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Views on face shots

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  • #76
    Re: Views on face shots

    Ive been using bolt actions for some years now. I have also been on the receiving end of a 4.3 which took one of my front teeth for a walk, however I know the shooter personaly and know that he would never intentionally aim to hurt another player. However Ive also blew my top once or twice at players who think it's ok to deliberatly aim for your head. I agree that if all you can see is the players head then fire away, thats why players are encouraged to wear full face masks.


    • #77
      Re: Views on face shots

      I always try and aim at centre mass if possible,but if the head is all i can see then a head shot it'll be.
      I usually go single shot when at close quarters or change to my pistol to soften the blow for the players on the receiving end.
      Xsite the first site i went to when i started playing insists on single shot in buildings and the killhouse and has a minimum contact distance for snipers. The marshalls at xsite also explain about head shots and how much they hurt and i believe this helps.
      Maybe more sites should follow their lead and take a more active roll in stopping close range head shots.
      I've been hit in the face a few times now and most have been bleeders and i've never really complained. Comes with the game if you decide just to wear glasses.
      I have found it seems to be the rentals and younger players who are guilty of over kill and head shots. Hopefully they'll mature into seasoned skirmishers and stop their antics.


      • #78
        Re: Views on face shots

        I think it's only acceptable at long range and if it's the only part of the body showing.


        • #79
          Re: Views on face shots

          Hate people who think it takes skill, when to be honest, at 10 or 20 metres, it'd be far more skillful to hit, say... someone's toe :P


          • #80
            Re: Views on face shots

            Head shots are fine at reasonable distance if they're presenting no other target. Even at close range if nothing else is showing. But one or two rounds is enough.

            People who full auot at close range on purpose are basically idiots and shouldn't be allowed a pair of scissors never mind a gun. People give it all that on the web but when faced a full grown block in 'I'm gonna rip your head off mode' they seem to burst into tears quite a lot lol


            • #81
              Re: Views on face shots

              Usually go for the body if i can see it (because as mentioned it's the biggest target and in airsoft we don't have to be like the SAS and get 100% headshots so we can put the guy down as quickly as possible), but if all i can see is the head then a quick double tap is acceptable. although if i can see the persons whole body and they blantantly refuse to take their hits then i will deliberately spray them in the face, face mask or not... people should take their hits...


              • #82
                Re: Views on face shots

                I dont imagine myself going for a face shot. But if its at medium-long range and the guys only showing the face or not taking his hits then I might go for the face/neck.
                Originally posted by B.E.N.
                Originally posted by TheLazymarksman
                Tactical bed covers...
                Double or single?


                • #83
                  Re: Views on face shots

                  views on face shots , they happen

                  if a sniper has a clear shot at head and only thing able to hit , take the shot ,

                  same as aegs as most people do anyway thanks to COD lets get head shots . . .

                  things is they happen ,

                  dont like the heat stay out the kitchen


                  • #84
                    Re: Views on face shots

                    Old ground really two other threads about this.




                    • #85
                      Re: Views on face shots

                      Originally posted by baronvonhardkore View Post
                      Hate people who think it takes skill, when to be honest, at 10 or 20 metres, it'd be far more skillful to hit, say... someone's toe :P
                      Actually head shots happen more than they should because full face camo isn't worn that often so its the object you aim for naturally. So if you want to save your face cam up.

                      It makes more sense to go for a body shot becuase there is more chance of a hit.


                      • #86
                        Re: Views on face shots

                        I'd be interested to know something, from the guys on the forum who've actually served in the forces in a sniper role.

                        I know, from research on medical databases (I heard this on a radio programme and it sounded wrong, so I looked it up - an advantage of a wife who has logins for these sort of things), that head-shots have a much lower mortality than stomach wounds; something like a third to half less likely to die from a shot to the head. Once I read into it, it makes sense. The brain is actually a pretty small part of the head and, even then, can sustain quite a bit of damage and survive. Shots to the abdomen often lead to secondary infections, causing death.

                        But, you often hear people say that snipers will aim for the head if they want a sure kill. What is actually taught to you guys?


                        • #87
                          Re: Views on face shots

                          As many have already said, if its only the head that can be seen theres no other option, I hear a helmet but have been shot in the face a good few times, all accidentle none of the less but I did get really pissed when I snook up on a guy took him out and he turned around at about 10 metres away and shot me in the face, need less to say it didn't end well.


                          • #88
                            Re: Views on face shots

                            Originally posted by rockinrobin View Post
                            I know, from research on medical databases (I heard this on a radio programme and it sounded wrong, so I looked it up - an advantage of a wife who has logins for these sort of things), that head-shots have a much lower mortality than stomach wounds; something like a third to half less likely to die from a shot to the head. Once I read into it, it makes sense. The brain is actually a pretty small part of the head and, even then, can sustain quite a bit of damage and survive. Shots to the abdomen often lead to secondary infections, causing death.

                            But, you often hear people say that snipers will aim for the head if they want a sure kill. What is actually taught to you guys?
                            I have never been in the forces, but from what I have read and watched on documentories (this is SAS only, not standard military so i don't know what they do), if you can you go for a mouth shot because it severs the spinal chord meaning that a signal (from the nervous system) can not get from the brain to their trigger finger... any players with medical or military knowledge to confirm this???


                            • #89
                              Re: Views on face shots

                              You're right about that. It's not a question of severing the spinal column (though that's a bonus), but destroying the brain stem. That's the bit where the spinal column and the brain connect. Destroy that and there's no nerve connections to the rest of the body and, as it controls autonomous actions (things you do without needing to think about them, such as breathing etc), there's no muscle twitch.

                              But, what I was after was info regarding the longer shots, where the brain stem shot isn't so sure.


                              • #90
                                Re: Views on face shots

                                ive been lit up in the face from 3 feet away in the passed - totally not cool.
                                i must admit it was the only time i have ever shouted at some one at airsoft.

                                i usually try for body shots as they are easier. i will go for the head if that is all i can see at range but i try and avoid shooting the face if i can.

                                its not nice getting hit in the face - i remember a few years back at gz a lad got hit in the forehead at close range and was bleeding.

                                Originally posted by Coz
                                Holds gun like a super sniper pro......Cries when wind blows his BB off course.
                       sniping tactics thread.


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