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Your Greatest / Favorite moment!

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  • crotmate
    Re: Favourite Moment

    so you had already put your hand up and then proceeded to blind fire?

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  • ste887
    Re: Favourite Moment

    mine was at a private CQB game where surrenders were worth more than kills.
    a enemy got the drop on me so i dropped my 36 to its sling.
    holding my left hand up i reached under my left armpit with my right hand to where my g18 sat, loaded cocked and set to auto.
    i let off a burst and a few clipped him.
    my comment was "dont be so cocky"

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  • Intervention
    Re: Favourite Moment

    That 2.5" Python is brutal little thing haha.

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  • MJ Caboose2170
    Re: Favourite Moment

    my fav was a pistol shot at grange farm with my tm 2.5 inch python
    i fire a target a fair distance away the shot went up with the hop up hit its peak(non adjustable bear in mind) and as it was comin down it hit his head i couldent bbelive the shot and nither could the guy next to me :D

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  • spetsnazdave87
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Lyndsey CQB today... with the objective to get five of our team into a room on the other side of the building we were soon faced with the most direct route; a long corridor with no cover and a load of shooters at the end of it hiding behind a door using it as a makeshift barricade.

    Myself and screaming eagle on here pepperpotted from pillar to doorway until we couldnt get any further, hammering fire down at the end, but we were stuck. Then a moment of genius; Ed, one of our new guys, who'd found a disconnected door of his own and reasoned if the guys at the end of the corridor could use one so could we! Hull airsoc advanced the whole length of the corridor behind the improvised riot shield, firing around the sides till we were in range to toss grenades into the rooms at the end... however we quickly found the defenders had run away, and we ran downstairs and got eleven people into the objective room without half the enemy team realising we were behind them!

    good times!

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  • The Keeper of Secrets
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Regular AWA herts game, out team defending the a makeshift village for as long as possible with one life against ever respawning attackers.

    An hour later play ended up with me and aeviv alone in the top tower, both with M16s, defending the entire village from constant attack all sides. We held for another solid hour before being overrun.

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  • Intervention
    Re: Favourite Moment

    Sounds cool!

    Mine has gotta be another pistol moment...

    Our team only had 2 lives, the attacking was unlimited. We had to hold them off for 20mins before we could "blow up the bomb"

    I was the guy who had to flick the switch at the end of the time, my entire team wiped out, me left and fending off the attackers with my trusty Detonics .45...

    I got over-run and killed with 20 seconds left on the clock!!

    That was one of my face moments so far, so many side-arm kills and a great laugh!

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  • Andy-Martin
    Favourite Moment

    has to be at UCAP (Portsmouth) this week.

    Underground . . . pitch black - torches only - 6 against 24 - unlimited respawn for the 6, one life for the 24.

    I confess to so very much enjoying the moment of holding the pistol (a humble KJ Works M9) against a guys neck as he clambered through the hole in the wall . . .

    Needless to say, I didn't pull the trigger, but he accepted the kill . . . shot his mate who oddly decided to follow him through.

    Chalk up two quick, easy and strangely satisfying CQB kills.

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  • Bakie
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Was about a year and a half ago at AWA Herts and our radio coms were not working so I was sent to find where the rest of our team was. I decided to use my new WE M1911, I hadnt used it yet on the day, and as as I got about half way to where we thought our team was I saw 2 guys camping on a hill. I decided to not run around them and find my team but to give it a go solo. I snuck up behind them and double tapped both of them.
    Made my day.

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  • seansamurai1
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Found Hi-Capas 5.1s running on ultra do the same, had some new guys jumping OUT OF?! cover when I opened up on them with my sidearm, a few shouts of the unabrieviated WTF was that, and a few more of OUCH! HIT! they soon realised they should have stayed in cover.

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  • Rimms
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Might not be as good as some of my others but still funny

    I was playing at the Bunker in Exeter on Halloween at a film sim game
    We were playing a game based on the film outpost and I was the German commander zombie

    There was a lot of quite new players on the merc side and none of them had ever come across 40mms before and as you can imagine I soon changed that

    I crept up behind one of the landies with my m79 sawn-off and waited, I was tempted to fire a couple of times at the odd person but I held fire
    After about 10mins a group of them moved up to the other landy infront and to the left of me giving me a shot on at least 2 of them and the hope of a bit of scattering to get more

    I stepped round the front of the landy, gave a loud zombie roar and boom!

    Only got the 2 in clear view but it was more the kids reaction as they had never even seen a 40mm before let alone had a 6'1 guy dressed as a zombie German officer fire a 100rd hipower shower at them

    It was the cries of what the bleeping bleep was that mixed with of a few cries of bloody hell hit that was satisfing

    Kills are good, scaring the living daylights out of people - priceless

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  • HairySteve
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Earlier this year I went to Dorking with a couple of friends, it was freezing cold so I was wearing my WW2 German splinter pattern parka. During one game we had to defend against the other team advancing along a path through some woods, about 11 or 12 of us set up a defensive position around the end of a footbridge across a stream. The others got picked off by enemy snipers but I was crouching behind a cluster of 3 trees with my TM AK74 blowback, I suddenly heard "clump clump clump" and peered out to see about 4 or 5 of the enemy charging across the bridge, so I leaned out and hosed them with the AK. I don't know how many of you have heard these fire but they make a very distinctive noise, most of the guys kind of froze and looked round as if thinking "what the hell" At this point they sent a couple of guys along the bank on the far side of the bridge to spot me (which apparently they couldn't see me very clearly cos of the Splinter pattern I was wearing) so I hosed them as well. I think in total they tried to cross the bridge 3 times and in the end I switched to semi auto (I was starting to feel sorry for them and also I only had 1 high cap for the gun as I'd only just got it!) so they eventually managed to get me :D Not bad though, I got quite a few nods of approval from the rest of my team when I caught up with them at the next defensive position

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  • seansamurai1
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Not so much my greatest moment, but definately a funny one.
    At the GZ 08 weekender on the team 'others', bear with me its been a while since iv been to the site, we were up at the warrens I think, we had a melon bomb set up which the enemy team was supposed to destroy by pushing a button nearby, now a small recon team came back to which some guy decided to walk up to the 4 of us in the trench itself and start chatting, all good so far until he decided to ask what the big red button did as he pushed it..............BOOM! goes the melon bomb coating me and 3 others in melon and half the wooden pallet it was on and removing at least 50% of our hearing for a good few minutes. At which point Rampage says something along the lines of well done mate, you just lost us the game and told him to stand by the tree, at which point everyone there lit him up shooting squad style for being stupid and left it at that, unfortunately his toys came out the pram and he stormed off chuntering to himself didnt see him after that. The bu**er is, is Im still finding rotten melon on my AEGs as are my mates who were there aswell. Rampage I still laugh at you trying to shoot wasps with dual wield scorpions all day, and definately your face when the guy blew the melon bomb up, dont think anyone expected it to be quite so destructive.

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  • airguns
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Originally posted by spetsnazdave87 View Post
    'Bang killing' a group of five guys way back at phoenix urban was rather fun; they didnt know my mp5 was out of battery
    Lol last week i herd someone say you gonna take your hit so he didnt shoot and i wasnt really concentrating and he said it and as i got close but had his gun pointed at the floor so i said nope and shot him sqaure on

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  • ejtrent
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Today at GZ urban holding off hoards of sashes behind a tyre wall!

    Kills in the 10+ for one round!

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