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Adriatic Airsoft Trip- updated 01/11/2010

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  • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

    yeah, it not valid in your home country, but book on and you can get dirt cheap tickets to dover/calais/channel tunnel etc.

    i just check from london to split. its a 26hour journey. hmmm..


    • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

      I'm sold... Gonna talk to my team mates about it and i'll get back to you! ^_^ THIS WOULD BE AWESOME!

      Also I think a full week would be the better shout with a couple days chill time and different rules on each day like Bob said, but also with an on going storyline throughout if possible...
      Team Av'a Cuppa Tea (T.A.C.T.) Formerly (A.A.C.T.)
      "Camellia Sinensis Vos Liberatos" - The Tea Will Set You Free...

      G&G MP5 SD5, G&G CM16 Raider, KJ Works Sig Sauer P229


      • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

        rail trip would get round the extra luggage/weight situation, but you would still need to inform all rail border agencies/rail staions if switching trains ect ect, threw out the trip, id just hope they would past that info on to a border control, wouldnt wanna end up in some over seas jail cos they forgot to forward the email lol


        • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

          I think this sounds fantastic im sure i want to go and i have a few mates that wanna go too Deff let us know when bookin starts i want in quick lol


          • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

            Originally posted by midas View Post
            This may be of interest, for those prefering rail travel.

            Nope mate wrong type of ticket. they are designed for multiple journeys through Europe. They are designed for tourists and students who require lots of train journeys in a set period of time.
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            • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

              Ok guys all the online booking companies are shite, they can only book less than 9 people at a time and only on journeys with less than three legs.

              I Will go in to work and do it through them to get an idea of costs. I will also check about chartering the carriage as you can do this also.
              Feedback link



              • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                Originally posted by Sparky View Post
                I think this sounds fantastic im sure i want to go and i have a few mates that wanna go too Deff let us know when bookin starts i want in quick lol
                There's a thread on here where you need to put your name down as a definites as without numbers it aint going to happen
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                • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                  Shame under 18's can't go!

                  Originally posted by Ominous Slayer
                  A brain?
                  Originally posted by snuff
                  Can I borrow yours it's hardly used...


                  • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                    this whole thing sounds epic, nothing like it..
                    Originally posted by The Keeper of Secrets
                    It's a well known fact that more Magpul on your M4 = bigger penis.


                    • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                      Hi guys,
                      what's there any fight going on..are you preparing for the BIG UK EVENT next year on Mrcara..?
                      At this moment, I'm returning from Mrcara from my holiday, this summer was awesome..sun, clear sea, a lot of excellent food, peace for mind and body..ideal for airsoft ;-) .. and an idea come up to my mind..I'll built airsoft boot camp, in the shade of the pine forest away from the eyes.. If you can play airsoft, why couldn't you train like a real SAS, pushing your abilities to the limit..? What do you guys think about the idea..? Let me know what you are thinking about it..
                      Adriatic Airsoft-Alfa
                      Hardcore Airsoft-only for the bravest..!



                      • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                        a training camp on the island would be awesome.

                        especially as you could link it into games. and it would be fun for just shits n giggles.

                        i for one, still want to make the trip over next year. thats pretty much 90% deffo.


                        • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                          im up for going, havent read the whole thread yet but will do soon but if someone could email me the prices ect it would be much apricated


                          • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                            Sound good im up for it if i have the cash. Im up for mil-sim style.
                            Originally posted by Jez@Devoted
                            Dude, more to life than ranking up in a forum!


                            • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                              This could be fate: I'm 18 in April, so if i start my 3 games then i will become registered... *counts on fingers* ... in late June!

                              Great excuse for going, but will need funds, and a way to get down South to link up with folk, pah, should be driving...

                              Fingers crossed i can make it.
                              Gonnae nae dae that?


                              • Re: Adriatic Airsoft Trip

                                Aye count me in, gonna start poking pennies into a jar for this


                                About the Author


                                Aeviv Its pronounced Ey-ViV! Find out more about Aeviv