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Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

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  • #16
    Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

    Originally posted by deanfirst View Post
    VCRA/UKARA only say you can't purchase
    In terms of the VCRA reducing the level of violent crime, Police will be more likely to confiscate anything they suspect to be used in said crimes...

    All credit to the Police force, they will generally find a way to do whatever they want if you have an attitude that isn't right...

    Maybe I have the wrong attitude to the whole RIF thing, but I do believe we need to be on our very best behaviour when dealing with RIFs and airsoft in general, since we have basically been granted an exception to the law. Unless people have a respectful and compliant attitude, the old bill can bend you over a barrel. That said, if you act responsibly and have a good attitude, you should never run afoul of the Police.


    • #17
      Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

      Originally posted by B.E.N. View Post
      In terms of the VCRA reducing the level of violent crime, Police will be more likely to confiscate anything they suspect to be used in said crimes...

      All credit to the Police force, they will generally find a way to do whatever they want if you have an attitude that isn't right...
      Agreed, anything they consider to have broken the VCRA they will pounce , and if they had been given the right to confiscated your Airsoft rifle, they would have had the right to search the property for it. And within that power, they would have been able to take everything that is 'suspicious'. If there has been any violent crime within the area, anything that looks suspicious will make them act accordingly.

      Even if you could prove you are a Regular Skirmisher, if you act inappropriately, you are lucky they simply took it away. If you raised even a slight temper at that moment trying to save your RIF and prove your a skirmisher, they could have charged you for something else.

      This is still a rather murky picture, it has been highlighted before in threads and posts showing where the police have been informed to whereabouts of RIF's and such like by Nieghbours or passers by who are nosey/concerned about the situation.
      Last edited by Teddykiller; 20 September, 2010, 10:48. Reason: Spelling errors


      • #18
        Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

        Just noticed that this is your second thread on the very same situation, first one your scar was removed by the police and your friend was being branded a "suspect" is this the same incident you are on about or are you just unlucky enough to be searched twice in one year?? surely if they searched your place twice they would be taking things slightly further than removing one gun???

        Just food for thought there
        .45 Auto Owner


        • #19
          Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

          One of three things has happened:

          1) You are taking out of your ar*e.

          2) The people who visited you were not genuine police.


          3) The police did visit you and they have seriously messed up.

          Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Section 17
          Section 17 permits a constable to enter and search any premises for the purpose of arresting a person for an arrestable offence.

          Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Section 18
          Section 18 permits a constable to enter and search any premises occupied or controlled by a person who is under arrest for an arrestable offence if he has reasonable grounds for suspecting there is on the premises, other than items subject to legal privilege, that relates to that offence or some other arrestable offence connected with or similar to that offence.

          A constable may conduct such a search before taking the person to a police station and without the written authority of an other inspector rank or above if the presence of that person at a place other than a police station is necessary for the effective investigation of that offence.

          Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Section 19
          Under section 19 when a constable is lawfully on any premises he can seize anything which he finds on the premises if he has reasonable grounds for believing:

          (i) that it has been obtained in consequence of the commission of an offence; or
          (ii) that it is evidence in relation to an offence which he is investigating or any other offence;
          And (iii) that it is necessary to seize it in order to prevent it being concealed, lost, damaged, altered or destroyed.

          Property must only be seized in circumstances outlined in Code
          B, Paragraphs 7.1 to 7.17 of the
          Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Codes of Practice. In all
          cases where property is seized, a receipt for that property must
          be given by the officer to the person from whom it was seized.

          Don't forget, the firearms act also covers imitation firearms, VCRA isn't the only law they can use. Under the firearms act, it's down to you to prove that you didn't use a RIF illegally, it's not the police's job to prove that you did. Innocent until proven guilty is just an urban myth which lots of UK laws don't have to stick to.

          A little tip for life mate, not just forum etiquette, if you want help it's best if your original post states this and you avoid asking a vague question. Then, when people don't say what you want to hear, don't slag-off the people who may be able to help you if you take the time to actually ask nicely.
          Last edited by Caveira; 20 September, 2010, 11:01. Reason: Spelling


          • #20
            Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

            Originally posted by TPM-SMURPHY- View Post
            Just noticed that this is your second thread on the very same situation, first one your scar was removed by the police and your friend was being branded a "suspect" is this the same incident you are on about or are you just unlucky enough to be searched twice in one year?? surely if they searched your place twice they would be taking things slightly further than removing one gun???

            Just food for thought there
            That is interesting, I had touched upon the fact ONE rifle was taken when you own a fair few. But this isn't the first time? And your 'friend' was suspect for the same 'incident'. Okay, if you have been property searched, you would have had the LOT removed.

            Also, +1 for Advice by rockinrobin


            • #21
              Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

              Nice to another incorrect reference to ukara!


              • #22
                Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                Originally posted by rockinrobin View Post
                One of three things has happened:

                1) You are taking out of your ar*e.

                2) The people who visited you were not genuine police.


                off the people who may be able to help you if you take the time to actually ask nicely.
                rockinrobin you are awesome that is exactly what I am looking for.

                thanks for all your information.

                everyone now please do now add further reply.

                I will update the thread later.


                • #23
                  Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                  Originally posted by deanfirst View Post
                  never gunna happen?
                  it just happen to me, also they left without any paper or notice!

                  I'm here just looking for some information, if you don't wanna help, do something else.
                  Don’t have ago at me your the one who’s not asking the right question or giving enough info. I answered the question accurately there’s no reason they would seize or destroy your property.. ever... unless you did something truly stupid with it.. My reply was both accurate, on topic and informative...


                  • #24
                    Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                    I had a few of mine confiscated, because my local constabulary, appearing to be retarded at the time, weren't convinced that they couldn't fire real ammo. I had an armed reponse police officer inform his unarmed colleague that this wasn't possible, to which the unarmed officer said "he'd be the judge of that"(?)

                    It took me nearly 6 weeks to get my stuff back, and they'd actually taken one of the guns apart during the time they had them.


                    • #25
                      Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                      i just cant see it ... they are toy guns, and two seconds of demonstration will show that to any pc. Therefore unless your being retarded in public or physically not present to defend your self they wouldnt go anywhere... They just cant simply remove your property from your house. If your not there and they have cuase for "entering" maybe but removal of said property without the owner/a owner being present.. not gunna happen, till you or someone gets home. In which case look toy gun.. bye....


                      • #26
                        Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                        when i was younger about 10 years old or somthing (now 19) i had a skegness special springer pistol. well in my areaa there was some chavs that shot at people with the plastic springers which meant that the police were called in to check out all the local houses, they asked me if i had any which i was honest about and gave them the pistol and they broke it then and there.
                        Bust a move.



                        • #27
                          Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                          Originally posted by richardy View Post
                          i just cant see it ... they are toy guns, and two seconds of demonstration will show that to any pc. Therefore unless your being retarded in public or physically not present to defend your self they wouldnt go anywhere... They just cant simply remove your property from your house. If your not there and they have cuase for "entering" maybe but removal of said property without the owner/a owner being present.. not gunna happen, till you or someone gets home. In which case look toy gun.. bye....
                          You're kidding right?

                          An old team mate of mine had all his airsoft guns in his room at Uni. One of the Uni staff came into his room while he was out (I forget the reason why) and saw his airsoft guns. They called the police who came and confiscated everything and it was taken to the local firemarms armoury for testing. It was 3+ weeks before he got them back, and his G36 had been opened as they'd replaced a couple of body pins with some dodgy RS ones
                          Originally posted by Nun-Chuck
                          I'm down every games day at EAG buddy just give me a shout and I'll whip it out, can have a squeeze too if you like.
                          Originally posted by deanfirst
                          why not use zeroone's escort service?


                          • #28
                            Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                            I think knowing how to talk to people really helps in these situations.

                            There's certain words you should use and certain you should steer clear of.

                            I would emphasise the words "toy" and "model" and steer clear of "firearm" and "replica".

                            I dare say with the correct attitude and approach, you can prevent many situations from escalating.


                            • #29
                              Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                              Rockinrobin - you remember your definitions from Southwick well!

                              Originally posted by Savaged Wolf

                              Snowdrop - hes quiet but always there ! like a jedi


                              • #30
                                Re: Airsoft gun seized and destroyed by PC

                                Originally posted by Fizzy View Post
                                You're kidding right?

                                An old team mate of mine had all his airsoft guns in his room at Uni. One of the Uni staff came into his room while he was out (I forget the reason why) and saw his airsoft guns. They called the police who came and confiscated everything and it was taken to the local firemarms armoury for testing. It was 3+ weeks before he got them back, and his G36 had been opened as they'd replaced a couple of body pins with some dodgy RS ones
                                this isnt someones house, its someone elses, living there under there grace. They have both the right to inspect the room if someones abusing there right too live there.. its not someones house.

                                Like i said if someones not in, and the owner in that case university housing! they obvisouly had every right to remove them for testing.

                                If your friend had been there it would have been a different story.


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                                deanfirst Find out more about deanfirst