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Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

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  • #76
    Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

    I guess that I see far too many people get shitty and sarcastic with marshals and worse, when we have had complaints, whinge that they are being targeted by marshals so.... Everyone has an I dont cheagt mentality especially the teflon warriors so...

    its one of those things as has been said, talk to the marshals and the site owner if there is an issue.


    • #77
      Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

      We airsofters like to moan eh???..

      I have experience usless marshall's who couldnt run a p1ss up in a brewery never mind run a game day.
      on the flip side though i have had players who as a marshall were a total nightmare, non-hit taking, blind firing, overkill, cheat calling - you name it.

      marshal's have a bit of a fine line to walk. you have to be appproachable should their be any problems during the day but also be assertive enough that palyers listen and do not try to play silly b*ggers with you.


      • #78
        Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

        Originally posted by jediknight129 View Post
        OK so with paid marshalls becoming the norm ideally Beef, would you consider that the attitude of many players would also need to change? that marshalls could conceivably just ban people forbeing abusive towards marshalls or giving them lip?

        not a dig just a point to consider, if its not acceptable to call the tesco checkout staff a useless C___ why is it acceptable to refer to a marshal as that when they call in a way a player dislikes, like the post earlier the attitude was oh just ignore him hes a marshal....

        professionalism works both ways at the end of the day.
        I totally agree, players should not be swearing at marshalls and should listen to their intructions. (unless the marshal is swearing or shouting at theplayer the player has no excuse to be rude to a marshal.

        Also marshalls need to be unbiased. problem is some are not. you get some real bad players lso who are to aggresive. its a game.

        G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


        • #79
          Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

          The simple answer here is for those who feel they can do better as marshals, volenteer to take a marshals place for a game! Just to see what its like from the other side, so to speak.

          I'm pretty sure those unpaid marshals would enjoy having having a brief break from trying to organise airsofters. (Refered to as 'Like trying to herd cats' )


          • #80
            Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

            you'd think it would be easier what with us all being armed wouldn't you tom.


            • #81
              Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

              went to red1 airsoft in Kings Langley and I have to say all the marshalls were top blokes, there were plenty off them, they were all friendly and polite/professional. They did not show any favourtism and praised layers when they did something really well.

              for th last game we even got to play against them which was really great, having played there today has re affirmed my faith in marshall.
              AMY WINEHOUSE R.I.P

              G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


              • #82
                Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                The marshalls and staff at my local site are a friendly bunch of people and are real easy to get on with, I have also justed recently joined the marshalling team.


                • #83
                  Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                  Site I used to go to this marshal would try to force people to act all proper army style even for the young kids playing who it was their first time, he was very abusive and annoying.


                  • #84
                    Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                    What, getting them to stand to attention and salute him? Or insisting that mags were out in the safe zone and safety procedures followed?

                    World of difference, but both 'army style'


                    • #85
                      Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                      The site i go to has one player marshal who takes it far too seriously and often decides that due to the fact they are a player marshal they dont have to take hits. they also decide that its ok to swear because youve shot them with more than a single bb or youve shone a taclight in their direction.
                      worst part is when you tell a marshall that the cheating is going on and nothing gets done about it. Myself and teammates have actually left a game early because of this sort of thing.

                      however, having been to other sites such as GZ (for the weekender) and the mall, i can say that marshalls at those sites are a lot better. im looking at going back to both of those again.


                      • #86
                        Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                        I played at Xsite 2 weels ago and whilst in the Kill house, I hit 3 people in a row, none of which took their hits. The marshalls where standing directly above me on the rails, so they were in a perfect position to see this and since I was one the last defending players left, they should of been watching me carfully. Instead throughout almost the entire round, the two marshals (one female, one male) were talking about family guy, the new harry potter world soon to be opening, etc. At one time they even flicked a cigerette down which landed 2 feet infront of my girlfriend, (she told me about this later on in the day). I shouted up to the marshalls twice asking them to sort out the 3 guys who refused to take their hits and they didnt even hear me because they were talking amongst themselves, I have a loud voice so if they were paying attention to the game then there is no reason they should not of heard me! They are there for our saftey as well remember and yet sometimes they are not even watching the game!

                        I reported the problem to the head marshal/site owner and told him to make sure his marshalls stay vigilent or at least show an interest in being a marshall. Maybe they are volunters and do not get paid, but I really don't care, they are there to make sure the game is safe and fair. Throwing a cigerette down on dry leaves inside the killhouse (made of wooden boards) and it landing 2 feet from my girlfriend is completely out of order and they should be banned from the site, What if the ciggerette landed inside of her jacket or inside her face mask!

                        I should add that the marshall thanked me for telling him and pointing out the two marshalls and he said he would have a word with them. Job done and I was happy, just really annnoyed later when my girlfriend told me about the ciggerette...
                        Last edited by FlangTal1ty; 22 November, 2011, 13:44. Reason: Extra info


                        • #87
                          Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                          I’d love to know where the mentality that all marshals / umpires / officials get paid comes from over 95% of site personnel are not paid for their “work” or “time”, in some cases travel expenses may be paid (normally a lot less than a day’s wage after tax at national minimum) , but it’s not the norm.
                          On an average day site staff have to deal with almost everything that’s going on, everything from the booking in of players on a morning to the final breakdown and clean round (in some cases) at the end of the day, 90% of this players such as the majority on all boards do not see.

                          Some of the things people don’t realise is each member of a sites team are not all s**t hot marshals, one , a good friend of mine and fellow staffer / official is by his own admission not a good marshal, and since realising this he takes the role of site photographer.

                          All staff are human, we all have our off days, and there’s nothing worse than having to herd and motivate 30+ people on a cold foggy Sunday in November and then deal with the inevitable screams of “Tek yer hits” and other grumbles when things are not going someone’s way.

                          Another “Fun” thing site staff have to put up with is the “I’m level whatever on CoD/Battlefield/Americas Army/Counter strike and I’m uberl33t at airsoft” attitude, toting lasers and a cheating attitude, gets collared for it regularly by one or two staff and decides it’s not fair, even when the staffer witnesses the incidents.

                          I’ll give you an example, it’s nice and simple:

                          One player turned up to an opening game at a location, never listened to the brief for the day, never listened to any scenario briefs, almost permanently asked any of the umpiring team to hand what the rules were (stupid bugger should have listened in the first place), starts cheating, gets complained about to myself and other staffers, gets caught, throws his dummy out of the pram, gets sin binned, starts mouthing off, gets stood on.
                          This person gets a little shirty “about being singled out” by the site staff, complains, and states he’ll never come again; at least it saves us from banning the toe rag.

                          We’re damned if we do and we’re damned if we don’t, how many times have people here complained that you’ve paid for a day’s gaming but you’ve not started before 11am, and how many have complained as they’ve not had enough time to gossip, mess about, and anything but get organised? Yep seen it, heard it, got the hoodie (or whatever it is that’s fashionable to acquire these days instead of the T-shirt), Tape, CD, DVD whatever.
                          Opinions are like ar**holes, everyone has one.

                          Usually found being very unimpressed by a lot of players, but gets a pleasant surprise when they actually have a clue on a game day.


                          • #88
                            Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                            agree with the above.
                            I marshall at a site and i DO NOT GET PAID for turning up on a Sunday morning at 8.30am making sure hire players know what end of the G36 to look down when pulling the trigger and chasing players for sign in when you have 50 players on the readyline yet only 45 names on the sign-in sheet.
                            Marshalls also have to put up with the "group comic" who hysterically cracks jokes throughout the safety brief (std's for medical condition being common) and generally push's the boundry's at every turn for what they can and cant get away with.

                            These nightmares will happen and the first games havent even started, then add to the problems with hit takeing, breaking rules, watching for cheats making sure all the hire guns are working, ok fixing hire guns should there be any problems, ensuring that games run to alloted times and that everyone is enjoying the game day. 75% of airsofters struggle to ensure that they have a working gun/batteries/ammo/bombed mags try multiplying thats by 10-15people for hires then add 30-40 other people who you have to keep happy and marshall's jobs arent exactly easy. this is all done by volenteers who don this to help mates out and to generally improve the airsoft experience for others.


                            • #89
                              Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                              This thread is now to be re-named "The woes of a Marshall".....
                              So are we to assume that all these volunteers have never received a free entrance or discount on a game in return to helping out...

                              No one is bashing marshals here because they get paid millions of pounds and are not doing their jobs! The simple point is that at many sites (not all) their are people which abuse the position they are given at the expense of customers.


                              • #90
                                Re: Ever get bored of marshalls/site staff...

                                Its nice to hear that some marshals get annoyed at the safety-brief-joke-crackers aswell, drives me mad.


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                                Coldy Find out more about Coldy