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Airsofting whilst incapacitated

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  • Airsofting whilst incapacitated

    Most of you are fit and healthy young bucks, but there are some of you who are suffering from some form of disability or another.
    For me personally i had a neurological illness similar to Multiple Sclerosis, and im afraid to say that it has reduced my ability to enjoy airsofting as was intended.
    I still go airsofting occasionally though, but when i do, i usually have to ask the marshalls for some form of dispensation, for example where i dont have to go back all the way to the regen point coz its too far and tiring. So when i get hit, i pull back and take a time out, normally slightly more than it would take someone to go to regen and back.

    i also dont go charging around,which means im more selective with my objectives/ targets.
    and for some unknown reason i am always one of the last out of the safe zone, maybe its because i move slowly (walking pace) and i dont want to get in everyones way

    LOOKING FOR: S&W N-frame holster
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  • #2
    Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

    I've been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right hip. I'm having regular physio and, at some point in the future, I may need a replacement joint in there. PITA at 43!

    The biggest thing for me is climbing hills and stairs as that's the motion that most wears the joint. There's times when I can hardly walk after a little while in the car, but at others I can drive for hours and still get in a decent day's skirmishing.

    Like you, I guess I just go with the flow and see how the day goes.


    • #3
      Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

      not quite to the severity that you guys mention, but I've just started having steroid and physio after picking up acute tennis elbow while kickboxing (my other time consuming hobby)

      as its my right arm (my straight punch and strong arm,) its also the one I pick my rifle up with. My Ares scar (as any other owner will attest,) weighs a bloody ton. It is absalute murder moving kit or holding anything one handed, unfortunatley including my pistols. Right arm aiming with a straight elbow is almost impossible on a bad day and I've found Im gradually training myself to be a lefty with pistols without really intending to.
      The concept of progress acts as a protective mechanism to shield us from the terrors of the future.


      • #4
        Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

        Now here's a thread that's hit a big point for me , I was involved in a motorbike accident 3wks ago prognosis is it's going to take me around 14-16ths to get as near to fighting fit again ,am wheelchair bound for several mths to start . been discussing with my team mates ways of getting back in the game as soon as possible , currently looking at sniper or support gunner roles (embrionic idea at the moment is ask site owner if I can go out pre game start find a hide spot , settle in and see who comes along ) zero scope for movement but at least I'd be playing !
        From deepest darkest pagan Wales ! The steel wolves !


        • #5
          Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

          I just had surgery after a skiing injury to my right knee, I have to say, considering I still cant crouch very well, I am curious as to how this will effect my airsoft play!
          G&G TR15 Raider XL, CA G36K, G&G MP5A4, Cyma Thompson, APS AKS-74U, Custom TM Uzi, DE M56, WE Nighthawk X2, Cyma Glock 18C
          RD Customs MG42, The Bone Cannon And Project Balderdash.

          If you aren't laughing, you're doing it wrong.


          • #6
            Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

            A friend of mine (not on here) plays with a hip replacement and arthritis. He was struck with it at the age of 6 and has been soldiering on ever since. Jason Wyatt a round of applause for you for being a better man than I.

            Actually that goes to all who play with an extra obstacle in the way, hats off to you all.
            King Arms "King of Arms Builders 2013" Winner


            • #7
              Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

              I think its great to see injuries and similar damage not putting people off. I have a damaged knee (4 years of physio, along with operations and rehab), the opposite foot is damaged, and my right shoulder has a shredded rotator cuff. Day to day I have got used to it, but charging about in the woods does take its toll, as with these broken bits I find it hard to keep cv fitness in check.

              I find I have to play a more tactical game, mainly to avoid falling down a hill or tracking to a dead zone with the M249. I find that playing within my limits is still good for the fitness, so I should hopefully get stronger and faster as time goes on.

              The rattling from my kit isn't bb's, its ibruprofen rattling around inside me.
              'Smurf's Tours of Duty

              ATR Winchester, 2 Regt AAC, 654 Sqn 4 Regt AAC, Cmd Tp, 4 Regt AAC, 216 Parachute Signals Sqn, HQ 16 Air Assualt Brigade, 668 (trg) Sqn AAC, 5 Regt (NI) AAC, JHF(NI) Operations, FSW Ops Sqn

              Currently 1 (UK) Civ Div


              • #8
                Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                Originally posted by FormerSmurf View Post
                The rattling from my kit isn't bb's, its ibruprofen rattling around inside me.
                Real life Max Payne!
                King Arms "King of Arms Builders 2013" Winner


                • #9
                  Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                  Not to serious but I have some form of back problem which the doctors can't work out what it is after 6 months of xrays and phisyo but the thing is that it only hurts if I stay still for long periods of time so that's why I run around. Not that serious but it can be agony
                  Traded with me? please leave feedback as will I


                  • #10
                    Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                    I had quite a large car accident back in Feb 2008. I suffered a broken leg in 3 places tib, fib and femar (sp). Broken pelvis, snapped collar bone and puntured my aorta. Basically I was FUBAR. I made the GZ weekender my target for getting fit. The physio's and Dr's said no way. You wont be fit enough.
                    Proved them wrong. I played all weekend. Some of the hills were a mission to get up. One saving grace was back then our team was given player marshalls for the weekend. So I was made the BT player marshall for the weekend. Saved alot of walking.

                    Still had a good crack even tho I couldn't run or walk much. I sort of limped around but still kept up with the lads. They looked after me as well. If I needed a sit down they made sure I was ok and had enough water/energy food. If we came to a steep hill then one of my mates usually carried my gun up the hill while another one helped me up. I can't really thank them enough for the help they gave me.

                    So basically make sure people around you understand whats wrong and make sure you play to your own limits. If your feeling lightheaded or feel something is not right. Stick your hand up and walk out of the combat zone. Or get far enough back so your not in the line of fire. Thats what I did when I was having a moment.

                    Im fine now tho. Back to normal.
                    TM MC-51 (Full Systema Energy gearbox and all the other internal fo shizzal)
                    Star AW-338 Sniper Rifle
                    Maruzen APS Type 96
                    TM P226, Tac Master .
                    WE SCAR + VFC UGL
                    KSC GBB MP7, KSC USP .45 XM survive


                    • #11
                      Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                      I snapped my left leg (broke both the tibula and fibula) in half in january this year, haven't been airsofting since then, mostly due to not having money though. Now it's all healed but it does hurt when i'm putting pressure on my left knee due to the surgeons placing a rod in my tibula and going in through my knee. my first game back is on the 26th at the mall.
                      The Gear Box Destroyer


                      • #12
                        Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                        good luck stones mate you deserve a good game after how long its been


                        • #13
                          Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                          Originally posted by druid799 View Post
                          Now here's a thread that's hit a big point for me , I was involved in a motorbike accident 3wks ago prognosis is it's going to take me around 14-16ths to get as near to fighting fit again ,am wheelchair bound for several mths to start . been discussing with my team mates ways of getting back in the game as soon as possible , currently looking at sniper or support gunner roles (embrionic idea at the moment is ask site owner if I can go out pre game start find a hide spot , settle in and see who comes along ) zero scope for movement but at least I'd be playing !
                          Mount a 249 on to your chair and become a rolling gun platform! :D
                          Joking aside focus on getting better first!
                          section 24 of the 1968 Act
                          Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                          1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                          2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                          • #14
                            Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                            Originally posted by seansamurai1 View Post
                            Mount a 249 on to your chair and become a rolling gun platform! :D
                            Joking aside focus on getting better first!
                            Mate we've already looked into it !:D was thinking some lightweight plate armour and role around the road network at the asylum !!!!!
                            Am lying on the sofa with the wife's iPad trying NOT to turn in to the ultimate forum toll ! And trying not to bankrupt my self buying s**t from every HK retailer on the net out of boredom !
                            From deepest darkest pagan Wales ! The steel wolves !


                            • #15
                              Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                              You could shout things like "bring forth my panzerchair!" with ride of the valkrys playing on a loud speaker, youd get me cos I'd be laughing too hard with the epic win you are performing!
                              section 24 of the 1968 Act
                              Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                              1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                              2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                              About the Author


                              sparrowhawk Find out more about sparrowhawk