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Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

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  • Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

    After reading the thread on the bang rule, i felt slightly compelled to start a new thread on sportmanship.

    As i said in the other thread, i feel that from when i started playing up until now, some of the spirit of the game has been lost. I may be a little off with my comments to some people, but what ive seen is the following:

    Times where people have taken a hit, quite loudly, and the person on the other end keeps firing at the pinned down person. Even after the person has taken their hit, and started to move off to the dead zone, the person doing the shooting might put another round or two into the dead man just for the sake of it.

    A lack of people complimenting or thanking other players. If i get hit, i take it with grace and walk away. I dont start kicking off with players, giving out grief, or denying hits. Also, If somebody gets a good shot on me, then i always congratulate them. Sometimes people say the same back to me, but ive found thats its starting to lessen these days. I find it slightly miserable that this has happened these days.

    Kind of the same as the above point, but different. People using threatening behaviour. Theres absolutely no place for it on the field. If people get annoyed at being shot, or overkilled, then i understand. But people need to take themselves away and calm down, rather than starting to sling threats about.

    Overkilling. People using massive massive bursts of full auto in built up areas where there is no need for it. Infact people using massive bursts of full auto when theres just no need for it at all. I said in the other thread how i once took a 12 round burst to the face and neck from about 6 or 8ft, by a guy who didnt bother to use a bang rule. He just lit me up, despite me having no weapon to bear. Would a couple of single rounds not of done the job? Did he have to use such a long burst? 9 welts i was left from that, 2 which caused bust lips. I know people say wear full face, but that is just totally over the top.

    Hit taking. Enough said, we all know whats meant by this.

    Engagement distances and FPS limits. Snipers taking shots at people well under the minimum engagement limits. People running hot guns. Ive seen both, and being shot by a 390fps on full auto from 20 metres is not a very nice experience.

    So guys, lets hear your good as well as bad stories about sportsmanship, your incidents and help me restore my faith in the airsoft community.

    Please dont start this as a debate about people taking hits, or about sides at ANY site not taking hits, cheating or anything else along those lines. I dont want this to turn into a bitch thread, and please keep peoples names out of this if your going to throw accusations about. Any comments of the above nature ill have a mod remove. Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

    I totally agree with you man. I personally ALWAYS employ the bang rule on people as well I use it when I have the drop on somebody and within say 2-3m, I shout bang, if they shout hit I leave it at that and move on, if they move then they get a shot put into them simple. I don't know how people find the bang rule so difficult!


    • #3
      Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

      Originally posted by BringOnThunder View Post
      I totally agree with you man. I personally ALWAYS employ the bang rule on people as well I use it when I have the drop on somebody and within say 2-3m, I shout bang, if they shout hit I leave it at that and move on, if they move then they get a shot put into them simple. I don't know how people find the bang rule so difficult!
      Haha i know, but im not going to bring this up again here. The thread on bang rules is in the weekender section. I dont want this thread to be de-railed into a bang rule thread!


      • #4
        Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

        I think the lack of compliment comes from the fact that so many people have gotten into the sport over the last few years.

        It like when i started riding motorbikes 13 years ago other bikers when coming from the opposite direction would nod at each other, now with do many bikers this courtesy has been lost/forgotten.

        G&P Silver M14 EBR Cheap


        • #5
          Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

          I don't do the bang rule. Either giving or taking. One or two shots, preferably somewhere less painful if I have the drop on someone. In regards to me, I'll chance my arm. They might miss, or jam, or whatever. If I get lit up I'll only have myself to blame and at least I tried.


          • #6
            Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

            Personally I think I've seen a decline in "Nice shot mate!" etc and an increase in "CALL YOUR HIT YOU BLEEPING BLEEP BLEEP BLEEEEEEEEEP!!!!" as well as an increase in ridiculous high cap useage & burst length.

            At LWA the marshalls shout at people being silly with auto, I think it's really good. The noobies learn and the assholes are kept in check.


            • #7
              Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

              Not using the bang rule is plain stupid! A waste of ammo and makes you look like a douche. Hopefully sportsmanship doesn't drop too far, considering hits being based on honesty.
              Originally posted by Lt. Macka
              big black shapes draw the eye.


              • #8
                Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                I think the lack of sportmanship stems from people getting angry, for example people no taking there hits and then following suit. People did to relax a bit more is what i think, if there is ever a dispute just both take the hit or both of you step back from the front line and reengage.
                I am not exempt from this and often find my selt getting worked up over things


                • #9
                  Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                  Originally posted by Proto View Post
                  Not using the bang rule is plain stupid! A waste of ammo and makes you look like a douche.
                  AUTHOR OF ALL YOUR PAIN.


                  • #10
                    Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                    I use the bang rule whenever I would risk hurting another player- Urban Assault a couple of weeks ago I was defending a staircase and a guy walks up with his back to me. I lean over the banister quickly and shout "Bang!". He looks up at me and says "Er, I'll be dead then. Cheers!" and walks back to regen. If I'd have pulled the trigger, he'd have had a very sore neck/head/ear wherever it hit.
                    Anyway, I've congratulated people who have pulled off great shots and been congratulated myself but it is getting rarer these days.


                    • #11
                      Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                      I get worked up about things sometimes. I go back to the dead zone or car park, have a drink, have a bitch, then go back out on the field.

                      I went to Warminster recently for a game down there. Was only about 8 people a side on an average size site. Was an excellent days play. No cheating, no teflon warriors, and despite having never been there, by the end of the day we were all chatting, having a laugh, and i felt very welcome. Thats what i think is missing sometimes, the small close knit communities and games rather than the massive every man for themselves. It feels like these days its all about 'I am 1337 gun, i am bestest'. I remember when everybody had rubbish guns but were good players. I wish people would see that its not about the gun or the skill or the kit, but about the fun.

                      People need to learn to be more gracious in defeat, and less erm....cant think of the word...when winning.

                      Can we try move away from the bang kill stuff pwetty pwetty pwease! Theres already a thread about it in the Weekender section, i dont want this to turn into another one of those!


                      • #12
                        Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                        Depends where you play. My CQB site there is none (to my knowledge) cheaters. People normally take the hit, even if they weren't sure. My "local" woodland is very different. Many people cheat and this was why i left it.
                        Also we have a Semi-Auto rule for most games to stop mucho paino


                        • #13
                          Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                          Playing at Finmere Extreme Airsoft Regiment (FEAR) on a FINTAC day which is sort of Tactical Airsoft but without the restrictions of Milsim. I snuck right around the enemy position and Chas from Team Warhawks was lent up against the side of a tree shooting enemies too my left. With him facing 90 degrees away from I was I lifted up my L96 and shot him straight in the ass. He shot straight up called out 'HIT' and then turned to face where it had come from and just shouted "Great Shot Mate, bloody awesome!" after the game he came over and congratulated me on the shot and saying how some of his team members used to shoot him in the butt whenever he stuck it out when taking a shot to stop him doing it.

                          Only met the bloke a couple of times but seems to be a really great sniper and I commend him on his sportsmanship. Its just a shame other players don't act similarly.


                          • #14
                            Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                            If the site employs a bang rule and you refuse to use it you are as bad as any other cheater or rule breaker. The terms for using this rule should be specified & if it's used out with those parameters then it can be disregarded.

                            If the site doesn't employ a bang/parlay/whatever rule then you shouldn't use it either way.

                            It's really as simple as that.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sportsmanship: Is it lacking?

                              The root cause of the decline in sportsmanship is 99% purcy's fault :D
                              Lady Astor (first woman MP in the House of Commons): "Mr Churchill, if you were my husband, I'd put poison in your tea."
                              Winston (getting unsteadily to his feet): "Madam, if I were your husband ... I'd drink it."


                              About the Author


                              hoggy21 Find out more about hoggy21