Minimi || Custom L129A1 || KSC Glock 17 || Inokatsu Sig P226 || KSC Glock 18C |


          • #35
            Re: Information on support guns please?

            In my opinion...

            Support weapons are big and heavy and you will use millions of BBs (But thats all the fun right? ;P)
            But, for a full days skirmish i can't be bothered carrying it all day - On many occasions i have seen them passed around different people for the same reasons at skirmishes.

            Snipers cost a lot to get to the point that you can regularly have an effective range much more than a good AEG.

            So, you can spend lots on a really cool support weapon which people will think looks cool, spend even more on an upgraded sniper and spend a lot of time waiting for that one shot that counts and hope you zeroed your scope propperly (And i have been shot in the middle of the damn forehead by a good sniper on more than one occasion)

            Or... You can spend less on a really high end AEG and have the best of both worlds: On single shot my AEG is accurate at a very long range. On full auto with a high cap i can have much the same function of a support weapon, but equally i can run in with my lightweight rifle and dive into bunkers and bushes all i want. Additionally, you can buy things like this : further down the line and turn that AEG into a lightweight support weapon.

            Anyway, hope this helps though i realise you already had a lot of posts to go on


            • #36
              Re: Information on support guns please?

              Originally posted by Robin-Hood View Post
              You're not going to get a sniper worth throwing at the enemy for £200 mate. Get a nice AEG and go from there. I guarantee you will be happier that way.
              G+P M16A3 Cost me around £350 it can out range THe L96 clans and is good for 14 bb's a second
              It seems like such a terrible shame that innocent civilians have to get hurt in wars, otherwise combat would be such a wonderfully healthy way to rid the human race of unneeded trash.


              • #37
                Re: Information on support guns please?

                A&K svd sniper + m150 to m200 spring + .40g bb`s cheap sniper and you should hit what you point at lol
                Oh when will I get a decent knights stoner LMG aeg ?

                P mags up for sale


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