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Buying second hand

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  • #31
    Re: Buying second hand

    on the topic of stupid sales threads... photos should be mandatory, not "pics later" if you have time to write the post, you have time to upload a pic ffs! 90% use thier mobiles to upload, photobucket uploads in seconds and gives you a direct link to copy, hosting is free, NO EXCUSE!!!!

    No pics, no sales thread, end of!

    A lads been ripped off with two a&k masada's, when he was led to believe they were magpul's.... could have been EASILY avoided, with a simple picture!


    • #32
      Re: Buying second hand

      Nobody has the right to tell anybody what to sell for, you are absolutely correct. This isn't North Korea...

      However, if somebody is trying to sell tat at over the odds prices do you not think that that some of the less aware or overly keen members deserve to be represented in some way to stop them being conned?

      Would you tell your mate in financial difficulty that one of those payday loans with an interest rate in excess of 2000% was a smart choice for him, or would you point out that if he shopped around he could get the same deal for better rates?


      • #33
        Re: Buying second hand

        Originally posted by FlangTal1ty View Post
        Are you suggesting that a forum member/airsoft player that has been on the scene for longer than another who is trying to sell something would have the athority to close/modify/reject another less experienced member's sales thread? What ever the experience level, no one has the right to tell someone what their possesions should be sold for despite whether you think their claims of 'rare' or 'desireable' are true or not. The appraisals sections is there for advice, it is not maditory so if someone thinks they can get more than something is worth, who are you, or anyone for that matter, to tell them otherwise?
        Not at all, this is exactly NOT what I am saying.

        By challenge what I am saying is that if someone puts 'rare' in their for sale thread, someone with experience should be able to challenge this by adding to the thread showing that it is not actually a rare item at all (i.e. sorry but this is not a particularly rare item as it can be found in stock in online retailers). It is the rare or collectable bit that should be challenged not the price.

        I agree with you no one can, nor should they TELL someone what to charge for their property, but if someone claims their item is rare or collectable they should be prepared to defend that claim. Of course I may be nieive in thinking this can be done in an adult and appropriate way with some form of evidence to back up the challenge rather than 'mate your taking the pi55 thats not worth that' type of comment.

        At no point did I mention, close, modify or reject threads, nor did I mention telling someone how much to charge, the only think I said is that I would like this type of claim to be openly and appropriatly challenged. I also used the term experienced as a metric, not length of time around, or number of posts as both of the latter are largely irrelevant.


        • #34
          Re: Buying second hand

          lol... sarcasm...i recocnise that tone!

          I may have phrased that a bit harshly in the speed i posted so i apologise.

          On my work computer i cannot use the like, quote or edit functions so if i take too long writing a post it makes no sense as it is too far down the list and out of context.


          • #35
            Re: Buying second hand

            Originally posted by FlangTal1ty View Post
            Are you suggesting that a forum member/airsoft player that has been on the scene for longer than another who is trying to sell something would have the athority to close/modify/reject another less experienced member's sales thread? What ever the experience level, no one has the right to tell someone what their possesions should be sold for despite whether you think their claims of 'rare' or 'desireable' are true or not. The appraisals sections is there for advice, it is not maditory so if someone thinks they can get more than something is worth, who are you, or anyone for that matter, to tell them otherwise?
            We're not saying we have the right but by the same token do people have the right to take the piss, when they ask for double what an item can be purchased for new.

            We are not saying for a minute that threads should be edited to reflect fairer prices, what this whole thread was about is letting people know what they should expect to pay for second hand gear. It cuts both ways, there are people who have no idea that they are selling thier gear far too cheaply and a guide to help people price things up fairly is a sensible way to avoid people getting angry or frustrated and could possibly help avoid sales problems. If I bought a gun on here for £400 and found out a day later I could buy it brand new for half that the first thing I would do is contact the person I bought it from and say 'it's not for me, I'm sending it back', instant problem.

            Some people have no idea that they are expecting too much from the items they sell and a quiet PM can often help them get a sale, many have reduced thier price to more sensible levels by just understanding that the item they have for sale is not conquistador gold.

            Virtually every other type of second hand product has some form of guide that buyers and sellers can refererence in order to help them buy or sell, why should Airsoft be any different.

            As I said at the begining, I buy virtually all my stuff new so this isn't about me or anyone else being screwed over and wanting revenge, this is here to provoke a sensible discussion and one which hopefully might result in a guide for the buyers/sellers out there who want advice on what they should expect to pay/receive for thier gear.


            • #36
              No naming or describing active sales threads please.

              I've deleted 3 so far, any more and the whole thread will be binned.


              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

              I will be at the NAE 27th-30th August and replies to messages may be slow, bear with me!


              • #37
                Re: Buying second hand

                Originally posted by madwelshman View Post
                A lads been ripped off with two a&k masada's, when he was led to believe they were magpul's.... could have been EASILY avoided, with a simple picture!
                Which certainly sucks! But the flip side of that is, would you splash £520 on something you hadn't seen by someone who's only been on the forum a couple of months and has zero feedback?

                And more on topic, as I and others have said in other threads of this nature, sellers are allowed to ask whatever price they wish. If it's vastly overpriced, it either won't sell, or "KERCHING!!"
                Originally posted by Nun-Chuck
                I'm down every games day at EAG buddy just give me a shout and I'll whip it out, can have a squeeze too if you like.
                Originally posted by deanfirst
                why not use zeroone's escort service?


                • #38
                  Re: Buying second hand

                  lol, Mark you miserable sod!

                  Totally agree Fizzy, my main punt on this thread is the lazy sods with no pics, personally, I wouldn't buy blind full stop, pics or frack em! they can keep it!


                  • #39

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                    I will be at the NAE 27th-30th August and replies to messages may be slow, bear with me!


                    • #40
                      Re: Buying second hand

                      Originally posted by madwelshman View Post
                      lol, Mark you miserable sod!

                      Totally agree Fizzy, my main punt on this thread is the lazy sods with no pics, personally, I wouldn't buy blind full stop, pics or frack em! they can keep it!
                      This. Alot of people say they cant upload because the file size is too big. RESIZE THE IMAGE THEN. I use my iPhone to take pictures of items, they usually come out at about 2.0MB+

                      Open paint and resize to 75% = 1MB-1.9MB
                      For Sale
                      Madbull Landmine / Black Hellstorm Gloves / DPM South African Assault Vest


                      • #41
                        Re: Buying second hand

                        then you have never used photobucket... it has forum friendly sizes, never once have I uploaded an image and it not be allowed...

                        Sounds like your on about the direct uploaders, built into the forum, yeh, they are cack, but you dont have to use them


                        • #42
                          Re: Buying second hand

                          Originally posted by WTP_Trust_ME View Post
                          My opinion of buying second hand guns (especially if they're upgraded, poorly in some cases) is that they're likely to break or not perform as new. As such I will have to put time, effort and probably money into getting it back to servicable condition. That's why I never pay over the odds for such things.
                          Aye, I've seen some truly awful upgade work done (which is why I always ask for detailed descriptions and pictures). Mind you, it's not just punters that screw up. I remember one gat I bought years ago, from a mate. It had been "professionally" upgraded by a well known retailer - so imagine my surprise when it broke and I took it apart, only to find out that some retard had used a sodding angle grinder on the gearbox bushings in order to reduce their height so the gearbox would slide into a Systema metal body. That, is one of over a dozen incidents of badly modded shop bought guns I've dealt with over the years.

                          Moral of this story? You're just as likely to get screwed on "upgraded" shop-built guns as you are on one built by Mr Bonehead Airsofters.

                          **edit** - those bushings were ground down whilst the gearbox was assembled, the evidence being that there was scarring all over the shell from where the moron had slipped with the grinder.


                          • #43
                            Re: Buying second hand

                            But surely if a new comer to the sport comes on here to buy a rif and finds one he likes in the classifieds there is nothing stopping him/her from making a post saying for example ive seen this gun for sale "Link" do you guys think is fairly priced and is suited as a started gun for CQB
                            Take Your Hit


                            • #44
                              Re: Buying second hand

                              but they wont....


                              • #45
                                Re: Buying second hand

                                Originally posted by javaoverride View Post
                                But surely if a new comer to the sport comes on here to buy a rif and finds one he likes in the classifieds there is nothing stopping him/her from making a post saying for example ive seen this gun for sale "Link" do you guys think is fairly priced and is suited as a started gun for CQB
                                Only common sense!

                                But I have seen posts in the appraisals section where people have asked for prices, not for something they're selling, but for something they're looking to buy, and they weren't sure of the price. Top marks those people!
                                Originally posted by Nun-Chuck
                                I'm down every games day at EAG buddy just give me a shout and I'll whip it out, can have a squeeze too if you like.
                                Originally posted by deanfirst
                                why not use zeroone's escort service?


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