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Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

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  • #16
    Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

    Originally posted by blytm View Post
    Sadly not...
    I use to play COD and I still play Battlefield and we joke around, especially when I hit a genuine no scope on a can at like 5 m in the air. However, that was in ym garden and not in the field. I find it annoying when COD kids think they know everything, however a recent encounter was really interesting...

    A kid of around 12-14 I would say asked my friend how many BB;s he can fit in his TM l96 mag, so my friend replied around 40 to which the kid was shocked and could hardly get over it. His friend then asks my mate if it was a beret (He pronounced it as if he meant to say beretta but with out the ending part) to which we realised he meant Barret so we just turned around and walked away, facepalm moment.
    "I'm proud of my invention, but I'm sad that it is used by terrorists .. I would prefer to have invented a machine that people could use and that would help farmers with their work — for example a lawn mower." - Mikhail Kalashnikov


    • #17
      Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

      If it's done in jest it can be quite funny, but when the kids start asking people 'how does I dropped care package lol' with deadly seriousness it's annoying and frustrating.
      WANTED: Dynatec BFG.


      • #18
        Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

        Originally posted by sparrowhawk View Post
        my favorite is "I've been shot!I don't believe this, could everyone stop getting shot"
        errm I swear this is a quote from a garage song?

        Unless it's a quote from something else that Dr oxide and Dr neutrino have thieved.

        ------Mods ----------------------------- Members


        • #19
          Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

          I love shouting things, usually referenced from a game of film. But i avoid mainstream games like COD of BF.

          My fave one though is "Roger that, let's run like hell!" while wearing my black mesa kit XD
          Coventry University Airsoft Society - "Rock Up Late, Fuck Shit Up, Go Home"


          • #20
            Personally, it's a bit annoying.

            Like people who help you set up a very well hidden ambush, and as soon as they can see someone in the distance, yell "contact!" and stand up and try to shoot them from miles away.


            • #21
              Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

              Originally posted by Kenworth W900 View Post
              'All your base will soon belong to the us'..
              Its 'All your base are belong to us'

              Originally posted by bobfish View Post
              errm I swear this is a quote from a garage song?

              Unless it's a quote from something else that Dr oxide and Dr neutrino have thieved.
              Its a quote from Lock,stock and two smoking barrels. some one gets shot with an air rifle

              If COD,MW3 and other games get people into the sport then so be it, If it increases the amount of Sportsmen in our game (Yes i went there) and solidifies airsoft as an actual sport then Im all for it.

              We all got into it some how, and I bet a lot of people here only wanted to do airsoft because they wanted to play the role of a particular character from their favourite game or film.

              I think the Term CODsofter is a bit derogatory, If your sitting in the house shooting 2D terrorists of Running around in the woods firing plastic pellets, Just remember we are all Nerds playing with TOYS!


              • #22
                Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                Originally posted by bobfish View Post
                errm I swear this is a quote from a garage song?


                Unless it's a quote from something else that Dr oxide and Dr neutrino have thieved.
                Its from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. One of guy richys best films.
                section 24 of the 1968 Act
                Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                • #23
                  Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                  Originally posted by seansamurai1 View Post
                  I always call for Ramirez if my teams in trouble, as a joke.
                  Most codsofters just have moments of silliness, which most of us do.
                  The ones that rage people are the ones who can't seem to differentiate the difference between Airsoft and CoD, also the ones who seem to think their knowledge of weapon systems and capabilities is second to none, when in reality they know nothing.
                  I have also been called a hacker before, yes it was whilst airsofting!
                  Lol, RAMIREZ! DO EVERYTHING!
                  Originally posted by FPSEngland
                  The Ares L86 LSW is essentially an L85 with a well endowed barrel, having the external barrel length of an M16, and the internal barrel length of Canada.


                  • #24
                    Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                    CoDSofter: "Stop camping!"

                    Me: It's called an AMBUSH, you twat...

                    I'd love to see the CoDSofters bunny-hop round a corner and get a headshot 200m away [whilst still in mid air]

                    (like they do in-game)....

                    There's no room for CoD in Airsoft; it encourages teflon warriors with no sense of tactics/fair play.


                    • #25
                      Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                      Where we shoot, there's a small private airfield about half a mile away. Occasionally you'll get a Cessna or similar flying over. You ALWAYS get someone shouting something about an air-drop, care package or similar. It CAN be funny, but usually it's ignored.

                      People always bash the "CODsofter" but if you take them under your wing, teach them how to play properly, you get some seriously good players out of it. But yes... You do end up with an absolute mongaloid with no regards for the rules on some occasions.
                      The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it's difficult to discern whether or not they are genuine. - Abraham Lincoln


                      • #26
                        Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                        Originally posted by Panoptes View Post
                        There's no room for CoD in Airsoft; it encourages teflon warriors with no sense of tactics/fair play.
                        Yeah because if no one played COD then the legions of people like this would dry up overnight.
                        - confirmed coolest of the cool airsofters.
                        - I can't believe I'm lame enough to put my extremely cool youtube channel in my signature


                        • #27
                          Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                          Originally posted by Coz View Post
                          If COD,MW3 and other games get people into the sport then so be it, If it increases the amount of Sportsmen in our game (Yes i went there) and solidifies airsoft as an actual sport then Im all for it. [...] We all got into it some how [...] Just remember we are all Nerds playing with TOYS!
                          ^ THIS

                          Is playing Call of Duty and shouting gibberish about aircraft and impossible shooting techniques silly? Yes.
                          Is grown adults playing with toy guns silly? Yes.
                          Is grown adults playing with toy guns silly and then going on the internet to argue about which group of people am the bestest with their toy guns also deeply, deeply silly? Yes.


                          • #28
                            Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                            Noticing Pans post, I have seen one or two kids jumping round corners shooting from the hip, even seen one trying to bunny hop across a site, it made me laugh a huge amount watching it, and even more so when I put 2 in his chest.
                            I to have also been shouted at for camping. I was playing as Desig marksman at the time, so I was at the back of the group, when they stopped, I stopped. If I was needed up front to scout, I would, but this (and he was a kid) kid took it I was camping.
                            I got him later on after we got bumped at a cross roads, when I went back he was still hiding in the same spot, so he got nailed. He called me a hacker, I lol'd lots and then said totally dead pan to him 'Saw you on killcam bud', he looked confused and bemused at the same time.
                            He was also heard to ask the site organiser if they had gold desert eagles for rent and scorpions because they are like sniper rifles.
                            However much I laughed that day, it still annoys me how they cant seperate a computer game from a live action real life game (I wont say real life, airsoft isnt).
                            section 24 of the 1968 Act
                            Supplying imitation firearms to minors
                            1)It is an offence for a person under the age of eighteen to purchase an imitation firearm
                            2)It is an offence to sell an imitation firearm to a person under the age of eighteen.


                            • #29
                              Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                              Originally posted by Coz View Post
                              Its 'All your base are belong to us'
                              I KNEW someone would pick up on that :P


                              Theres nothing wrong with COD within airsoft - I can't think of any valid downsides. Okay, so some people begin to think they 'noe all wepons' or that they are Ghost and cannot be seen on the battlefield. But hey, thats not an issue, you get to shoot noobs clear out in the open and laugh when they proclaim hilarious things about small arms - such as 'your baret is uselless becos my Deagle use the same bullet anyway, and its only pistol sized'. Bless them...


                              • #30
                                Re: Friendly Harrier Inbound and other nonsense.

                                Personally I cant stand call of duty - i don't want to go into why as i could rage for hours on end but it really annoys me.
                                What gets on my nerves more is people who turn up at airsoft and just do plain retarded things such as going into "last stand" and specifically aiming for the head as if it would get them more points or something, though the one thing that really rustled my jimmies was some guy (he must have been about 14) who came up to me and told me to: stop being a camper and follow him because he was 5th prestige...


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                                Double 0 Jedi Find out more about Double 0 Jedi