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Getting shot in the face

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  • #31
    Re: Getting shot in the face

    Doesn't look nice like,

    The bang rule seems to be out the window and people just panic fire.


    • #32
      Re: Getting shot in the face

      Panic, or instinct. I stay semi at close range though, and trying to get past the twitch instinct is hard. Result was I got sprayed in the face, but I managed to nail him with a single shot 'on the tip' as he put it! No hard feelings though.

      Apparently the doctors working on it 😜


      • #33
        Re: Getting shot in the face

        full face is essential id say,, how many games have i been too when head shots have been complained about always from people not wearing mask protection i find that aeg's are not accurate enough or the user which always has a unfortunate first hits on head, and at 600 plus rounds a minute you get about 5 in the head.When you wear a mask it suprises but no complaints a helmet too and you dont notice too much oher than the noise there are some full basket masks that allow pretty good mesh to sight i have one cant say whos tho cos it may break forum rules and its perfect best ive seen gives excellent view and protection while leaving ears free for coms or sordins ect can even fit under a helmet.


        • #34
          Re: Getting shot in the face

          As said above, if you have to work or look presentable for any reason the next day, don't risk it.

          You can play a long time between bad face-shots. I went a couple of years before having the bone exposed on the bridge of my nose by some twunt who stuck his gun right in my fizog and gave me full auto from about 3 inches (a good 5 seconds after I'd shot him too). Someone has some cracking pictures of how much blood there was, but I can't find any.

          I went another two years after that before losing a bit of tooth. I went on the logic that I clench my jaw when I'm concentrating, so much that I usually play with chewing gum in because otherwise I give myself a headache playing, but someone asked a question and just as I answered a BB flew in and chipped about half a millimetre of the bottom of one of my front teeth. I had to de-burr it that night with an emery board as the edge was galling the inside of my lip. A pretty unpleasant experience that stacks up with having to do my own stitches once (not quite as hardcore as it sounds, but it wasn't nice).

          I don't really like a face guard but I now wear one for CQB, or if I'm planning to run-and-gun a lot. Some sites I tend to stand off a bit more range wise, and they are more sites that I'd play in the summer anyway, so I tend to wear just glasses for comfort.

          Worth looking at that video of the lad who took a ricochet off his face guard under his glasses and into his eye though. After that I went with full seal and mesh for when I wear a face guard.


          • #35
            Re: Getting shot in the face

            Seen that video, 'tis naaaaasty!


            • #36
              Re: Getting shot in the face

              Mrs Figjam looked over my shoulder when that vid came out and basically said "I'm buying you better eye protection" and she's not the sort to put her foot down about things usually.

              I actually ended up paying for it myself, but that was because my wallet was closer to hand.


              • #37
                Re: Getting shot in the face

                (Best Muldoon voice)
                Clever girl...


                • #38
                  Re: Getting shot in the face

                  Was a rare win for Mrs Figjam in the "My wallet is harder to get to than yours" game we have been playing for the last 2 years.


                  • #39
                    Re: Getting shot in the face

                    Guy who snapped his tooth while wearing a gum shield. Mine covers me for about 25k worth of dental treatment. it doesn't say gettibg shot my an airsoft rifle is included but it doesn't say it's not. but iv been shot a few times in it and it's not been a problem. So eitherit he was using a rubbish gum shield or it was not fitted/ moulded correctly


                    • #40
                      Re: Getting shot in the face

                      Bloke got half his tooth shot off at Cotswold Airsoft yesterday and thats a woodland site.
                      "If you pick the wrong fight, make sure you picked the right weapon"


                      • #41
                        Re: Getting shot in the face

                        I use shooting glasses and a shemagh 99% of the time. Protects your neck, and if you're going in close, it's half a seconds worth to bring it up to cover your mouth, and if you've got it tied right, it'll take most of the force of the BB out of it. Still hurts to get shot in the cheek, but teeth and lips are protected.
                        The 1% of the time, I'm at the bunker, and there the lower face mask stays. and mesh eyepro, not shooting glasses. Wore lower face pro my first time there, ended up with a rather large dent after a friendly didn't watch his fire and shoved his barrel into the mask. Normal CQB is one thing, the bunker is another.


                        • #42
                          Re: Getting shot in the face

                          Its totally up to the players own discretion.
                          Ive had bleeders on my lips/face before, stings for a min , but then again so do a lot of things.
                          Took a short FA burst to the glasses from a 90 degree angle on saturday, 1st one shifted my glasses a wee bit, second one pinged me right in the corner of eye. Still aching and a bit bloodshot.
                          Went to the safe zone , had a fag and a brew and went back out. A lot of it his how you deal with it. If you squeal like a pig and make a big song and dance then it makes everyone a bit more on edge and paranoid. If you quiety pull yourself out of game and get sorted out then it doesnt effect the game.I only wear glasses and accept the risk in doing so. I dont bitch or whine (to the shooter anyway) if i get hit in the face, just grumble a bit and carry on.


                          • #43
                            Re: Getting shot in the face

                            If Gumshields were rubbish they would not be used in the various sports that use them, they transfer the energy from one point across the entire gumshield, like that other guy said a GOOD gumshield will normally have a warranty or something on it that will cover for medical expenses of broken teeth during normal use of the gumshield ie to protect your teeth.


                            • #44
                              Re: Getting shot in the face

                              I think it sometimes depends on your teeth too. Some peoples teeth have been shot at range with 300 fps and lost them then others 350 close up and not lost them , although your more likely to loose one with closer and higher fps.


                              • #45
                                Re: Getting shot in the face

                                I wear one of those fencing type full face masks for CQB as I like to get close to the action (tri-shot shotty has no range). It doesn't phase me at all to run at someone shooting at me. Do get the odd shot to the ear which stings but not often.

                                Woodland I just tend to wear shooting specs as the range tends to be further so there is less sting (mostly!).

                                Once had my shooting specs ruined (nose bridge plastic smashed) at UCAP Virus when someone full auto'd me in the face from 3 foot. The BB's shattered against the eye protection and the shards cut my cheeks. The glasses did their job though, but I went back to the Safe Zone and put on a set of mesh googles and lower face mask. Ordered the fencing mask that evening!
                                JG & TM G36's/CA,JG,TM & WE M4's/TM MP5K/TM & KJW SIG P226's/A&K M249/ACM M500 SSB/3 x TM M3 Super90/TM Hi Capa/TM & ASG MK23 Socom's/WE Baby Hi Capa/KJW M92f/Star L85A2/2 x DE M3 Clone/A&K Magpul Masada


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