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Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

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  • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

    its not one or the other for me. it used to just be about the guns, now its all about 'the look'. getting the correct balance of guns and camo to create a realistic loadout. my fetish for ww2 and nam gear however is making each rather costly though *facepalm*


    • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

      Originally posted by Tariq182 View Post
      What the point in spending lots of money on nice guns if you're just going to look a bit ragtag?
      as that makes it even more fun when you ramp out 30rps because someone thinks your ragtag


      • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?

        Bit of both for me.

        You need the guns to play the game, past that i'm not too fussed once i've got one i like.

        But i also pretty much exclusively do re-enacting and wwii/nam/coldwar airsoft these days where the whole point of what we do if to feel like you're in the best 20 mins of your fave warfilm at times. if thats walting then so is playing call of duty... it's all playing soldiers, virtual or in the woods.

        As a former serviceman i do find 'ultra modern' loadouts a little bit 'not to my taste' and personally i dont do any 'impressions' post 1991... I could never have served in those years I'd have been 16 at best and i'm not trying to pass myself off as a serving soldier if i'm wearing 30 year old kit and carrying a practically ancient rifle. I can understand why people do like them though, it's just not for me. The most modern stuff i wear is the stuff i 'aquired' while serving and thats for the odd open day where turning up as a WWII russian can look a bit weird ....

        Again, (and not meaning to open up the can of worms) i see rank as being ok 'symbolically' if you are part of a team and you're voted the teams squad leader etc, looks allright, lets the other players on your side know you're the guy to look to in that group... individuals badged up as brigadiers i find a bit odd.

        But a sort of inverse snobbery about 'the guns are ok but liking kit it weird' is odd too. Basically there is as much of a 'walty' desire to want to own an airsoft gun that looks like a real firearm, feels like one (and in some cases strips down and recoils like one) as there is in wanting your kit to look and feel real... other wise we'd all be running around with 'thunder mauls'.

        I sometimes wonder if i invented the worlds best AEG, with phenominal accuracy, great ergomics, massive mag capacity, great battery life etc etc but it looked like a coke bottle glued to a pea shooter would all those who profess it's 'just about shooting people' and its 'about the game' buy it? If it was the best thing ever but looked toss? Or even if it looked ok but looked like... shudder... a paintball gun?

        essentially why is it ok to spend thousands on an AEG to make it look and feel as close to a real rifle as possible but not ok to want to put the same attention to detail to your kit?

        But as said at the start I enjoy both the guns and the gear, i do like the gun to match the gear though, just would feel weird running around in 70s dpm with an Mp40


        • Re: Do you do airsoft for the guns or the camo?



          About the Author


          RPK for president. Love to airsoft whenever possible ,but Saturday school is a bitch! Find out more about RPK for president.