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Green fee- How much would you pay?

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  • #31
    Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

    Originally posted by JOE90 View Post
    ours is, £25 walk on with lunch, 10:00-4:00 ish with an hour lunch in the middle, if your a member and play 2 consecutive weeks, its a tenner walk on with lunch the 2nd week.
    can rise to £60 if renting gear and kit, buying bbs and pyro, being somebody who owns non of his own stuff
    would that happen to be ****** *****? shame they raised the walk on fee from £20 to £25, not much difference but that £5 can go toward something useful


    • #32
      Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

      Originally posted by jagillham View Post
      Which is why I don't go, lol.

      LOOKING FOR: S&W N-frame holster
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      • #33
        Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

        I pay £20 a day which tea and coffee always free and chargers free and water for hydration packs


        • #34
          Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

          I pay £20 as a member at my local, im quite happy with that, includes a decent dinner and we're usually actually in game for around 6 hours. Decent bunch of guys, usually a good amount of people playing and good marshals.

          That's a woodland site, I don't mind paying a bit more for a good Urban site like Anzio - i think it's £25 for members there (£30 non member) and that does include dinner. Only thing that adds up there is diesel, making it a 45-50 quid day, but still - thats not bad for a full day out!


          • #35
            Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

            the poll need to be more specific as somebody pointed out you cant compare indoor sites with outdoor sites.

            Indoor i would pay 35 as i have played at the mall various times (although i think its overpriced, especially when the friggin safety brief take 40min)

            Outdoor i would pay upto 25 as thats what i pay to play at exsite but some sites charge 17. Just depends what is available on the sunday i have off work
            AMY WINEHOUSE R.I.P

            G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


            • #36
              Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

              Their is lot's of thing's that player's need to under stand about running a site and their is far more to pay for than just rent for the land or building's that are being used.
              Insurance cost vary from location to location so what one site owner is paying for one site does not mean that site's local to them are paying the same or any thing similiar.
              The amount of player any site has or can expect to attend any site dictates how much that site has to charge in order to cover all of it's overhead's.
              Staff have to be paid ,health and safety have to be covered and some one trained in first aid need to be on site on game day ,some insurance company's insist on this and is part of the insurace policey .
              Ever thing is relevent the bigger the site the greater the number of player's the more it cost to insure staff and run, just becuase player's see a lot of money being handed over by them does not mean site owner's are making a killing as most only make enough so you the player can have some place to come play.


              • #37
                Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                Fair enough all the above, but as a player that's not my concern.

                If EAG Worthing can run excellent games on a well constructed site for £15, and throw in a burger + can of drink - I am loathed to pay £25 for another site to run a similar day with no food.


                • #38
                  Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                  I dont mind what i pay as long as i get what i pay for, for 25 or more i want to get alot of action and fall asleep behind the wheel on the way home cuz im so hooped!! I'm on about airsoft, i be no kerb crawler.....
                  Foxtrot Oscar


                  • #39
                    Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                    Originally posted by MUCKYMICK View Post
                    Staff have to be paid ,health and safety have to be covered and some one trained in first aid need to be on site on game day ,some insurance company's insist on this and is part of the insurace policey .
                    Ever thing is relevent the bigger the site the greater the number of player's the more it cost to insure staff and run, just becuase player's see a lot of money being handed over by them does not mean site owner's are making a killing as most only make enough so you the player can have some place to come play.
                    Volunteers... all the marshalls at my local sites are volunteers, so thats one huge expense covered, first aid, well if the site owner gets trained then thats another problem solved (to be fair EVERYONE should be trained in basic first aid, and I wouldnt play at a site that didnt have comprehensive and well trained first aid cover), dont have to pay for first aid staff. The only person at my locals that make any money out of it are the owners!
                    Last edited by Tiercel; 1 April, 2011, 22:11.


                    • #40
                      Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                      Originally posted by jagillham View Post
                      Fair enough all the above, but as a player that's not my concern.

                      If EAG Worthing can run excellent games on a well constructed site for £15, and throw in a burger + can of drink - I am loathed to pay £25 for another site to run a similar day with no food.
                      See that the attitude that realy is not needed in airsoft.
                      As i all ready said just becuase one site can run a game day and charge one fee does not mean another can or has too.
                      Every site has different running cost and different turnover so it is very difficult to find a balance on what to charge player's.
                      From what i've read in this thread their does not appear to be any site's charging stupid money for walk on fee's and most offer membership's or loyalty discount's ,obviously building complexes or urban sites have higher walk on fee's as their are massive running cost and these sites have to have 24hr securty in order to operate and discurage vandles and squater's,just becuase the site is not being used does not mean it's not costing money.


                      • #41
                        Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                        Originally posted by MUCKYMICK View Post
                        See that the attitude that realy is not needed in airsoft.
                        As i all ready said just becuase one site can run a game day and charge one fee does not mean another can or has too.

                        Not really, its called value for money and its a players market.

                        Its like deciding whether to shop at Tescos or Asda, sure its essentially the same but if you can get it for cheaper at Tescos, youre gonna go to Tescos right? And thats not the shoppers problem, its Asdas problem.

                        If one site in the are charges £15 and another 5 minutes up the road charges £25, where are the players going to go? Its up to the other site to either find a way to lower thier prices OR make it so damn awesome that its worth paying extra to go there


                        • #42
                          Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                          tbh id rather have a fiver knocked off and pay £20 i can bring my own packed lunch for less than a fiver, and that £5 a time over a 4 games would mean i could afford an extra game. when i was working i had no quams, but now im a student i really dont like paying £25 (not including ammo/gas. i think its a fair price, but if i had the option to abstain from the food/drink and pay less id definately go alot more often than i do.


                          • #43
                            Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                            Originally posted by Tiercel View Post
                            Volunteers... all the marshalls at my local sites are volunteers, so thats one huge expense covered, first aid, well if the site owner gets trained then thats another problem solved (to be fair EVERYONE should be trained in basic first aid, and I wouldnt play at a site that didnt have comprehensive and well trained first aid cover), dont have to pay for first aid staff. The only person at my locals that make any money out of it are the owners!
                            All good point's but for most site's it really is not that simple ,first aid training cost money and marshall are not alway's volunteer's and do want paying for their time.
                            How did you arrive at the conclusion that your local site owner is making money ,did he tell you that or is this some thing you have observed ,this is a genuine question not a dig or test?


                            • #44
                              Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                              Mick, it would seem from your posts on here (and other threads) that you somehow believe your local players owe you an obligation to attend?!

                              If you running a site for £15, and somebody else runs an identical one for £25. Players won't care even if the £15 site is making more profit than the £25 one. Clearly the site which offers the best value for money to the player will succeed.

                              Running costs are the problem of site owners, not players.


                              • #45
                                Re: Green fee- How much would you pay?

                                Originally posted by MUCKYMICK View Post
                                All good point's but for most site's it really is not that simple ,first aid training cost money and marshall are not alway's volunteer's and do want paying for their time.
                                How did you arrive at the conclusion that your local site owner is making money ,did he tell you that or is this some thing you have observed ,this is a genuine question not a dig or test?
                                Because I used to be a marshal at that site

                                Personally I think a volunteer marshal, whos doing it because he loves the game, it infinately better than someone whos just doing it for the money.

                                First Aid training is a one off investment (Well ok you have to re-qualify every three years but re-quals are dirt cheap) and can be done for free, Im a member of St John Ambulance and get all my training provided for free, just have to do a few hours volunteer work a month.


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