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Two tones?

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  • #46
    Re: Two tones?

    apparently so idiotic he felt the need to go 'dislike' what I said about the legal loophole that two tones exist to exploit ...
    KSC MP7A1 (Tw)
    mix'n'match M4
    Maruzen P99


    • #47
      Re: Two tones?

      i skirmish a lot at different sites and always see police and ex armed service personal and my best mate who is a social worker is a regular skirmisher , kids learn skills from adults so it is the perfect enviroment for everyone to integrate and have fun together .i would rather see kids doing something positive and constructive than causing trouble and being bored on street corners .every sport / hobby has old miserable farts who spend to much on expensive equipment who have their noses put out of joint when a kid with a piece of crap and more skill than them beats them . its called getting old ..... deal with it ....


      • #48
        Re: Two tones?

        More importantly

        who cares

        buy a cow hat


        • #49
          Re: Two tones?

          Originally posted by baddbaz View Post
          i skirmish a lot at different sites and always see police and ex armed service personal and my best mate who is a social worker is a regular skirmisher , kids learn skills from adults so it is the perfect enviroment for everyone to integrate and have fun together .i would rather see kids doing something positive and constructive than causing trouble and being bored on street corners .every sport / hobby has old miserable farts who spend to much on expensive equipment who have their noses put out of joint when a kid with a piece of crap and more skill than them beats them . its called getting old ..... deal with it ....
          the younger players are the long term sustainability. As much as arogant older people do the sport harm puttng of younger people, arrogant little shits who want to behave like 13 year old kids on psn are not much more helpfull either.
          I've seen plenty of young players with shitty guns that do really well, at the same time I've seen the jumping up and down laughing at someone who is missing them, whist not noticing that thy are being flanked.
          I think its piss funny when a team of geardos get wiped by a couple of kids in joggers and trainers because they didn't learn basic observation skills.


          • #50
            Re: Two tones?

            Originally posted by Skolob View Post
            the younger players are the long term sustainability. As much as arogant older people do the sport harm puttng of younger people, arrogant little shits who want to behave like 13 year old kids on psn are not much more helpfull either.
            I've seen plenty of young players with shitty guns that do really well, at the same time I've seen the jumping up and down laughing at someone who is missing them, whist not noticing that thy are being flanked.
            I think its piss funny when a team of geardos get wiped by a couple of kids in joggers and trainers because they didn't learn basic observation skills.
            no ones putting them off......people have a problem with the REAL reason 2tones exist,if you had read all the posts and done some research you would see that. and as for kids in joggers and trainers,i thought decent ankle protection boots) had to be worn......and what you described in your last post.....ive never seen that happen,maybe you can point me to a youtube video.
            im personnally all for anyone airsofting,the more the merrier....but my own opinion on 2tones,is that they will be used as an excuse by some politition under pressure from public antigungroups to remove the need for rifs.....then when the antigungroups have had rifs removed,they will move onto ifs.
            Originally Posted by Boo-Sabum Ben
            Last helmet I tried was a perfect circle, and pressed hard against the front and back, but could happily fit all my fingers up the sides...


            • #51
              Re: Two tones?

              i personally dont mind two tones, but if i was to buy one i would not re-spray it or buy a re-sprayed one it would just make more sense to me to just camo tape it up. oh and i dont really think over 18's should have two tones as its pretty simple to get a licence. although with the under 18 gifting thing im for it, as if someone told me i couldn't play the sport i love because of my age id be a bit naffed off. so two tones are not that bad ( they just look like the rear end of a camel) and thats why my nephew rents guns as he doesnt want to be seen with a bright green gun. a mixed view but oh well


              • #52
                Re: Two tones?

                maybe the people who run the sites and shops should raise the awarness of the sport and bring it more into the public eye . everyone knows about paint balling but very few have heard of airsoft . if the rules, enthusiasm and positives of the sport were shown on tv people would not be so ignorant and negative towards guns....... just a thought....


                • #53
                  Re: Two tones?

                  Originally posted by baddbaz View Post
                  every sport / hobby has old miserable farts who spend to much on expensive equipment who have their noses put out of joint when a kid with a piece of crap and more skill than them beats them . its called getting old ..... deal with it ....
                  So, please explain to me, who is it that's having a pop at other players because of their age?

                  WHY THE FU*K is it that every time someone says they don't like two tones they get accused of being anti-younger players? It's fuc*ing annoying and no different to older players automatically assuming that younger players will act stupidly.


                  • #54
                    Re: Two tones?

                    Why would I buy a gun that will show horrible green shit when scratched or the paint flakes off when I can buy a proper RIF?
                    For Sale (price dropped):Chrome WE 1911 + extras
                    Check out my other sales!


                    • #55
                      Re: Two tones?

                      Originally posted by Debbietack View Post
                      i personally dont mind two tones, but if i was to buy one i would not re-spray it or buy a re-sprayed one it would just make more sense to me to just camo tape it up. oh and i dont really think over 18's should have two tones as its pretty simple to get a licence. although with the under 18 gifting thing im for it, as if someone told me i couldn't play the sport i love because of my age id be a bit naffed off. so two tones are not that bad ( they just look like the rear end of a camel) and thats why my nephew rents guns as he doesnt want to be seen with a bright green gun. a mixed view but oh well
                      1. It's not a license, it's an entitlement. It's not controlled enough to warrant being called a license.
                      2. There are age restrictions for loads of things in life - Movies, Booze, Strip Shows, Knives, Lighters, and plenty more besides. Why shouldn't buying replica weapons (and playing airsoft, for that matter) be any different? Good things come to those who wait.

                      The problem is that so many people are impatient. Whatever anyone else says, airsoft is an expensive pastime, and it requires a level of commitment - of time and money. I can't see the big problem with renting for a few months, and slowly building up the money to buy a realistic airsoft toy. Offer people a way around the system (such as two-tone), and you only perpetuate the problem.

                      Kids these days don't seem to understand the value of anything anymore. When I was 14, there was not a snowball's chance in hell that my parents would have payed Ł20+ every week for me to run around the muddy woods in expensive clothes, let alone bought me a Ł150+ toy on top of that, and have to cough up repeatedly for repairs and all and sundry to hang off of it!

                      I don't like two-tone, and I shall not and will not feel pressured by some angry little irk to apologise for that. I earn my money through my own damned hard work, and I'll spend it how I choose, and that's not by buying into a system I so vehemently disapprove of.

                      That's my contribution thus far. I'm going to step aside for the time-being and let the flaming recommence.
                      Last edited by Machaon; 18 January, 2012, 23:08.
                      Steyr AUG A1 & 6 mags and TBB for sale


                      • #56
                        Re: Two tones?

                        Originally posted by baddbaz View Post
                        i skirmish a lot at different sites and always see police and ex armed service personal and my best mate who is a social worker is a regular skirmisher , kids learn skills from adults so it is the perfect enviroment for everyone to integrate and have fun together .i would rather see kids doing something positive and constructive than causing trouble and being bored on street corners .every sport / hobby has old miserable farts who spend to much on expensive equipment who have their noses put out of joint when a kid with a piece of crap and more skill than them beats them . its called getting old ..... deal with it ....

                        DO ONE!!!!

                        ACTUALLY DO ONE

                        your annoying me with your moaning and your not helping your case at all you utter hypocrite, talk about proving stereotypes

                        SO DO ONE!!


                        • #57
                          Re: Two tones?

                          "I seez it on teh CODz lol and I wantz to plays teh soljer™"

                          Under 18s are NOT the 'new lifeblood' of Airsoft. It's the new player regardless of age. Have some patience.



                          • #58
                            Re: Two tones?

                            Who sprays over two tone? Really? Take it off rather than go over it.
                            Its still ex two tone yeah, but if you do a half decent job of it there wont be any green/red/blue or whatever left.
                            And why the stereotypical under 18s have to use two tone? I see a fair few over 18 with two tones. In fact my mates dad has been using two tones for the past 3 years. And only decided to start his UKARA application on the 8th..

                            Back to the car example brought up earlier. A car get sprayed bright green, you dont go over it in black (for example) you strip it back to its base, primer it then spray it black. Airsoft having the same principles, using say fairy power spray, itll take the green off, but not the original factory finish. Leaving trademarks intact.

                            (dont start the whole junior membership thing again either please )
                            -TM Recoil M16 Custom- -TM 1911 MEU- -Tanaka SAA- -TM HK45- -JG G36k Ris-
                            -ECHO1 SA58 OSW- -A&K Masada- -VFC FNX-45- -TM Recoil AKs-74u-


                            • #59
                              Re: Two tones?

                              Originally posted by Skolob View Post
                              I thinkits along the lines of attempting to manufacture a rif when you are under 18. It doesn't matter where its used, its the act of doing it.
                              Two things:
                              1) It's NOT manufacturing. Spraying a 2-tone black, or replacing 2-tone parts with black ones is "MODIFYING an IF to become a RIF" - there is a separate clause in the VCRA prohibiting that.
                              2) The ONLY prohibitions in the VCRA that mention age are WRT an under-18 buying an IF/RIF, or selling an IF/RIF to an under-18. NOTHING ELSE.


                              • #60
                                Re: Two tones?

                                we can debate the ins and outs of judicial interpretivism as much as is necessary, but at the end of the day I think its safe to assume that by restricting the sale of airsoft weapons to under 18s, the government intended to restrict the availability of RIFs to under 18s. by that reasoning I would be very surprised if the court didn't take a dim view on 'manufacturing' as opposed to 'purchasing' being all right.

                                that said, hypotheticals and all that ...

                                also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but as its an offence to modify an IF to a RIF, you would need to avail of the defence to do so, and to avail of the defence you need to be a skirmisher. to prove that you would need to be 18. back in a circle again surely?
                                KSC MP7A1 (Tw)
                                mix'n'match M4
                                Maruzen P99


                                About the Author


                                stevensniper I prefer to take my time and be accurate in airsoft, but sometimes you can't beat a good ol' rush ;) Find out more about stevensniper