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Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by JOE90 View Post
    Our marshalls only say not to aim for the head when up close, which i think is fair. Anyways we all play differently so im not going to change the way i play because some people cant take a head shot without crying. May sound blunt but afterall we are all playing a game where you are shooting each other, you should be prepared to get shot.....anywhere.
    And most people are ,
    I still cant understand why people aim at the head when the trunk is a larger target , of course if the head is the only visible part then a double dose the trick , other than that I see no real reason for it.


    • #47
      Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

      Originally posted by Trigger Last Chancer View Post
      And most people are ,
      I still cant understand why people aim at the head when the trunk is a larger target , of course if the head is the only visible part then a double dose the trick , other than that I see no real reason for it.
      Totally agree with you mate, as i said, i dont go all out aiming purely for the head. Im just not going to think about the other person sympathetically if thats the shot i have to take.


      • #48
        Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

        Originally posted by Hotshot:) View Post
        Beef your post just didn't have any relevance to the thread.Only an idiot would write something like that as the more responsible on the forum understand that the rules are there for mine and your protection so when marshals arnt doing their job properly or are not 100% switched on wether it's being rude or just being crap marshals they put players at risk .
        You've obviously been to loads of sites and been airsofting for years so I won't argue with you ,your just to dam tough
        what i meant was i have noticed that at most sites when players rightly or wrongly complain to marshalls that somebody is cheating its usually enough for a marshal to make up their minds. usually it is reular players who complain and marshalls just take their word for it without checking for them selves. if the marshal sspects somebody cheating then shoot that person slyly and see if they take their hit. no point just telling that player to stop ceating jst because some regular has mentioned it. Some regulars have been the biggest cheaters i have enocountered.

        by the way sarcasm does not come across the interweb very well.

        also Hotshot the thread is about rude or obnoxious marshalls. my earlier post was just as relevant as your replies. i was pointing out that people whinging to marshalls is enough for marshall to act in an unfair way, especially if the whinger is a friend or a regular at the site. Its very clicky a times.

        G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


        • #49
          Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

          Originally posted by JOE90 View Post
          Totally agree with you mate, as i said, i dont go all out aiming purely for the head. Im just not going to think about the other person sympathetically if thats the shot i have to take.
          its probably due to the chest rigs people wear, they might not feel a hit to the chest whilst running. a hit to the head they will feel. not that i am condoning this i usually aim for the legs as they only have one layer between the bb and the flesh.

          G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


          • #50
            Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

            whats all this about paid marshalls? I volunteer. lol.


            • #51
              Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

              as a newbie airsofter, i've never seen marshals be disrespectful to anyone. what i have seen is experienced airsofters being sarcastic and abusive to a marshal for trying to enforce a no lasersight rule


              • #52
                Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                A Marshals piece in all this

                I agree with what a lot of people have been saying in here, i can understand how some marshals ( me included ) can get annoyed over certain things, however unless someone has done something that endangers another playing ( IE BLIND FIRE ) then we would not have a go at someone. Always take someone aside and first of all explain what the problem is and what there take on it is. Then we get an answer to our problem and fix it!

                Marshalls are often scattered into games to break it up and even it out a bit. No one has fun getting drummed all day without a chance, so we normally ask some of the more experienced small groups to swap sides ( we don't force we ask, if they don't want to then I'm sure someone else will ) we've often had teams split up because they like to shoot each other!

                At FAO we constantly stride for people to enjoy their days, however if one person is ruining it for everyone else then they will be dealt with accordingly, wether thats a stern talking to or just a 15 min cool down period in the safe zone. Its easy for tempers to flare and sometimes we have been dealing with certain issues all day, IE one player has been overkilling stupidly and we have had complaints then we will speak to them about going easy on the trigger etc.

                I also see a lot of people thinking marshals can come across as arrogant, and i would imagine i may be in this category, however sometimes as marshals we are getting pulled limb to limb around sites, fixing guns for people, offering advice, getting feedback between games, we often have four people queuing up to talk to us about something etc. So it may look sometimes like we are just trying to fob people off, its not. We would love to sit and talk for hours about airsoft ( after all thats why we are there :D ) however we have lots of jobs to do, and its for your benefit that we do these jobs to make sure your game day is the best it can be.

                FAO have our own forum for feedback etc, however if you don't want your opinion voiced publicly, then don't hesitate to PM a marshal or site manager, or drop us a call and speak to us about the issue, complaint or compliment in confidence privately.
                We are more than happy to help, its what we do, its what we enjoy. I go home at the end of the day feeling proud to be an FAO marshal when i hear people have had a great day, and if i know someone didn't enjoy it i want their opinion on what could be changed, or what issues they had. They will be dealt with accordingly and swiftly.

                All sites can only run as good as the players allow, if theres a problem and no one voices it, just mutters it under their breath then i can promise you its going to happen again, and again....

                that was slightly long winded! Apologies, just wanted people to hear a marshals point of view. Any problems feel free to PM me or anything like that. All FAO staff are happy to help.
                If there is ever a problem with a marshal go right ahead and speak to the appropriate site manager and it will get sorted ASAP.

                And so people know, not all marshals get paid, most volunteer. We drag ourselves out of bed at silly o'clock to make your day the best that we can. Sometimes some of us have off days. especially after a night out! I hope you appreciate the amount of effort that goes on in and behind the scenes!

                Thanks for reading

                TM 226r, SYSTEMA PTW, Custom built m4, DE shotty, what else would a man need ?


                • #53
                  Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                  I had a similar experience as Sparrowhawk when I joined my first site. I gave them my money and they took my name down, then they said I would get my badge and card later that day. I never did and when I asked after it I just got “I’ll sort it later”. It never materialized ever. I don’t go to that site anymore.

                  There is a particular marshal who works for one of the Airsoft sites. The only reason she has her job is because she is the daughter of the owner. She is a terrible marshal. She yells stupid, irrelevant and inane shit and gives your position away. She sets a horrible example for players by frequently removing eye protection. She does nothing to enforce the rules of airsoft or observe people are playing correctly unless one of the players happens to be one of her mates. However because she is the boss’ daughter, no one can say anything bad about her.

                  At the same site, there is another marshal who also runs the store. I don’t know why but he seemed to get the impression I was stupid or something as he continually talked to me like I was a retard despite me playing airsoft for over six month when we first encountered each other. Also several times he clearly intentionally tried to short change me at the shop and sell me crap no one would ever want.
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                  • #54
                    Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                    on the other hand how much do you hear about good marshals? I know that the bad ones sour a day but most of us can't be that bad? though we can all have off days due to hangovers etc same as players.


                    • #55
                      Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                      As far as the main sites i visit go:

                      F&O The Mall: Nothing but praise for these guys. Fair, friendly, funny and approachable. All site marshals should aspire to be as good as these guys.

                      Bristol Airsoft: Almost as good as the F&O guys, there were some problems in the past with player marshals blatantly cheating but the culprts have left now and been replaced with some great guys. Lee and Chris in particular are fantastic blokes.

                      UCAP Virus: Fairly good, need to learn to resolve issues without shouting aggresivly at players. Decisions seem fair but come too late.


                      • #56
                        Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                        yeah i must admit the marshalls at the mall are good....if it was a bit cheaper n closer i would defintely go there more often, hopefully i should be there for the next evening game
                        VICTORIA CONCORDIA CRESCIT

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                        • #57
                          Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                          Originally posted by sparrowhawk View Post
                          yeah i must admit the marshalls at the mall are good....if it was a bit cheaper n closer i would defintely go there more often, hopefully i should be there for the next evening game
                          I'v been itching to go to the Mall as I have heard very good things about it but its on the other end of the country for me. Good to know it has good marshals too.
                          For Sale (price dropped):Chrome WE 1911 + extras
                          Check out my other sales!


                          • #58
                            Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                            Originally posted by STLI_Daniel View Post
                            What utter bull. Not everyone likes to game with full face protection, myself included. I take the risk and that's my choice, I do however appreciate the Marshall's reminding people not to aim for the face or to go mental at close range. It's not war, it's just a game people pay good money for, for a bit of a laugh, not to get hurt. I try not to take headshots whether people are wearing protection there or not.

                            As per the thread starter, i've never had a problem with either the game marshalls (or the player marshalls) at my local site*, they do a great job considering they often get hit and don't get to shoot back.

                            *It's well over 200 miles away but I still consider it my "local". :p
                            Care to clarify what part of my post is "bull"? Please read posts fully before you go around castigating people for their opinions. By your own admission you say people choose not to wear full face protection, my point was that if you don't want to run the risk of having teeth shot out or taking one in the canister wear mesh like I do or don't play contact sports, simples. When you're in the heat of the moment anything is possible, I do not intentionally aim for the head because common sense dictates that a body hit is more likely, but when you're in that close contact situation the head is just as exposed as any body part.

                            I took a sniper shot which at a guess must have been at least 400ish FPS to the frame of my mesh goggles the last time I played because I bobbed my head out of cover, the force of it felt like it had cracked them. I play CQB and a guy with a Systema laced me right on the base of my hairline. I've also taken shots to the crown which have made my ears ring. Did I go crying to a marshall or square up to the lad in the safe zone? No, if anything I would congratulate him on a good shot and had a giggle about it like all sports should be, even if I did curse at it on the moment in question.

                            Back OT, I've never encoutered an obnoxious marshall but it would only take one occasion to put me completely off the site, we are at the end of the day, paying customers and you treat us with contempt at your peril.
                            - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


                            • #59
                              Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                              Mainly the attitude that, if you don't like getting shot in the face, you should "go play nerf with eight year old". "Utter bull" was probably uncalled for on my part, apologies.

                              Anyway, I think we agree in principle that you shouldn't actively aim for the head or face at close range, but if it happens it happens. It's actively discouraged by the marshalls I game with and i'm thankful for that, i've been shot in the teeth and glasses before, sometimes it stings a bit, sometimes, as you say, it's worth a call of "Nice shot!". That said, i'll still say thanks if I get "bang" or "surrender" killed at close range.

                              | Cold War FilmSim player | Airsoft combat photographer |


                              • #60
                                Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                                Originally posted by STLI_Daniel View Post
                                That said, i'll still say thanks if I get "bang" or "surrender" killed at close range.
                                True, but by my experience people often aren't sporting, or smart enough to take them, usually reaching for a concealed pistol to try for the 50/50. A pop in the back on semi usually settles the argument amicably but people who then whinge about it being close range annoy me. Catch 22 I suppose.
                                - GHK AK74MN - GHK AUG A1 - Secutor Gladius 17 - WE MG36 HPA -


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