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Your Greatest / Favorite moment!

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  • acheekymonkeyuk
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Think my best moment was at S8 Airsoft. I went into a round with 1 round in GBB Beretta Pistol. After spawning in i showed a guy that 1 had one round. Saw one of the enemy behind a wall,

    3 of my team laid fireon the wall to keep his head down, I charged the wall, pointed my gun over wall and went "Bang, take your hit", and at that moment where he put his hands up saw another guy about 25-30yards away run over to help him and just hit him square in the chest.

    Never mind sniper ethos

    1 shot 2 kills MO FO

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  • Bezza806
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Private match at my house...

    I was wandering through the woods when one of my friends makes a spectacular dive from behind a tree, pistol in each hand (John Woo would be so proud) however in his haste to impersonate Nic Cage he had completly misjudged the jump and promptly fell 6ft down an embankmet into a river. I have never laughed so much in my life...!

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  • FunkycHUNKY
    Re: Favourite Moment

    HeHe, goood times. Will defiantly always bring her :D

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  • Intervention
    Re: Favourite Moment

    funkycHUNKY - That little things a legend at TW hahah

    'Tis Will btw, the pony-tailed idiot!

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  • FunkycHUNKY
    Re: Favourite Moment

    heres a piccy of her (shud be in sig)

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  • FunkycHUNKY
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Hehe, mine was at the "Pit" at TWA, ran out of Ammo for my M4 whilst still calmly walking towards the biulding. Whip out the amazing small springer pistol "The Beast"(some sorta of colt bout 10cm long) and get 3 kills by just firing over the roof into the guys hiding behind. Of course i got pepeered at the end, but i couldnt stop laughing.:D

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  • Support Gunner Gilome
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    haha, nice. sounds like a last stand

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  • Beep87
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    My Best ever moment was a few months ago.

    It was toward the end of a Match with only 5 minutes left to go, the idea of the game was to defend our flag and stop the enemy advance, most of their team decided to use the Dirt Road... this was a woodland site and our team were dressed up in "West side boys" style outfits and I was kitted out as something closer to Magnum PI

    I had emptied my Mp5k so I dropped down (or went upto) my at the time new KSC MP9. I emptied both my mags and killed 4 people who were advancing on the roadside (poor poor I know) I Stayed behind a tree on the Dirt Track with 2 other team members protecting the otherside of the track with just pistols. Mp Mp9 Ran out of ammo so I dropped down to my Deagle. I must have racked up 20 or so hits of the advancing team leaning out and hanging off the tree blasting them away with my deagle.

    That was my moment. I was in the zone. all 8 of my deagle mags were empty both I and my friend held off most of the other team with just pistols.

    A moment to remember... I dont think I'll ever get another chance to perform like that.

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  • Loftworthy
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    My greatest moment was probably at my most recent game at Ambush Adventures. We were doing the attack and defend timed game, and my team was defending. We were in the final phase of the game, where the defenders must defend a fort. It was just 2 buddies and I left and I was up on a 10ft high catwalk watching one of the entrances, when an unseen enemy threw in a red smoke grenade. Just as the smoke was starting to thicken in the air, the wind whistled through the fort and blew the smoke all over me. Then 4 enemies decided to stand up just behind a small stockade fence outside the entrance. I guess they thought the smoke was obscuring our vision; they were wrong. A good burst from my Thompson got them all in the face.

    A textbook example of why we wear eye protection, and how not to use smoke grenades :D

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  • jfox61
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Erm yes lol my bad

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  • Twitchy
    Re: Favourite Moment

    so far my Favourite Moment has been at TWA was when we were defending against the other team who had unlimited lifes and us two was behind logs with pistol takeing out every one who ran close or past me with just the pistol managed to hold them off for quite some time till iran out of ammo and was shot through the gap in the wood! as i walked out other team congratulated me on how many kills i had got with just my pistol :D

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  • bigdave196
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Surely you mean Pulp Fiction, not Kill Bill

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  • jfox61
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Mine was this Sunday at The Mall.

    I borrowed the wifes Dessie hardkick for a single shot only game I remember we were pinned at some double doors near a stir well so I got a couple of the guys to put down some suppresive fire to keep down heads. I edged forward until a couple of feet from the corner of the corridor I believed the enemy to be. My guys stopped their suppresive fire and i immediately ran round the corner not giving the guys behind there a chance to get back into position I opened fire and immediately got the shock of my life there were about 8 guys stuck round their. It took a couple of seconds and I must've hit about 6 of them. not one hit from them . I suddenly felt a sharp pain . I had been shot from a friendly from where I ad come from. I shouted hit and the guys who were enemeis were all mightily impressed with my audacity One of them commented I must've felt like the character from ill Bill played by Samuel L Jakson when the kid opens fire and nothing hits him lol.

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  • ste887
    Re: Favourite Moment

    private game mate.
    amongst friends.
    we had full contact rules aswell

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  • Dan_le_Sac
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Yesterday at the 'Rock', Saw one guy's gun poking out from the corner of a rock, pinning teammates. Cue Bayonet charge! Went round the corner and got him in the chest, prompting him to fall over. Loved it!

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Hypnose Find out more about Hypnose