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Your Greatest / Favorite moment!

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  • Aeviv
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    For me, its all about my charges

    My greatest charge was probably one of my shortest. That said I got a kill with my katana and I made at least two Delta cack themselves

    At the NAE09, My five man patrol ran head on into a much larger Delta patrol, maybe even ten times our number. We ran back 30m or so, then whilst three others kept running, Me and a team mate divided into opposing sides of a path, and when the Delta patrol caught up to our hiding spot, unaware of our presence, he fired a claymore and opened fire. The entire patrol turned to face him and opened fire, as i drew my katana and lept from the bushes with a scream of 'URRRAAAA!' striking one opposing trooper down in one swing. Then i got the s**t shot out of me :P

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  • TS_Welshy
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Well.. I ALWAYS bring up my Desert Eagle I know.. and I'm sure most of you are sick of it. But still I always have my most heroic moments with it.

    At the GZ Weekender on the Sunday, I decided to go out as a sniper. Got bugger all with my SR-25, but with my little sniper team we eventually caught up with the main body of Bravo and joined in the assault on the labyrinth. Watching all the guys creep about with their rifles, I said 'right, sod this', took down the hood of my ghillie, put down thw SR-25 and stormed in with the deagle. Marching past everyone else I just casually strolled round a doorway and managed to blast the intel carrier in the balls in a small room from about 2 metres away

    Then later I found myself in the MIDDLE of the delta attack on bravo base, hid in a bush and pulled the ghillie over like a sleeping bag. Left the SR-25 in a bush on the other side of the track and watched it through a tiny gap in my ghillie hood. Cue about 3 Deltas who wander over to it and say 'hmm.. why's there a rifle just sitting there like that? Do you think someone lost it?'

    BLAP BLAP BLAP. All down. And they turned around in awe at the swamp creature that just came from nowhere and hand-cannoned them all!

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  • Pasty
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    myself and soutie working as sog spent a time going through newlands to attack checkpoint charlie which was bravo base .At the time we reached the fern edge delta are attacking from the other side and wanting a brew we pull pins on grenades and do a suicide run my grenade landed in the base and failed to explode souties hit the defences and bounced half way back across the road both firing we get halfway across the track before getting shot the marshalls said if my grenade had gone of i would have taken 10-15 bravo out including gadget :-)

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  • BR3TT 2008
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Running out of ammo in a 40 Vs 40 game, we were defending our HQ, It was battlesim so i had no more ammo, i was left with 2 frag grenades... I put my gun down, took off my webbing, and ran out of our fox whole with just 2 grenades, jumped behind a tree, struck both of them and threw them one at a time, i got 4 kills from two grenades, i think it confused the other team so much, there advance on our HQ was practically stopped and then the time limit was called haha wicked

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  • JDMO
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    last bb lol what a hero shot man

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  • majordrunk
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    i remember my 2nd time of going airsofting at airsoft commandos. it was a capture the flag game and the regen was just up the path from flag 4. we had managed to hold it off for a while then i saw 4 guys trying to sneak up towards the flag so i hid behind a holly bush waiting for them to pass.

    as they got level to me i saw 3 of them so opened up killing them and one guy then ran behind a tree we then had a mini battle and i managed to get a headshot with my last BB


    same game was protecting flag 4 when someone tried sneaking down the outside of the bushes. unfortunatly for him he didnt see me laying down in the gap of the fence. i waited till i could get a clear enough shot on him and fired. hitting him accross the neck and making him scream " AHHH YOU SHOT ME IN THE NECK " and then my reply to " WOOHOO " then in the safezone afterwards he was showing his neck to someone and i had a look and he had nice little red bumps going accross

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  • JDMO
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    me and my mate there bandits for a game and walk right in between a 15+ man squad and no1 questioned us or gave us a second thought.

    we heard the "leader" say to 2 of the younger boys " you two camp that spawn hahaha that will show them"

    and me and my mate waked right upto both of them and said BANG! your hit

    there were upset and confuzed as they though we were already dead i think

    mean while the rest of the squad clocked on after over hearing us and rased there guns to us from about 10 meters away and all began to full auto

    ( I've never ran so hard in my life and still dont know how i didnt get hit )

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  • spetsnazdave87
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Completely outgunned by a few guys on a slope below a road at IED airsoft, firing shedloads of ammo up into the woods at us. I managed to get one, while others suppressed the rest.

    Ran across the road, skidded and actually leapt sideways down the hill. Guy turned and fired- he missed me but I fired a burst in mid-air and got him with three across the chest.

    John Woo moment FTW!

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  • Support Gunner Gilome
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Originally posted by BB COMMANDO View Post
    I once had an all singing all dancing PSG1, we were on a private site with about 12 other guys, having had enough of running around with the m4 i decided to ghillie up, the senerio was me as sniper and a guy as spotter, were to take out the head ''baddy guy''. So i set up from quite a destance, took the first shot missing by about a foot, set up for the second shot then ''Bang'' my most fantastic shot ever.

    1) pulled the trigger and watched the round to target.
    2) Hit the the target on the left shoulder
    3) continued to watch the round and target through the scope
    4)the round zipped off his shoulder, and continued on its path to hit another enemy square in the middle of the head.
    5) that guy then stumbled backwards were he fell over a log arse first not knowing where the hell the round came from, until, i jumped up in a school boy frenzy claiming my best shot ever
    6) 2 kills 1 shot.........

    never again have or will get a result like that and i'll never forget it...Cheers
    haha, thats an awsome story!!!
    mine is probably at Lyndsey where i charged up the rear of this huge hill, got a headshot on someone then killed a couple of guys in the back, they didnt know what hit em

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    Re: Your greatest moment!

    I once had an all singing all dancing PSG1, we were on a private site with about 12 other guys, having had enough of running around with the m4 i decided to ghillie up, the senerio was me as sniper and a guy as spotter, were to take out the head ''baddy guy''. So i set up from quite a destance, took the first shot missing by about a foot, set up for the second shot then ''Bang'' my most fantastic shot ever.

    1) pulled the trigger and watched the round to target.
    2) Hit the the target on the left shoulder
    3) continued to watch the round and target through the scope
    4)the round zipped off his shoulder, and continued on its path to hit another enemy square in the middle of the head.
    5) that guy then stumbled backwards were he fell over a log arse first not knowing where the hell the round came from, until, i jumped up in a school boy frenzy claiming my best shot ever
    6) 2 kills 1 shot.........

    never again have or will get a result like that and i'll never forget it...Cheers

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  • zulu
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    at gzw i was in the tower? (i always get the bases confused) with one other guy, a load of delta aproaching from the new land, after a long period of fireing relentlessly at the enemy with no such success,(due to my hop being crap, and the length/quality of my barrel) the base started to come under heavy fire, eventually the guy with me got hit, and i just held tight. it was like plastic rain, i could hear the pelting of the enemy, occasionly i would give long bursts of fire back (just for the suppresing effect) after a while i gave up shooting back because by now there fire became too heavy so i just sat in the back for a while, then deciding waiting to be killed was pointless, so i called hit and started to head to a dead zone. while walking back (past some of the delta's that were attacking me) i heard some of them saying, how many people are in there? with a suprised sound about there voices, that made me feel awesome, because for most of the time it was just me suppresing them!

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  • simon4103
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Probably the first time i stepped onto a skirmish site and realised i was hooked. I often look back at that first game with a wry smile. My reluctance to to get involved soon vanished and here i am

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  • Kodiak
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Wandering through 5ft tall ferns, clearing them in a long spread out line. Some dude pops up above us at the top of the hill. I shoot at him with my Desert Eagle from about 30 meters away and hit him.

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  • ratty1968
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    At Catterick on a Stirling weekender, we were repelled attacks from Team Stirling.
    They did a building clearance, but didn't check they had cleared fully, leaving 3 of us in the attic of the building.
    We cautiously exited our hiding places, and i moved to the top window.
    Directly below me were 11 Team Stirling members, all in a nice row.
    For their troubles they recieved a 110 fal midcap, and 11 guys went down.
    Then came the shouts of blue on blue, and to be totally cheeky, i shouted 'Sorry, snap fired at movement'.
    This was recieved with a few curses, but no attack.
    I reloaded, peeped out again, and saw another squad of enemy right where the last target were.
    With a cry of 'LONG LIVE THE GENERAL' i rinsed the next lot.
    At this point they attacked again, and myself and 2 collegues battled on for another 10 minutes, but were finally overrun, with me going to my pistol due to my FAL being dry.
    Finally we were tagged, but had a great 40 minute fight with a kill ratio of 20 -1 in our favour.


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  • Trust
    Re: Your greatest moment!

    Attacking a position at GZ, held by 10-15 Delta. Get close, only to find one senior command guy left on his own, when he tells me the rest of his defence ran off when he told them he'd seen my team patch and that we were coming to try and take them out.

    Not really glorious, but one hell of an ego boost.

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