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Airsofting whilst incapacitated

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  • #61
    Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

    see I live with the cp and don't ever remeber having anything else so for me its nothing special it's just get on with it to be honest. those of you who have come back from serious injury that left you disabled, I have more respect for because you have had something I never had and I think I would resent that loss.

    sorry for being a bit deep there, but my motto is just get on with it and I may be slower than some of you but I will get you in the end, you can't outrun a 350fps bb. don't run you'll only have to respawn tired. :D


    • #62
      Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

      Originally posted by jediknight129 View Post
      see I live with the cp
      I've seen a few people playing who have had cerebral palsy. There was a young lad who played regularly for a while at spec ops, he didnt seem to have many problems apart from reloading which took him a while and i think he fell over pretty hard a few times but still soldiered on!

      Am i right in assuming CP can affect your balance?
      Prepare for the worst, but expect the best.

      Originally posted by Bezza806
      I always thought anime had to involve girls, tentacles and some sort of bondage.....?


      • #63
        Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

        balance, posture, hand eye coordination, speech, vision, ability to walk. its an odd disability.


        • #64
          Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

          My problem will be fixed by surgery and time hopefully; and although I know I'll never be 100% (some people would argue I never was anyway!) Iwill be most thankful that I will be able to play again. For those of you who have longterm incurable/untreatable illnesses who get on with it - I have the utmost respect for you, you show how to look at life in my view; grab it with both hands and shake the most you can from it regardless!

          I'm now going to lie down to relax as I have an MRI in a bit and I am so claustrophobic I'm literally bricking it!!!


          • #65
            Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

            ME, nuff said, still quite nasty at this time and isnt helped by fibromyalgia. but i soldier on. if you find me napping at the respawn zone do not wake on pain of death :P

            The Urban Assault Social Group on ZeroIn


            • #66
              Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

              heh, you would fit right in at my site.


              • #67
                Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                this must be the first thread that i have read every line of. i have half my cartilage in my right knee removed about 6 yrs ago and the is something wrong with my Cruciate ligament on the same leg that wont go away. also i have an issue with a nerve in my back sending shooting pains down my right hand side of my body. i have given up on physiotherapy, and now im rattling about with the pain killers in my vest, i've only just started airsoft and it seems that this could very well be a bloody good treatment for these kind of issues. as the ops didn't do me any favors at all, but to all of you with ops pending i truely hope they go well and your back in the fight asap


                • #68
                  Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                  They said the some conditions that get worse over time can be slowed by the amount of awareness needed to play a sport like airsoft and the adrenaline that being shot at can release if your taking it seriously also the fast reactions and stuff but also there are other conditions that can be made worse by such things but thats life I guess.

                  Airsoft causes my left knee almost no damage or pain compared to bowling sad thing is due to work I can bowl every day for free but cant due to my knee and also I avoid bowling sometimes so my knee wont be mash for airsoft kinda makes a guy in his 20`s feel old that bowling is too much for his knee.

                  Anyway loads of you on here are way worse off then me and I respect that you still play the game and play it well.
                  Oh when will I get a decent knights stoner LMG aeg ?

                  P mags up for sale


                  • #69
                    Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                    I must admit I haven't read all of the posts here but I own one of these 5hp go-carts


                    and they are pretty rugged I reckon you could whizz round a site on one of those! Also, I've had my boy driving in while I stood on the back with the engine hanging onto the roll cage and stuff so you could have a gunner (think M134 lol).

                    I don't know if a site owner would let you but if you get to shoot stuff somone should allow it


                    • #70
                      Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                      Out of respect I re-read this thread reading all the posts and power to you guys. Personally apart from being a bit of a zombie through being woken up all night by my kids I am lucky enough to be well.

                      I noticed that the pic wasn't loading that I linked so here is another - this is the two seat version that may be even better for skirmishing! Mine is the solo seat which makes it narrower but perhaps the double would be better for those who want to shoot and be shot at but aren't very mobile! Also, the break and accelerator would be very easy to move to the steering wheel for those with immobilised legs.



                      • #71
                        Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                        Oh and the otehr idea I had was to make an electric motor powered rotating disc (perhaps a 12v starter?) and make a plywood turret You could make it open topped so the only way the enemy could take it out would be to drop a dummy frag in :P I'd like to be a turret now!!!


                        • #72
                          Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                          Think Id go with bigger off road tyres myself, an electric one would be a lot quieter a golf cart could be modded up for the job
                          Oh when will I get a decent knights stoner LMG aeg ?

                          P mags up for sale


                          • #73
                            Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                            Oh yeah you'd have to adapt it and leccy might not be a bad idea but I just have one of these in the garage so it was why I thought of one of these...


                            • #74
                              Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                              Originally posted by Man-down Dragon View Post
                              ME, nuff said
                              Oh my god, you sir deserve a medal. My other half has had M.E for the best part of 5 years, she found it hard to get up and down stairs a couple of years back, she's on the mend now though, and hopefully I'll be convincing her to follow your example one day (airsofting, I mean )!

                              My hat is tipped to all of you guys who continue to play despite what fate throws at you.

                              When I get older and start breaking I hope I do it with the same amount of stubbornness as you lot!

                              Carry on 'softing guys


                              • #75
                                Re: airsofting whilst incapacitated

                                loveing this post but im will admit i was a bit annoyed i thought i was the most hardcore man running aroung csw with 2 metal legs but some of ur story's i think wow i wouldent of even be bothered to get up for a s*** let alone a sunday of softing so i think a pat on the back for all of us is deserved well done guys should be proud
                                it is only a game BUT IM STILL GONA KILL YOU


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                                sparrowhawk Find out more about sparrowhawk